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The SGA is comprised of 44 student leaders committed to serving as the persistent voice of the student body. Each branch of the SGA serves a unique function that, when working together, advances student interests at Ramapo College.
Below, you’ll find the name, position, and email address (if applicable) of all SGA. Additional responsibilities are italicized. For a visual representation of the organization of the SGA, please refer to the SGA Organizational Chart.
To reach out to an individual member of the SGA with a concern that they can help you with, please email sga@ramapo.edu and we will direct you to a specific member.
The Executive Board is comprised of the leaders of the three branches of the SGA, the Secretary, and the Treasurer and serves as the administrative arm of the SGA. They set organizational goals and standards of conduct and best practices.
Victor Oluwagbemi
– Liaison, President Jebb
Oliver Mejia
Vice President
– Chair, Club Process & Allocations Committee
Nicole Cohen
– Liaison, Associate Director of the Center for Student Involvement / Student Activities Revenue Management
David George
Senate Vice President
– Liaison, Chief Information Officer for Information and Technology Services
The Cabinet is comprised of students who lead specialized initiatives and chair SGA Committees. Some Cabinet Secretaries act as liaisons to offices and departments on campus to foster collaboration and open communication. They are appointed by the President, confirmed via a 2⁄3 vote by the Senate, and oversee their own budgets. They report to the President via the Chief of Staff.
Katelynn Harry
Secretary of Academic Affairs
– Chair, Academic Affairs Committee
– Liaison, Provost / VP of Teaching, Learning & Growth
Alan Rosenberg
Secretary of Commuter Affairs
– Chair, Commuter Affairs Committee
– Liaison, Office of Commuter Affairs
Sarah Glisson
Secretary of Delegate Affairs
– Coordinator, Delegate Program
– Chair, Delegate Affairs Committee
Secretary of Diversity & Inclusion
– Chair, Diversity & Inclusion Committee
– Liaison, Office of Equity, Diversity, Inclusion & Compliance
Ingrid Guevara
Secretary of Fraternity & Sorority Life
– Liaison, Office of Fraternity & Sorority Life
Kaitlyn Kroeber
Secretary of Public Relations
– Co-Chair, Programming & Public Relations Committee
– Liaison, Office of Marketing & Communications
Kristen Senesi
Secretary of Sustainability
– Chair, Sustainability Committee
– Liaison, President’s Committee on Campus Sustainability & Ramapo Green
The Senate serves as the Legislative Branch of the SGA and is the official decision-making body through the process of organized voting. The Senate ultimately passes legislation that the SGA abides by. The Senate is led by the Senate President, Senate Vice President, and Senate Secretary. School Senators act as a liaison to the Dean of the school that they represent and advocate for the best interests of students within that school. Senators-at-Large represent the student body at large and act as liaisons to offices and departments on campus to foster collaboration and open communication. The Graduate Senator represents the graduate student population.
David George
Senate Vice President
– Liaison, Chief Information Officer for Information and Technology Services
Graduate Senator
– Liaison, Graduate Council
CA School Senator
– Liaison, Dean of the School of Contemporary Arts
Brian Joseph
TAS School Senator
– Liaison, Dean of the School of Theoretical and Applied Sciences / Center for Health and Counseling Services
Amanda Shortt
SSHS School Senator
– Liaison, Dean of the School of Social Science and Human Services
Joseph Brubaker
– Liaison, Associate Director of the Center for Student Involvement
Esther Crowey
– Liaison, Associate Director of the Educational Opportunity Fund Program
The Judicial Panel is the Judicial Branch of the SGA. They ensure compliance with conduct, best practices, and rules set by the Executive Board, keep members accountable for fulfilling their requirements & duties set by the Constitution & Bylaws, act as mediators for internal conflict, advise the Senate on legislation, and assist clubs in the constitution creation & revision process. They are led by the Chief Justice.
Conduct Justice
– Member, College Disciplinary Review Board
Procedural Justice
– Club & Organization Constitutions
Associate Members are students that serve specialized functions as specified in the Constitution & Bylaws. Requirements and expectations may differ from elected & appointed members of the SGA.
Student Trustee
The Student Trustee is a member of the Ramapo College Board of Trustees and liaises with the SGA President. The Board of Trustees provides general supervision over the administration of the College and takes action on personnel, curriculum, finances, governance, and more. For more information about the Board of Trustees, please visit ramapo.edu/board.
The Student Trustee serves a two-year term, the first year as the Alternate Student Trustee with non-voting responsibilities, and the second with full voting power like the rest of the Board. The Student Trustee brings a student perspective to the Board of Trustees with a focus on long-term issues concerning the College at large, plays an active role in events and activities hosted by the Board and the Office of the President, facilitates two-way communication between the student body and Board, and is afforded all duties and responsibilities of the other Trustees*. The Student Trustee and their Alternate are supervised by the Dean of Students / VP of Student Well-Being.
*Student Trustee is unable to be present for closed sessions dealing with personnel/contractual/legal matters and is unable to vote on such matters.
Kyree Robinson-Banks
Student Trustee
Alternate Student Trustee
Interested? Apply here: Application Link
Student Governor
The Student Governor is a member of the Ramapo College Foundation Board of Governors and liaises with the SGA President. The mission of the Ramapo College Foundation is to “provide the resources that make the difference in Ramapo College of New Jersey’s quest for educational excellence”. This includes providing funds for student scholarships, educational programs, faculty development and research, building projects, and capital needs. The Board of Governors oversees all Foundation operations. For more information on the Foundation, please visit ramapo.edu/foundation.
The Student Governor serves a two-year term, serving the first year as the Alternate Student Governor. The Student Governor brings a student perspective to the Board of Governors, plays an active role in events and fundraising events held by the Board, and facilitates two-way communication between the student body and the Foundation. The Student Governor and their Alternate work with and report to the staff in the Office of Institutional Advancement and take a leadership role in fundraising for the Fund for Ramapo College.
Natalie Barr
Student Governor
Delegate Program
The Delegate Program is a leadership development program hosted by the SGA via the Secretary of Delegate Affairs. Delegates are mentored by current members of the SGA, participate in events & activities hosted by the SGA, act as another channel for student concerns to reach the SGA, and participate in bi-weekly leadership & professional development workshops. Delegates are able to “dip their toes in the water” and learn what it means to be in SGA before running for an elected or appointed position. For more information on the Delegate Program, please visit ramapo.edu/sga/getting-involved.
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