Admission for New Students (Not Required for Matriculated Ramapo Students)
- Review the admission instructions for non-matriculated students on the Admissions Website.
- Review the Academic Calendar for deadline dates.
- Submit the completed form and documentation to the Admissions Office. These documents can be faxed or mailed to this office.
- Once the documents have been received, a Ramapo ID Number (R number) and pin will then be issued.
- Students are responsible for registering for their courses on the web.
Academic Advising
- All students should obtain advisement before registering for courses. Visiting students should obtain advisement from their home institution before taking a course at Ramapo.
Registering for the course
- You must activate your Ramapo e-mail account to register for classes.
- Look up course of interest under the Schedule of Classes.
- Review the course details for the pre-requisites and requirements for the course.
- A limited number of seats are available for these courses.
- The last day to register for courses is the first day of the session.
- Register online for the class you wish to take.
- Once registered, please review the “Important Questions To Ask Concerning Online Courses” for additional information.
Tuition and Course Fee
Financial Aid
- Please review the Financial Aid website for additional information.
Incomplete Policy
On Campus Courses
Given in exceptional circumstances when approved by the instructor and when requested by a student who has satisfactorily completed at least two-thirds of course requirements prior to the end of a term, for reasons of illness or other emergency. When the work is completed by the date indicated on the academic calendar, the grade assigned replaces the I. If work is not satisfactorily completed by the date indicated in the Academic Calendar, the grade is changed to F.
Online Courses Only
- Review the Academic Calendar for Incomplete Dates
- Students will need to submit a request from their Ramapo e-mail account to their instructor. Online Incomplete Forms may be obtained by contacting Office of the Registrar.
- The Online Incomplete Form must be completed by the student and the signature field, completion date, and the work to be completed filled in by the instructor.
- The form then needs to be submitted to the Office of the Registrar: The Incomplete Request Form must be received in the Office of the Registrar by the last day of the semester/session.
Incomplete Extensions
- In extraordinary circumstances a student may petition for an incomplete extension. This must be filed with the Office of the Registrar no later than the last day to resolve an incomplete as per the Academic Calendar. The incomplete extension form must be obtained from the Office of the Registrar.
Cancellation Policy
- The college reserves the right to cancel any course for which enrollment is insufficient. Students may then register, without penalty within regular registration deadlines, for another course of equal credit or receive a refund of tuition and fees. The College also reserves the right to change faculty assignments, day and times when necessary. All registration adjustments are transacted via the Web.
Additional Help
- Academic – Please contact the professor via e-mail.
- Tech/User Support/Moodle Learning System Login Issues – Contact Information Technology Services at or call (201) 684-7777
- Registration – Contact the Registrar’s office at or call (201) 684-7695
- Payment Information – Contact the Office of Student Accounts at or call (201) 684-7495