Professor Eman Abdelfattah Computer Science
- Yash Parikh, Eman Abdelfattah, “Machine Learning Models to Predict Multiclass Protein Classifications,” The 10th IEEE Ubiquitous Computing, Electronics and Mobile Communication Conference (UEMCON), 10th -12th October 2019.
- Brandan Quinn, Eman Abdelfattah, “Machine Learning Meteorologist: Can Predict Rain,” The 10th IEEE Ubiquitous Computing, Electronics and Mobile Communication Conference (UEMCON), 10th -12th October 2019.
- Vanesa Getseva, Salil Maharjan, Eman Abdelfattah, “Performance of Classification Models on Various Types of Character Data,” The 10th IEEE Ubiquitous Computing, Electronics and Mobile Communication Conference (UEMCON), 10th -12th October 2019.
- Yash Parikh, Eman Abdelfattah, “Comparison of Machine Learning Models to Predict Twitter Buzz,” The 10th IEEE Ubiquitous Computing, Electronics and Mobile Communication Conference (UEMCON), 10th -12th October 2019.
- Fekadu Yihunie, Eman Abdelfattah, Amish Regmi, “Applying Machine Learning on Anomaly-Based Intrusion Detection System,” 2019 IEEE Long Island Systems, Applications and Technology Conference (LISAT), Farmingdale, NY, May 3, 2019.
- Kevin Wunderlich, Eman Abdelfattah, “Human Activity and Posture Classification Using Wearable Accelerometer Data,” The 9th IEEE Ubiquitous Computing, Electronics and Mobile Communication Conference (UEMCON), 8-10 November, 2018.
- Fekadu Yihunie, Eman Abdelfattah “Simulation and Analysis of Quality of Service (QoS) of Voice over IP (VoIP) through Local Area Networks,” The 9th IEEE Ubiquitous Computing, Electronics and Mobile Communication Conference (UEMCON), 8-10 November, 2018.
- John Bucherati, Eman Abdelfattah, “Analysis of Routing Protocols in an Emergency Communications Center,” 2018 IEEE Long Island Systems, Applications and Technology Conference (LISAT), Farmingdale, NY, May 4, 2018. (Selected as the “Best Systems Track Paper”)
- Tyler Wilson, Eman Abdelfattah, Samir Hamada, “Evaluation of Routing Protocols with FTP and P2P,” 2018 IEEE Long Island Systems, Applications and Technology Conference (LISAT), Farmingdale, NY, May 4, 2018.
- Fekadu Yihunie, Eman Abdelfattah, Ammar Odeh, “Analysis of Ping of Death DoS and DDoS Attacks,” 2018 IEEE Long Island Systems, Applications and Technology Conference (LISAT), Farmingdale, NY, May 4, 2018.
Professor Steve Anderson Chemistry
- D. Mazza, T. Simons, A. Toth and S. Anderson (2012) Reducing Unsaturated Organic Compounds via Transfer Hydrogenation using Wilkinson’s Catalyst and Isopropanal, JUCR,, 11, 59.
Professor Paramjeet Bagga Bioinformatics, Genomics, Molecular Biology
- Frees, S., *Menendez, C., *Crum, M., and Bagga, P. (2014). QGRS-Conserve: a computational method for discovering evolutionarily conserved G-quadruplex motifs. Human Genomics. 8:8.
- *Menendez, C., Frees, S., and Bagga, P. (2012) QGRS-H Predictor: A Web Server for Predicting Homologous Quadruplex forming G-Rich Sequence Motifs in Nucleotide Sequences. Nucleic Acids Res. doi: 10.1093/nar/gks422.
- Bagga, P. (2012). Development of an undergraduate bioinformatics degree program at a liberal arts college. Yale J Biol Med. 85:309-21.
- *Bindra, R.S., Wang, J.T.L., and Bagga, P.S. (2010). Bioinformatics methods for studying microRNA and ARE mediated regulation of post-transcriptional gene expression. International Journal of Knowledge Discovery in Bioinformatics. 1: 97-112.
- Bagga, P. (2008). Bioinformatics approaches for studying Untranslated Regions of mRNAs. In: Wilusz, J. ed. Methods in Molecular Biology Series: Post-Transcriptional Gene Regulation. The Humana Press Inc., Totowa New Jersey. pp. 1-21.
*Undergraduate students
Professor Kathy Burke Nursing
- Robinson, J and Burke, K. “Generational Differences and Learning Style Preferences in Nurses from a Large Metropolitan Medical Center.” Journal of Nursing and Staff Development. (28)4, July/August 2012
Professor Sourav Dutta Computer Science
Sheheeda Manakkadu, and Sourav Dutta. “On efficient resource allocation in the internet of things environment.” In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on the Internet of Things, p. 22. ACM, 2018.
