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Student: Tahmina Ahmed, Angie Cisneros, & Hannah Ovadia
Advisor: Dr. Cataliotti
Project: “Hearing and Seeing: A Cross Modal Experiment”
Student: Justin Afflitto
Advisor: Dr. Choudhury
Project: “Visuospatial Passive Motor Engagement and Memory”
Student: Frank Bieniek
Advisor: Dr. Salter
Project: “Goal-Setting with Athletes”
Student: Chris Bober
Advisor: Dr. Ishak
Project: “Situational Subjectivity and IQ Tests”
Student: Chris Bober, Madison Gray & Samantha Bolan
Advisor: Dr. Salter
Project: “Ethnicity, Makeup, & Perceptions of Promiscuity”
Student: Melinda Disharoon
Advisor: Dr. Choudhury
Project: “Just another Piece of the Puzzle: How Mindfulness Affects Problem Solving”
Student: Bridget Duffy
Advisor: Dr. Choudhury
Project: “Female Nerd Comfort Levels”
Student: Alison Haight
Advisor: Dr. Choudhury
Project: “Music’s Effect on Context Dependent Memory”
Student: Kimberly Halloran
Advisor: Dr. Cataliotti
Project: “Physiological and Psychological Measures of Stress in Student Research”
Student: Melissa Jones
Advisor: Dr. Perez-Strumolo
Project: “Twitter, Aggression & Sports Obsession”
Student: Kaitlyn Lane
Advisor: Dr. Choudhury
Project: “Exercise’s Academic Effects in College Students”
Student: Christian Lucca
Advisor: Dr. Salter
Project: “PowerPoint Effectiveness Study”
Student: Kevin Manz
Advisor: Dr. Reich
Project: “Effects of a Novel Chronic Social Defeat Paradigm on Fear Conditioning and Depressive-like Behaviors in Adolescent Rats”
Student: Jessica Napolitano
Advisor: Dr. Choudhury
Project: “Association between Speed of Processing and Prelinguistic Communication Ckills in 7-Month-Olds”
Student: Shane O’Sullivan
Advisor: Dr. Choudhury
Project: “How Sleep Deprivation Impacts Productivity”
Student: Jenna L. Paparozzi
Advisor: Dr. Choudhury
Project: “Facial Attractiveness: Symmetrical vs. Asymmetrical”
Student: Grace Pasquali
Advisor: Dr. Choudhury
Project: “Alcohol Use Based on Ramapo College Students Affiliation with Family Unit”
Student: Joseph T. Petrillo
Advisor: Dr. Choudhury
Project: “The Influence of Music on Emotional Response”
Student: Kay Serna
Advisor: Dr. Choudhury
Project: “Eating Breakfast and Performance Level Based on Students at Ramapo College”
Student: Rebecca Spero
Advisor: Dr. Choudhury
Project: “Quantity vs Quality: Does the Quantity of Time You Spend Engaging in Musical Activities Relate to the Quality of Your Mental Health?”
Student: Meghan Ryan
Advisor: Dr. Crawley
Project: “Correlation between the Stability of One’s Physical State and the Desirable Traits in a Mate as Well as Loneliness”
Student: Kaela Thomas
Advisor: Dr. Choudhury
Project: “The Effects of Technology on Face to Face Communication”
Student: Lisa Tordo
Advisor: Dr. Perez-Strumolo
Project: “Religiosity, Self-esteem, Self-efficacy & Altruism in College Students”
Student: Michael Tursi
Advisor: Dr. Choudhury
Project: “What Is the Relationship Between Stress and Alcohol Consumption in College Students?”
Student: Matthew Kobza
Advisor: Dr. Salter
Project: “Religion and Spirituality among Young Adults”
Student: Erin Moran
Advisor: Dr. Perez-Strumolo
Project: “A Psychosocial Analysis of Behavior Problems in Children”
Student: Adam Assoian
Advisor: Shaziela Ishak
Project: “Visual guidance when army crawling under barriers”. Poster to be presented at the annual Vision Sciences Society conference, Naples, FL, May 2013.
