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For Students

What Can You Do with a Chemistry/Biochemistry Degree from Ramapo?

  • Job opportunities available to chemistry and biochemistry majors encompass a wide range of activities and institutions.
  • Commercial industrial firms offer the largest number of positions for chemists, with additional opportunities in federal, state, and local government laboratories, research institutes, hospitals, and analytical laboratories.
  • The variety of jobs includes laboratory work, sales, technical service, and administration in the areas of product development, research and production.
  • Companies that our graduates are currently employed at include:
  • A Bachelor’s degree in chemistry is also a valuable background for students wishing to pursue graduate work in medicine, dentistry, or veterinary work as well as in chemistry, biochemistry, or molecular biology.
  • Graduate Schools that our recent graduates have been accepted to include:


  • Medical, Dental, Pharmacy, Optometry Schools that our recent graduates have been accepted to include:


  • Science Teacher: Ramapo College has a Teacher Ed Program where students can obtain High School Teacher Certification

Graduate Stories Post-Ramapo: 

Please click on the photo to hear their stories

Biochemistry Majors:


Gadarth Higgs (2008)            Courtney Mower (2015)       Jennifer Trabucco (2018)

Chemistry Majors:


Gregory Bukoswki (2014)      Aleksander Goranov (2017)

Chemistry Minors:


Sylvia Cimoch (2009)           Amanda Gryzmolowicz (2010)     Keimya Sadeghi (2015)