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“Ramapo prepared me to be a lifelong learner and to think critically. After completing my undergraduate studies, I returned to earn my master’s degrees in both Educational Technology and Educational Leadership. All of my experience at Ramapo, from undergraduate to graduate, prepared me for my current role as Manager of School Partnerships for Carnegie Learning based in Pittsburgh. I deliver professional development programs to schools K-12 and higher education, mainly in New York City, but I travel around the country delivering professional development bettering outcomes for mathematics education for tomorrow’s leaders. ” – Michael Morici ’10, ’13, ’17 graduated with Bachelor of Science in Mathematics with a Teacher Certification as well as a Master of Science in Educational Technology and then a Master of Arts in Educational Technology. While at Ramapo, Michael received the Robert NOYCE Teaching Scholarship. He is currently the Manager of School Partnerships at Carnegie Learning.
505 Ramapo Valley Road
Mahwah, NJ 07430
p: 201-684-7500
e: information@ramapo.edu
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