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For admissions related questions such as how to apply and application deadlines see https://www.ramapo.edu/undergraduate/freshmen/faqs/
The required courses, course descriptions, and four year plan can be found at https://www.ramapo.edu/catalog/wp-getpage.php?p=sshs/psychology/
If you are interested in declaring a major or minor in Psychology please make an appointment with the convener of Psychology to discuss the program and complete a Major/Minor Declaration form. The current convener is Dr. Shaziela Ishak and her email address is sishak@ramapo.edu or visit her office in G274.
Your assigned advisor is updated during the first month of each semester and can be found at the bottom of your Degree Evaluation. Only students who have earned 32 credits or more and have a declared major are assigned faculty advisors in their majors.
Other FAQs such as how to get your degree evaluation can be found at https://www.ramapo.edu/studentsuccess/faq/
In these courses students will learn about conducting Psychological research in order to complete their own research study and write an APA style empirical report. Students must register for both courses with the same instructor. The courses are open to Junior and Senior Psychology majors who have also passed CRWT 102, PSYC 102, and PSYC 242 (or equivalent courses). Students must pass both Research Methods and Data Analysis before registering for Fieldwork or Capstone Seminar courses.
All Psychology students have the unique opportunity to gain direct applied experience through Category 7: Fieldwork/Independent Research. Students have had a variety of placements such in an elementary school, outpatient clinic, day care center, a hospice for seniors, day programs for adults, in the court system etc. The courses emphasize the application of concepts, theories, and research findings to students’ experiences in their fieldwork placements.
Students should contact instructors of the fieldwork courses they are interested in before registering because each course follows different procedures. Some instructors will contact students before the start of the class to find a placement and begin the application process.
Students should expect to set aside 1 or 2 days each week for their placements. You will be expected to devote 60 hours of time over the semester at your placement. Student must also attend classes and complete assignments such as a research-based term paper. Many agencies require that students complete a training session before the start of the semester. Most agencies require that students pass a criminal background check in order to be placed in an agency. Research Methods and Data Analysis courses are prerequisites for all Category 7 courses and some Fieldwork courses have additional requirements.
Research participation provides opportunities for students to experience the methods used to study the human mind and behavior, and participation is found to increase students’ knowledge of psychology as a field. Many of our faculty work with students to complete a variety of research projects for presentation at professional conferences. Read the faculty bios of our faculty members and check out the faculty/student research page at https://www.ramapo.edu/sshs/psychology/facultystudent-research/ Contact faculty members directly to participate in on-going research.
Students in the Introduction to Psychology course can also participate in research studies as part of the course requirements. The studies are designed by Ramapo’s professors and students. The findings will be used for journal articles and student projects. Students can access research opportunities using our online subject pool system at http://ramapo.sona-systems.com/. Instructions on how to use the system are at http://sites.google.com/site/ramapoparticipation/ The subject pool coordinators will send you a temporary password via email after the course add/drop period is over. If you have any questions please email the subject pool coordinator, Dr. Warner lwarner@ramapo.edu.
Psi Chi is the National Honor Society in Psychology, which exists to encourage, stimulate, and maintain excellence in scholarship and advance the science of psychology. Check out the Psi Chi chapter at Ramapo College at https://www.ramapo.edu/sshs/psychology/psi-chi-honor-society/
Many, but not all, graduate programs require students take undergraduate Statistics (PSYC 242). If students are planning on attending graduate school it is highly recommended that they take Statistics. Please note that Statistics (PSYC 242) is not the same course as Probability and Statistics (MATH 108). Students who started Fall 2020 are now required to take PSYC 242 to graduate.
We can arrange for students to earn course credit for experiential activities through our independent study course option. However, the work you do must be directly and clearly relevant to psychology.
You must identify a faculty member whose area of expertise relates to the work you will be doing. You would arrange a meeting with that instructor and develop a proposal for an Independent Study. The faculty mentor and students work together to formulate a plan that includes specific activities and outcomes and/or products the student will produce to demonstrate their progress. The final proposal then has to be reviewed and approved by the dean.
Students can also earn credit through a Co-Op which is arranged in conjunction with the Cahill Career Development Center. The link for the co-op program is https://www.ramapo.edu/careercenter/get-started/.
Students may earn credit for psychology and meet some category requirements through study abroad. However, this requires review and approval by the convener. Students interested in learning more about this should arrange to meet with the convener and bring with them course descriptions (and eventually syllabi) in order to allow the convener to determine equivalency.
If you do not have those materials, you can meet with the convener to discuss how the course equivalency works. This would help you decide which types of courses to take abroad.
Students may transfer course credit for psychology courses taken at other institutions. However, this process requires review and approval by the convener of psychology. Students interested in course equivalency must arrange to meet with the convener, bring with them a copy of their degree audit (detailed form) and the syllabus for the course for which they would like credit transferred.
The convener reviews the syllabus and determines whether the course meets the Ramapo program requirements. If so, the convener will fill out and sign a “Course Equivalency Form,” which the student delivers to the registrar’s office.
For courses that would meet a school core requirement, students should arrange to meet with the Dean of SSHS. For courses that might meet a Gen Ed requirement, students should see their advisor in the Center for Student Success.
The term “clinical” whether in psychology or in social work, means that the focus of the work and training is on assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of “pathology,” commonly referred to as mental illness.
The term “counseling” in psychology points to a focus on the strengths of individuals rather than pathology in individuals. In other words, training in counseling is focused on helping individuals improve through identification of strengths and supports.
Regardless of the focus, both Clinical and counseling psychologists have to have an understanding of mental illness and effective, evidence-based treatment strategies in order to be successful in their work.
In practice, you may at first notice little difference in the kinds of activities a social worker and a licensed psychologist might engage in. However, there are significant differences. Most notably, it is important to understand that psychology is a science. As such, psychologists rely on scientific methods for developing their understanding of human behavior and for developing treatment methods.
While the strategies used by social workers rely on the scientific method, their training is more often focused on social factors and their impact on human behavior and wellness. As a result, social workers are more often involved in identifying, developing and providing community-based services to their clients. For more information on differences in licensing between the two groups click on the differences between Licensed Psychologist and Licensed Social Workers on https://www.ramapo.edu/sshs/psychology/psychology-related-websites/
If you are considering applying to graduate school, please starting planning early. There are several steps involved in the application process such as researching graduate programs, possibly taking the GRE test or other standardized test, asking for 2-3 recommendation letters, writing an admissions essay or a personal statement, and requesting transcripts. Additionally, you may want to strengthen your application by working with faculty on research project. It is best to speak to your advisor as soon as possible so that you can create a personal calendar.
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