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MSW Practicum Education

MSW Practicum Education

Welcome to the Practicum Education component of the Master of Social Work Program at Ramapo College.

The social work profession deems practicum education as its signature pedagogy. As such, practicum education is the framework in which students are socialized into the profession of social work and learn to function as professionals. Practicum instruction is designed to enable students to apply and integrate theoretical concepts, knowledge and practical skills learned in the classroom.

Practicum education in the MSW program requires 500 hours in the foundation year and 500 hours in the concentration year. Practicum education is connected to the four Social Work Theory and Practice courses, two in the foundation year and two in the concentration year. The practicum education expectations translate to approximately 17 hours a week of practicum for all students enrolled in a Social Work Theory and Practice course. Practicum education also includes involvement in Practicum Seminar on days students are scheduled to be on campus, which is further explained by the Practicum Education Department throughout the placement process.

MSW Practicum Calendar 2024-2025 MSW Practicum Education Manual 24-25

Social Work Theory and Practice I & II (TP) are at the core of the professional foundation. One
6-credit course is offered each semester. Three (3) credits account for classroom learning, and (3) credits account for practicum education.

TP I trains students in the beginning skills of engagement, interviewing, assessing, setting goals and evaluating intervention strategies with diverse client populations. Students learn to establish a relationship based on collaboration and mutuality. Students will demonstrate beginning knowledge of direct intervention with individuals, families, social agencies, organizations and communities. The Code of Ethics is introduced as the benchmark against which ethical practice is sustained throughout the curriculum.

TP II introduces a beginning knowledge of short-term, crisis, and extended intervention practice models, including those originating from research evidenced based practice studies, emphasizing self-evaluation. Knowledge of the effects of diversity on human development and social work practice are at the heart of both of these practice classes. Each semester, 250 hours of supervised practice occur in agency placements arranged through the resources of the Practicum Education Department.

Social Work Theory and Practice (TP) III & IV are at the core of the professional concentration and build upon the content of the professional foundation year.

The goal of TP III is to help students deepen and extend their assessment and intervention skills in work with individuals and families who face challenges with a range of problems commonly found in an urban environment, including poverty, mental illness, substance abuse, trauma, physical illness and disability. Major theories of practice with individuals and families deepen the knowledge base and skill set of the students. Content related to diversity and oppression is integrated with an understanding of the concepts of privilege and power. The course prepares students to apply theories and evidenced based practices to clients in their practicum experience.

TP IV incorporates all previous Theory and Practice classes with a social justice perspective. Students are instructed in applying advanced skills of ethical reasoning, making ethical decisions, and attending to professional roles and boundaries. Students will demonstrate the ability to use their skills for the good of client systems, securing needed services for clients and acting as a change agent with communities and organizations.

Placement Procedure

First Year Placement:

The process for placement of the student begins once the student has been accepted into the
Master of Social Work Program and has confirmed their intent to enroll (IE) in the TP sequence that correlates with their academic standing. After the student has confirmed their IE status, they are enrolled in an online practicum placement monitoring platform where they will be prompted to complete the MSW Practicum Placement Application and other required tasks. The platform establishes a fee that is directly charged to the student’s bill. Once the practicum application is completed, the student is interviewed by the Director of Practicum Education or MSW Practicum Coordinator who are responsible for developing and coordinating the MSW practicum placements.

Second Year Placement: 

Students preparing to enroll in TP III will be prompted to complete tasks on the online practicum placement monitoring platform. Students should then expect to be contacted by the Practicum Education Department to coordinate placement interviews as they become available.

Transfer and Advanced Standing students not yet enrolled in the online monitoring system will follow the first year placement process above.

Time Expectation

As the signature pedagogy of social work education, practicum education in the MSW program
requires 500 hours in the foundation year and 500 hours in the concentration year. Practicum
education is connected to the four Social Work Theory and Practice courses, two in the foundation year and two in the concentration year. These 6-credit courses integrate course content with practicum experiences and learning.


It is expected that the practicum instructor has an MSW from a CSWE accredited school of social work, is a licensed LSW with at least two years of social work experience post MSW, has at least one year of work experience within the agency they are currently supervising a Ramapo
MSW student, and is certified in Seminar in Field Instruction (SIFI).

The supervisor and/or Practicum Instructor should be available for questions and/or problems. Formal supervisory conferences should be held weekly for approximately 45 minutes to one hour. The student and practicum instructor should come to that conference prepared to discuss the student’s work. The development of an agenda at the beginning of each session can be helpful in accomplishing the goals of the student and Practicum Instructor.

Frequently Asked Questions

Students may also review MSW Frequently Asked Questions for MSW students already in their placement.

What will I do there?

Student assignments will differ depending on the level/focus of the TP sequence (as described above), the agency, and according to specific student learning needs. Both TP sequences provide the pinnacle learning experience for students to develop micro practice skills. They are expected to function as a practitioner and not an observer. This does not mean that we expect them to be using advanced skills in sophisticated counseling, but they should get the opportunity to work with individuals, families and small groups.

The student is viewed as a part of the agency and attendance at staff meetings, in-service training programs, and clinical team meetings should be expected of the student if these meetings are held on the days the student is in practicum placement.