Student: Gregory Gentile
Advisor: Shaziela Ishak
Project: “The effects of play and name information on the learning of unfamiliar objects”. Poster presented at the annual Eastern Psychological Association conference, New York, NY, March 2013.
Student: Marianella Clavelo and Roya Amirniroumand
Advisor: Shaziela Ishak
Project: “Through the hole: On the development of body and object perception”. Poster presented at the meeting of the International Congress of Psychology, Cape Town, SOUTH AFRICA, July 2012
Student: Julie Haymaker
Advisor: Shaziela Ishak
Project: “Accidents may me due to too tiny safety margins”. Poster presented at the meeting of the International Congress of Psychology, Cape Town, SOUTH AFRICA, July 2012
Student: Julie Haymaker, Marianella Clavelo, and Roya Amirniroumand
Advisor: Shaziela Ishak
Project: “Through the hole: measuring functional object knowledge”. Poster presented at the 57th Annual New Jersey Academy of Science Meeting Seton Hall University, South Orange, NJ, April 2012
Student: Olga Bouzyla and Danielle Koeber
Advisor: Kristin Kenneavy
Project: “Relationship Status and Bystander Intervention”, Poster to be presented at the Eastern Sociological Society Meeting, March 2013, Boston
Student: Christina Vega and Brooke Longo
Advisor: Kristin Kenneavy
Project: “Victims of Violence: Race and Gender”, Poster to be presented at the Eastern Sociological Society Meeting, March 2013, Boston
Student: Maeve Geraghty and David Marks
Advisor: Kristin Kenneavy
Project: “Victim Gender and Bystander Intervention”, Poster to be presented at the Eastern Sociological Society Meeting, March 2013, Boston
Student: Rebecca Panitch and Garrett Stahl
Advisor: Kristin Kenneavy
Project: “The Effect of Gender on Bystander Response to a Rape Scenario”, Poster to be presented at the Eastern Sociological Society Meeting, March 2013, Boston
Student: Matthew Adams
Advisor: Kristin Kenneavy
Project: “Affirmation Bias among Internet-Using Activists”, Poster to be presented at the Eastern Sociological Society Meeting, March 2013, Boston
Student: Jessica Alexander and T.L. Kushner (co-authors, with Kristin Kenneavy)
Advisor: Kristin Kenneavy
Project: “Student Extracurricular Participation and Bystander Intervention: A Special Case for Greeks and Athletes?” Paper to be presented at the American Sociological Association’s 107th Annual Meeting in Denver, CO, August 2012.
Student: Torin Barnes and Ashley Waldemar
Advisor: Kristin Kenneavy
Project: Poster: “Intervention in Relation to Past Experiences”, presented at the 82nd Annual Meeting of the Eastern Sociological Society in New York City, Feb. 25th, 2012.
Student: Jessica Alexander and T.R. Kushner
Advisor: Kristin Kenneavy
Project: Poster: “Extracurricular Club Affiliation and Bystander Behavior”, presented at the 82nd Annual Meeting of the Eastern Sociological Society in New York City, Feb. 25th, 2012.
Student: Nana Osei-Agyeman and Lyanne Prieto
Advisor: Dominique Johnson
Project: “School Desegregation in America: A Spatial Policy Analysis”, Spring 2012
Student: Jennifer Voelker
Advisor: Naseem A. Choudhury
Project: The role of parenting, infant temperament, and mastery motivation in the development of problem-solving abilities in infants with a family history of Specific Language Impairment and control infants.
Product: Poster entitled “Parenting Style and Language Abilities in Children with a Family History of SLI,” Psychology Student Research Symposium of Ramapo College, April 2011
Student: Rita Palladino
Advisor: Naseem A. Choudhury
Project: Investigation of State of the Art Technologies in Stroke Rehabilitation.