Sourav Dutta, and Dimitri Kagaris, “Plurality voting and the computation of the average duration of frames of parallel mutual exclusion accesses.” J. of Appl. Math. Inf. Sci. 12(2018), no. 4, 815–823.
Rachael Chertok, Nicholas Cockcroft, and Sourav Dutta. “A Concurrent Recommender System Based on Social Network.” In: Yang A. et al. (eds) Services – SERVICES 2018. SERVICES 2018. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 10975. Springer, Cham, 2018.
Professor Andrea Centrella-Nigro Nursing
- Centrella-Nigro, A. Collaborative testing as post-test review. Nursing Education Perspectives, 33(5) 340-341, 2012.
Professor Scott Frees Computer Science
- Auteri, C., Guerra, M., Frees, S. (2013) “Increasing Precision for Extended Reach 3D Manipulation”. International Journal of Virtual Reality (accepted)
Professor Max Goldberg-Rugalev Mathematics
- Goldberg and S. Kim, A natural diffusion distance and equivalence of local convergence and local equicontinuity for a general symmetric diffusion semigroup, Abstract and Applied Analysis, vol. 2018, Article ID 6281504, 9 pages, 2018.
- M. Goldberg and S. Kim, An efficient tree-based computation of a metric comparable to a natural diffusion distance, Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis, Vol. 33, Issue 2, September 2012, pp. 261-281.
Professor Margaret Greene Nursing
- Greene, M.J. (2018). “Increasing Cultural Competence Utilizing Innovative Partnerships.” Abstract published in the Proceeding of the Annual Reinkemeyer Research Day,Spring 2018.
- Greene, M.J. (2017). “Enhancing Cultural Competence through Clinical Partnerships.” Abstract published in the Proceedings of the 21stAnnual NYU Langone Nursing Research and Evidence-Based Practice Conference, Spring 2017.
- Greene, M.J. (2016). “Creative Academic and Clinical Partnerships in Nursing Education.” Abstract published in the Proceedings of the St. Anselm Annual Conference for Nurse Educators, Spring 2016.
- Greene, M.J. (2015). “Enhancing Cultural Competence through Academic Partnerships: A Case Study for Collaboration.” Abstract published in the Proceedings of the 19thAnnual NYU Langone Nursing Research and Evidence- Based Practice Conference, Spring 2015.
- Greene, M.J. (2014). “A Model for Innovative Partnerships in Nursing Education.” Abstract published in the Proceedings of the18thAnnual NYU Langone Nursing Research and Evidence- Based Practice Conference, Spring 2014.
Professor James Gillespie Mathematics
- AC-Gorenstein rings and their stable module categories, to appear in Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society, Cambridge University Press.
- Duality pairs and stable module categories, to appear in Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, Elsevier Publishing.
- with Sergio Estrada, The projective stable category of a coherent scheme, Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh Section A: Mathematics, 2018, pp.1-29 pages.
- Gorenstein AC-projective complexes, Journal of Homotopy and Relatated Structures, 2018, pp.1-23.
- On Ding injective, Ding projective, and Ding flat modules and complexes, Rocky Mountain J. Math. vol. 47, no. 8, 2017, pp.2641-2673.
- with Sergio Estrada and Sinem Odabasi, Pure exact structures and the pure derived category of a scheme, Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society vol. 163, no. 2, 2017, pp.251-264.
- The flat stable module category of a coherent ring, J. Pure Appl. Algebra vol. 221, no. 8, 2017, pp.2025-2031.
- Models for homotopy categories of injectives and Gorenstein injectives, Comm. Algebra vol. 45, no. 6, 2017, pp.2520-2545.
- Hereditary abelian model categories, Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society vol. 48, no. 6, 2016, pp.895-922.
Professor Eric Karlin Plant Ecology
- Karlin, E. F. 2014. Subgenome analysis of two Southern Hemisphere allotriploid species in Sphagnum (Sphagnaceae). Journal of Bryology 36: 165–179.
- Karlin, E. F., E. M. Temsch, E. Bizuru, J. Marino*, S. B. Boles, N. Devos, A. J. Shaw. 2014. Invisible in plain sight: recurrent double allopolyploidy in the African Sphagnum ×planifolium(Sphagnaceae). The Bryologist 117: 187–201.
- Stenøien, H. K., K. Hassel, R. Segreto, R. Gabriel, E. F. Karlin, A. J. Shaw and K. I. Flatberg. 2014. High morphological diversity in remote island populations of the peat moss Sphagnum palustre: glacial refugium, adaptive radiation or just plasticity? The Bryologist 117: 95–109.
