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Math: FAQ

Important Information

What score would exempt me from taking Math Placement Test?

  • SAT: 580 or higher for Math
  • ACT: Composite Score 26 or higher 
  • College Board AP Probability and Statistics test score of a 4 or higher exempt Math Placement Tests

When is the Math Placement Test offered?

  • The Math and Calculus Placement Test is offered daily unless otherwise noted on our testing appointment request form. 

Should I take my Math Placement Test before Orientation?

  1. Yes, you should take the Math and/or Calculus Placement Test at least one week prior to your scheduled orientation date. 
  2. If you already attended Orientation but did not take your placement test:
    • Sign up for the placement tests you need.
    • After completion, go to the Center for Student Success (D-207) to meet with an advisor.
    • Rearrange class schedule based on your new test score as necessary.

Can I have a calculator with me?

No calculators are permitted for the test and no other outside materials are allowed. An online calculator will be available during the exam on the Accuplacer testing page on questions that the test permits use.  

How long is this exam?

The Math and Calculus Placement Tests are not timed. However, we have found that students typically spend 1 ½ hours on the test.

Please note, we will pause a test after 2.5 hours and request that you schedule a continuation session if you have not yet finished. We have found that success rates decline after 2.5 hours.


What is the cost of the Math and/or Calculus Placement Test?

  • First time: $50.00 (non-refundable) paid via credit card at time of registration.
  • Re-test: $10.00 (non-refundable) paid via credit card at time of registration.

How do I know if I need to take the Calculus Placement Test?

  • Some majors require you take the Calculus Placement Test. If you are majoring within the school of Theoretical and Applied Science (ex: Biology, Chemistry, Biochemistry, Computer Science, or Engineering Physics) you are REQUIRED to take the Calculus Placement. Even if you are exempt from the Math Placement Test, you still need to take the Calculus Placement. The only way to be exempt from the Calculus Placement Test is if you have college level credit for Pre-Calc or Calculus already. 
  • Calculus Placement is NOT required for Nursing majors, psychology majors, or business majors.

What happens if I do not pass the test?

Everyone passes the test. Students who place into developmental courses based upon the results of the placement test should plan to register for and complete these courses before or during their first semester of enrollment at Ramapo College.

Am I eligible to re-test?

Test scores that fall within the following ranges are eligible for the re-test option: Advanced Algebra and Functions 275-280 (Calculus) or 250-260 (Pre-Calculus).

How could I receive accommodations for the Accuplacer?

  • All accommodations (i.e., extended time) must be approved through the Office of Specialized Services.
  • If you were affiliated in High School and wish to be affiliated at Ramapo, please contact the Office of Specialized Services (OSS) located in C-205. You can email them at or call at (201) 684-7514.

Can I take my placement tests at another institution?

  • Yes, if you live more that 75 miles from campus you can take your placement tests at your local institution.
  • You must first request permission by emailing
  • We will send you a voucher form to fill out and then you will need to make an appointment at your local institution that offers Next Generation Accuplacer testing.