Product: Poster entitled “Methods of Rehabilitation – Investigation of State of the Art Technologies in Stroke Rehabilitation,” Psychology Student Research Symposium of Ramapo College, April 2011
Students: Jessica Parascando and Rita Palladino
Advisor: Naseem A. Choudhury
Project: Assessing consciousness using cortical electrophysiology in adults
Students: Rachael Trover and Brielle Marino
Advisor: Shaziela Ishak
Project: Exploring how children learn to fit objects into openings.
Products: Poster entitled “How Children Learn to Solve Fitting Problems,” conference for the American Psychological Society, May 2011; poster entitled “Young Children Solving Fitting Problems,” Psychology Student Research Symposium of Ramapo College, April 2011
Students: Rachael Trover and Brielle Marino
Advisor: Shaziela Ishak
Project: Exploring how children learn to fit objects into openings.
Products: Poster entitled “How Children Learn to Solve Fitting Problems,” conference for the American Psychological Society, May 2011; poster entitled “Young Children Solving Fitting Problems,” Psychology Student Research Symposium of Ramapo College, April 2011
Students: Roya Amirniroumand and Marianela Clavelo
Advisor: Shaziela Ishak
Project: Exploring the psychological factors related to entrapment injuries among children.
Products: Poster entitled “An Examination of Children’s accuracy at Fitting the Body and Objects through Openings,” COPLAC conference in October 2010; poster entitled “Children’s Accuracy at Fitting the Body and Objects through Openings,” Society for Research in Child Development conference, March 2011; poster entitled “An Exploration of Children’s Accuracy at Fitting,” Psychology Student Research Symposium of Ramapo College, April 2011
Student: Jillian Consovoy
Advisor: Kathryn Krase
Project: Conducted internet searches and interviewed staff from New Jersey’s Division of Youth and Family Services as well as various school boards to determine what child maltreatment identification and reporting training is provided in New Jersey and through what means.
Product: Research results are being used to design new training.
Student: Kim Mikiewicz
Advisor: Kathryn Krase
Project: Two large-scale data-entry projects transferring results from the SPSS analysis of child maltreatment reports in the counties on New Jersey as well as the states of the United States to an excel spreadsheet for further analysis.
Product: Research results are being used in two national conference presentations given by the advisor.
Student: Matt Adams
Advisor: Henri Lustiger-Thaler
Project: Online network analysis for the film Memory after Belsen.
Product: Face Book strategy for the film
Student: Emanuel Alvarez
Advisor: Marta Vides Saade
Project: Research, development, and organization of multi-media instructional material on criminal justice negotiation and trials, in Spanish, providing examples of plea negotiation, witness presentation, opening and closing statements.
Product: Multi-media instructional material
Students: Jennifer Leavy, Jessica Parascando, Chris Pivko, and Stephan Dalal
Advisor: Joseph Cataliotti
Project: Lightness Contrast Effects and Superseers.
Products: Poster entitled “Lightness Contrast Effects and Superseers,” Psychology Student Research Symposium of Ramapo College, April 2011; poster entitled “Lightness Contrast Effects and Superseers,” Annual Meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association in Cambridge, MA, March 2011
Student: Jennifer Leavy
Advisor: Joseph Cataliotti
Project: Alternative Predictors of College Academic Success.
Products: Poster entitled “Alternative Predictors of College Academic Success,” Psychology Student Research Symposium of Ramapo College, April 2011; poster entitled “Alternative Predictors of College Academic Success,” Annual Meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association in Cambridge, MA, March 2011
Students: Erich Jost and Francisco Montes
Advisor: Kristin Kenneavy
Project: Data cleaning, entry, and analyses for a study on students’ attitudes toward, and behavior surrounding, power-based personal violence.
Product: Paper presented at the 2011 Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association Meeting, August 2011
Students: Eric Wuethrich and Crystal Barron
Advisor: Kristin Kenneavy
Project: Data cleaning, entry, and analyses for a study on students’ attitudes toward, and behavior surrounding, power-based personal violence; analysis of pre- and post-test survey data to detect statistically significant changes in attitudes among students who participated in the Women’s Centers VIP Training Session.