- Karlin, E. F., W. R. Buck, R. D. Seppelt, S. B. Boles, and A. J. Shaw. 2013. The double allopolyploid Sphagnum ×falcatulum (Sphagnaceae) in Tierra del Fuego, a Holantarctic perspective. Journal of Bryology 35: 157–172.
- Complete list of publications
*Ramapo student
Professor Donovan McFeron Mathematics
- Donovan McFeron and Gabor Szekelyhidi “On the Positive Mass Theorem for manifolds with corners.” Communications in Mathematical Physics. 313(2012), 425-443
- Donovan McFeron, “The Mabuchi metric and the Kahler-Ricci flow.” Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society (in press).
Professor Carrie Miller Chemistry & Environmental Science
- Brooks, S., Miller, C., Riscassi, A., Lowe, K., Dickson, J., Schwartz, G. (2021) Increasing Temperature and Flow Management Alter Mercury Dynamics in East Fork Poplar Creek. Hydrological Processes. Available online. DOI 10.1002/hyp.14344.
- Abdelmageed, Y, Miller, C, Sanders, C , Egbo, T , Johs, A , Robertson, BK. (2021) Assessing microbial communities related to mercury transformations in contaminated streambank soil. Water Air Soil Pollut. 232: 31.
- Christensen, G., Gionfriddo, C., King, A., Moberly, J., Miller, C., Somenahally, A., Callister, S., Brewer, H., Podar, M., Brown, S., Palumbo, A., Brandt, C., Wymore, A., Brooks, S., Hwang, C., Fields, M., Wall, J., Gilmour, C., Elias, D. (2019) Determining the Reliability of Measuring Mercury Cycling Gene Abundance with Correlations with Mercury and Methylmercury Concentrations. Environ. Sci. Technol.53:8649-8663.
- Demer, J., Blum. J., Brooks, S., Donovan, P., Riscassi, A., Miller, C., Zheng, W., Gu, B. (2018) Hg isotopes reveal in-stream processing and legacy inputs in East Fork Poplar Creek, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, USA. Enviro. Sci.: Process Impacts. 20:686-707.
- Christensen, G., Somenahally, A., Moberly, J., Miller, C., King, A., Gilmour, C., Brown, S., Podar, M., Brandt, C., Brooks, S., Palumbo, A., Wall, J., Elias, D. (2017) Carbon Amendments Alter Microbial Community Structure and Net Mercury Methylation Potential in Sediments. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. DOI 10.1128/AEM.01049-17.
- Riscassi, A., Miller, C., Brooks, B. (2016) Seasonal and flow-driven dynamics of particulate and dissolved mercury and methylmercury in a stream impacted by an industrial mercury source. Environ. Tox. and Chem. 35:1386-1400.
- Miller, C., Watson, D., Lester, B., Howe, J., Philips, D., Liang, L., Pierce, E. (2015). Formation of soluble mercury oxide coatings: transformation of elemental mercury in soil. Environ. Sci. Technol. 49:12105-12111.
Professor Emma Rainforth Environmental Science
- Lucas, S.G., S. Voigt, A. Lerner, and E. C. Rainforth. 2013. ‘Sphaerapus, a poorly known invertebrate trace fossil from nonmarine Permian and Jurassic strata of North America’. Ichnos, in press.
Professor Edward Saiff Biology
- Saiff, Edward (2011). The Middle Ear Region of the Cariamiformes (Aves). Annals of the Carnegie Museum of Natural History 80(1): 29-33[CA student Daniel Fic was my illustrator]
- Saiff, Edward (2006). The Middle Ear of Falconiiformes.. Annals of the Carnegie Museum of Natural History 75(2): 69-96 [student Thomas Nevins was my illustrator]
Professor Ash Stuart Biochemistry & Bioinformatics
- Vincent P. Buonaccorsi, Michael D. Boyle, Deborah Grove, Craig Praul, Eric Sakk, Ash Stuart, Tammy Tobin, Jay Hosler, Susan L. Carney, Michael J. Engle, Barry E. Overton, Jeffrey D. Newman, Marie Pizzorno, Jennifer R. Powell, and Nancy Trun, “GCAT-SEEKquence: Genome Consortium for Active Teaching of Undergraduates through Increased Faculty Access to Next-Generation Sequencing Data” CBE-Life Science Education, Vol. 10, 342-345, 2011.
Professor Osei Tweneboah Data Science
- M.C. Mariani, O.K. Tweneboah and M.P. Beccar-Varela, Data Science in Theory and Practice: Techniques for Big Data Analytics and Complex Data Sets, John Wiley & Sons, September 2021.
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