The TP sequences, which run concurrently with the practicum placements, focus on the
problem-solving model of the helping process. Students are expected to apply the following concepts to their work with client systems in their practicum placements, both in their foundation year and in a more in-depth manner for their concentration year:

  • Engaging with client system(s);
  • Identifying the problem(s);
  • Data gathering – bio, psycho, social, spiritual history;
  • Completing an assessment – summarizing and understanding causation while also considering alternate intervention plans;
  • Developing an action or intervention plan;
  • Contracting with the client system(s);
  • Intervening – in an array of social work roles including: educator, enabler, advocate, broker, counselor, and case manager;
  • Evaluating the interventions;
  • Identifying literature and research studies which justify the intervention method chosen; and
  • Terminating with the client system.

In order for students to experience the “helping process” with a client system, it is necessary for
part of their assignment to be working with an “ongoing” client, an individual, family, or group
experience which extends for several months. It should be understood that at the beginning of
the practicum placement experience, the student may not have the skill set necessary to intervene with many clients.

How will I know that I am doing the right things at the agency?

During the school year, the professor of your section of the practice course will follow your experiences in practicum. In class, all students are expected to discuss practicum in relation to the course topics. Your practicum liaison will maintain contact with the agency to monitor performance and progress. Additionally, students will have the opportunity to discuss their practicum placement during monthly practicum seminar sessions.

An individual Learning Contract will also serve as a guide to ensure that you are completing tasks that align with the learning competencies outlined by the program’s accrediting body, the Council on Social Work Education.

When will I know my placement?

After the interview, you will be notified if any further requirements are necessary prior to moving forward. Once all requirements are met, placement letters will be sent to both students and agencies via the online platform. In the student placement letter, students will be provided contact information for the agency discussed during the placement interview. Students will be instructed to reach out to the agency to schedule an interview to secure the placement. Student should review the MSW Interview Preparation document prior to contacting the agency. Please attend that interview as soon as possible to confirm the placement. Unless you or the practicum instructor find a major reason why that placement is not appropriate, it is considered confirmed. Agencies also receive a letter notifying them of the potential match. Students should know that this involves receiving the student’s resume. Students should make every effort to have an adequate and updated resume using the Social Work Resume Writing Guide.

Please be aware that an increasing number of social agencies now require criminal background checks and/or fingerprints. These might be at either the agency or student expense.

Students may be sent to agencies that also accept students from other schools. Students are not placed in competition with other Ramapo students for a placement, but may compete with other schools. Students are sent to one agency at a time for an interview. Please do not ask to interview at several agencies and then expect to pick one. Student are encouraged to complete all requirements in a timely manner as placements are coordinated on a first come first serve basis.

Can I be employed by my agency?

Some students may be eligible for an Employment Based Placement. There are specific criteria that must be met in order for this type of placement to be successful. Students who may be interested in an Employment Based Placement will be required to fill out a proposal form to be reviewed during an individual practicum placement interview.

Student Check List
  • Update your resume using the Social Work Resume Writing Guide and complete all tasks on the program’s online platform as instructed in a direct email from the program.
  • Check your email for notifications from the Practicum Education Department to book a practicum placement interview.
  • Review the list of practicum sites.
    • The list of social agencies is an inventory of most of the agencies that have been practicum placement sites in the past, though we do not presently use all of the agencies. Use it as a general guide. Students can also be placed in agencies not on this list. If you have an agency in mind that you would like us to consider, please complete an Agency Information Form and submit it to the Practicum Education Department prior to your interview. 
  • Read the NASW Code of Ethics and the Practicum Education Manual.
  • Review the MSW Interview Preparation document after a potential agency has been identified. Students should reach out to their proposed agencies as soon as possible after receiving a placement letter.
  • Complete all tasks as assigned on the online platform.
  • Attend Practicum Readiness Training prior to starting class.
Important Student Documents and Resources

Ramapo MSW students have access to a Resource Folder and an electronic calendar that is made accessible via email and the program’s online platform. While practicum education documents for this course are available for download below as resources for planning and preparing drafts, students are expected to meet all submission requirements on the program’s online platform. The documents below are for informational purposes.

Documents Submitted Online

Further details provided to students during Practicum Readiness Training.

Practicum Resources

Ramapo College of New Jersey recognizes the value of publishing on the Internet. The College does not preview, review, censor, or control the content of these pages in any way as a matter of course. This page and Web pages linked from this page are created by the authors, and do not in any way constitute official Ramapo College of New Jersey content.
Masters Child Welfare Education Program (MCWEP)

For more information about the Masters Child Welfare Education Program (MCWEP) program at Ramapo College, contact Professor Cardacia Davis, Ramapo College MCWEP Academic Coordinator and Director of Practicum Education.

Cardacia Davis
Director / Practicum Education Experience
Phone: (201) 684-7297
Office: G-203A

Desiree DuBose
Practicum Education Experience Coordinator
Phone: (201) 684-7205
Office: G-243

Kaetlynn Ayala
Social Work Program Coordinator
Phone: (201) 684- 7017
Office: G-213