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“I spent the fall semester of 2012 in the beautiful city of Barcelona with the International Studies Abroad (ISA). I was a student at the University of Barcelona where I took all Spanish-speaking courses with many other local college students. I lived with a host family, which was an absolutely wonderful opportunity for me to get a perspective on life abroad and the culture of the country through a Spanish family. I even learned how to speak a little Catalan (the official language of Cataluña, the region in the northeast corner of Spain). Every day I walked past medieval gothic castles, Antonio Gaudi’s mosaic buildings and beautiful work by some of the most popular cubist and surreal artists, Picasso and Dali. Barcelona is a stunning and unique Mediterranean city. I loved it! My experience, not only in Spain but also on my weekend trips to other countries in Europe was priceless. I also took part in the Alternate Spring Break program to Cabarete in the Dominican Republic in 2013. We spent our time volunteering for the DREAM Project, a no-profit organization that strives to bring the highest quality of education to impoverished communities. It was an amazing learning experience especially for students in the Teacher Education Program because we were able to build our own lessons and lead classroom activities. My most valuable learning experiences happened while I was overseas. To study and to volunteer abroad were among the most significant decisions I made in college.” – Kathia Cintron ’14 graduated with a degree in Spanish Language Studies, focusing on a Teacher Certificate for Secondary Education, and a minor in Substance Abuse.
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