Product: Report to the S.A.F.E. Coalition of Bergen County, May, 2011
Students: Paul Toronidis, Craig Brandegee, Nana Osei-Agyeman
Advisor: Dominique Johnson
Project: Creation and organization of a dataset, identification of different sources of varied data, hypothesis development, and a briefing of relevant United States Supreme Court cases for a project entitled “School Desegregation in America: A Spatial Policy Analysis.”
Student: Valerie Picinich
Advisor: Michael Bitz
Project: Assistance in the research of digital platforms and technologies applicable to literacy building, youth development, and other sectors of K12 education and in the integration of these technologies into the advisor’s course.
Student: Victoria Blume
Advisor: Leah Warner
Project: First Impressions and Perception of Single Individuals.
Product: Poster entitled “First Impressions and Perception of Single Individuals,” Psychology Student Research Symposium of Ramapo College, April 2011
Student: Amanda Swanson
Advisor: Leah Warner
Project: The Relationship between Personality Attributes and Facebook Activities.
Product: Poster entitled “The Relationship between Personality Attributes and Facebook Activities,” Psychology Student Research Symposium of Ramapo College, April 2011
Students: Heather Barreto, Mariana Posada, and Kristin Gosse
Advisor: Leah Warner
Project: Reactions to Feedback.
Product: Talk on “Reactions to Feedback,” Psychology Student Research Symposium of Ramapo College, April 2011
Student: Wendy Levine
Advisor: Christina Reich
Project: Effects of Chronic Social Defeat on Hippocampal-Dependent Fear Conditioning in Adolescent Rats.
Product: Poster entitled “Effects of Chronic Social Defeat on Hippocampal-Dependent Fear Conditioning in Adolescent Rats,” Psychology Student Research Symposium of Ramapo College, April 2011
Student: Michelle Fried
Advisor: Christian Reich
Project: Investigating Perceived-Sixty-Second Accuracy in Relation to Temperature Stress.
Product: Poster entitled “Investigating Perceived-Sixty-Second Accuracy in Relation to Temperature Stress,” Psychology Student Research Symposium of Ramapo College, April 2011
Student: Gregory Mihalik
Advisor: Christina Reich
Project: Chronic Stress regulation of the Endocannabinoid System: Effects on Hippocampal Synaptic Physiology.
Product: Poster entitled “Chronic Stress regulation of the Endocannabinoid System: Effects on Hippocampal Synaptic Physiology,” Psychology Student Research Symposium of Ramapo College, April 2011
Student: William Hagen
Advisor: Gordon Bear
Project: Are Males Predisposed to Have Higher Levels of In-Group Loyalty and Out-Group Hostility Than Females?
Product: Poster and talk entitled “Are Males Predisposed to Have Higher Levels of In-Group Loyalty and Out-Group Hostility Than Females?”, Psychology Student Research Symposium of Ramapo College, April 2011
Student: Marianela Clavelo
Advisor: Donna Crawley
Project: Second Language Proficiency and the Critical Period.
Product: Poster entitled “Second Language Proficiency and the Critical Period,” Psychology Student Research Symposium of Ramapo College, April 2011
Student: Elisha Gordon
Advisor: Donna Crawley
Project: Sexual Behaviors of Ramapo College Undergraduate Students.
Product: Talk and poster entitled “Sexual Behaviors of Ramapo College Undergraduate Students,” Psychology Student Research Symposium of Ramapo College, April 2011
Student: James Lasky
Advisor: Robert Becklen
Project: The impact of the environment on psychological attitudes and well-being.
Product: Poster entitled “The impact of the environment on psychological attitudes and well-being,” Psychology Student Research Symposium of Ramapo College, April 2011
Student: Caitlyn Ferreira
Advisor: Nicholas Salter
Project: Are You Hot Enough for the Job?
Product: Poster entitled “Are You Hot Enough for the Job?”, Psychology Student Research Symposium of Ramapo College, April 2011
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