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“There is a warmth and intimacy that I appreciate here at Ramapo College. You can see it in the small class sizes that affords me the ability to approach learning from an applied experience where students know their peers well and have developed a trust that allows them to take risks in their development with role play exercises and simulations. It can also be seen in the way faculty can connect with other professionals on campus to create a safe and active community life. For example, I recently collaborated with members of the Alcohol and Drug (AOD) Task Force and the Athletics Department on campus to write a grant to support AOD prevention efforts for students.
I have had numerous opportunities at the College to collaborate with students on meaningful teaching and mentoring experiences, but these are a few of my favorites. Over the past four years, I have participated with students in the Substance Abuse Minor in National Drug Facts Week, which is sponsored by the National Institute on Drug Abuse with the goal of getting those with expertise in the field of addiction to education middle and high school students on the dangers of alcohol and other drugs. For four consecutive years, the students in the Substance Abuse Minor have prepared and facilitated a substance abuse prevention program at either Teaneck High School or Jefferson Township Middle School. In 2013, I collaborated with two students to present on the experience of Drug Facts Week at a substance abuse conference hosted by Ramapo College. I also have worked independently with a student on research, which the student not only presented about at Scholar’s Day but we also have a co-authored article submitted to a journal under review for publication.”
– Stephanie Sarabia, an Assistant Professor in Social Work and the Convener of Substance Abuse Minor, first joined Ramapo in 2012. For more information, please visit Stephanie’s Faculty Profile.
School of Social Science and Human Services
Recent Publications
Peer Reviewed Publications:
Sarabia, S. E., & Martin, J. I. (2016). Are Baby Boomer women unique? The moderating effect of birth cohort on age in substance use patterns during midlife. Journal of Women & Aging, 28(2)
Sarabia, S. E. (2015). Social workers and brief interventions: A research-informed approach to changing views on marijuana. Journal of Social Work Practice in the Addictions, 15(3), 337-340.
Klein, E., & Sarabia, S. E. (2014). Co-Occurring Disorders: Clinical, program, and policy considerations. Addiction, Recovery & Aftercare, 1, 35-53.
Sarabia, S. E., & Martin, J. I. (2013). Aging effects on substance use among midlife women: The moderating influence of race and substance. Journal of Social Work Practice in the Addictions, 13(4), 417-435.
Invited Publications:
Shibusawa, T. & Sarabia, S. E. (2015). Social work practice with older adults with substance/alcohol abuse problems. In D. B. Kaplan & B. Berkman (Eds.), The Handbook of Social Work in Health and Aging (2nd Edition (pp. 397-406) New York: Oxford University Press.
Sarabia, S. E. (2014). Drug and alcohol screening. In Encyclopedia of Human Services and Diversity. Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications, Inc.
Pape, P. A., & Sarabia, S. E. (2013). Assessment and treatment of women with substance use disorders. In S.L.S. Straussner (Ed.), Clinical Practice with Substance Abusing Clients (3rd edition) (pp. 442-465). New York: Guilford Press.
Sarabia, S. E. (2013). Cultural considerations of Huntington’s disease. In Cultural Sociology of Mental Illness. Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications, Inc.
Awards and Accomplishments
Peer Reviewed Presentations:
Sarabia, S. E., & Hyppolite, M. (October, 2015). Evolving Parent Perceptions of Marijuana Use from Resignation and Indifference to Disapproval. Paper session at the APM of the Council on Social Work Education, Denver, Colorado
Sarabia, S. E. (October, 2015). Creating Meaningful Learning Experience in Substance Abuse Courses. Paper session at the NAADAC: The Association for Addiction Professionals National Conference, Washington, D.C.
Sarabia, S. E., & Hyppolite, M. (June, 2015). Everybody is Not doing it: Evolving Parent Perceptions of Marijuana Use from Acceptance and Indifference to Disapproval. Paper session presented at The 47th Annual Addiction Institute for the New York City Chapter of the National Association of Social Workers, New York, New York
Sarabia, S. E. (October, 2014). Creating Meaningful Learning Experience in Social Work Electives. Paper session at the APM of the Council on Social Work Education, Tampa, Florida
Sarabia, S. E. (June, 2014). Start where the learner is at: A social work approach to helping addiction professionals in recovery embrace evidence-based practice. Paper session presented at The 46th Annual Addiction Institute for the New York City Chapter of the National Association of Social Workers, New York, New York
Sarabia, S. E., & Martin, J. I. (November, 2013). Aging Out among Substance-Using Midlife Women: Racial/Ethnic and Substance Differences. Paper session at the APM of the Council on Social Work Education, Dallas, Texas
Sarabia, S. E. (October, 2013) Creating challenging learners: Helping students evaluate their substance abuse biases/myths and becoming open to scientific learning. Paper session at the NAADAC: The Association for Addiction Professionals National Conference, Atlanta, Georgia.
Klein, E., & Sarabia, S. E. (June, 2013). The Social Work Role in the Provision of Integrated Treatment for Dually Diagnosed Clients Identified through Evidenced Based Practice and Policy Advocacy. Paper session presented at The 45th Annual Addiction Institute for the New York City Chapter of the National Association of Social Workers, New York, New York
Sarabia, S. E., & Klein, E. (June, 2013). Substance Abuse Prevention from a Community Perspective: An Evidenced Based Approach. Paper session presented at The 45th Annual Addiction Institute for the New York City Chapter of the National Association of Social Workers, New York, New York
Klein, E., & Sarabia, S. E. (May, 2013). How to Provide Effective Care to Individuals Dually Diagnosed with a Mental Illness and Substance Abuse Disorder. Paper session presented at the 24th Annual Institute for the Network for Social Work Management, Newark, New Jersey
Sarabia, S. E. (November, 2008). Older Women and Substance Abuse. Paper session presented at the APM of Council on Social Work Education, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Invited Presentations:
Sarabia, S. E., De George, T., & McGuire, J. (April, 2013). Coming Together: An Evidence-Based Substance Abuse Prevention Project. Ramapo College of New Jersey, School of Social Science and Human Services, Mahwah, New Jersey
B.A. in Psychology, New Jersey City University, 1994
M.S.W. in Social Work, New York University, 1997
Ph.D. in Social Work, New York University, 2012
Classes Known For
Social Work Theory, Practice, & Field I & II
Counseling with Substance Abusers I & II
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