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“Leadership positions have helped me further develop academically. Serving as the Student Trustee and Alternate Student Trustee over the past two years, I have learned a significant amount about higher education. By working with the Board of Trustees, I have improved my critical thinking and analytical skills, which are directly transferable to my academic studies. I have also been able to find practical applications of my studies, specifically theoretical mathematical statistics, to the work I do in this role” – Kevin Ng ’16 graduated with a degree in Mathematics, a minor in Economics and a teaching certification. He completed independent research as an Eastern Economics Association Intern and held positions with Atlantic Baseball Confederation Collegiate League as a League Statistician and Vice President of Media Relations.
As a student, Kevin was heavily involved on campus. He was part of the Student Government Association (Student Trustee and Secretary of Delegate Affairs), College Advocates Supporting Higher Education Committee (Co-Chair), Strategic Planning Task Force (Student Representative), a Peer Facilitator, Fed Challenge (Captain), Ramapo Admissions Student Ambassador, Student Leadership Programming Committee (Student Representative), Civic and Community Engagement Center (Student Coordinator), an Orientation Leader, Office of Specialized Services (Peer Coach), Reclaim My Math Program (Student Tutor), Honors Development Group (Leader), and part of the Ultimate Frisbee Team. His involvement was recognized with the following awards on and off campus: Congressional Award, Ramapo College Pillars Award, Pi Mu Epsilon Mathematics Honor Society, Delta Kappa Pi Teacher Education Honor Society, Omicron Delta Kappa National Leadership Honor Society, Alpha Lambda Delta Honor Society, Outstanding Leadership by a First Year Student Award, Outstanding Leadership by a Sophomore Award, Who’s Who Among Students in American Colleges and Universities, Golden Key International Honor Society, and Eagle Scout.
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