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Ben Reinhardt

Ben Reinhardt

Benjamin Z. Reinhardt of Bedminster, New Jersey is a Literature major with a Creative Writing concentration. He has a 3.8 grade point average. He is a member of Chi Alpha Epsilon, Phi Theta Kappa, and the Sigma Tau Delta Literature Honor Society.

At Ramapo, Ben Reinhardt is a consultant at the Center for Reading and Writing


Awarded Scholarships


Dr. Ernest Simon Book Award

Dr. Ernest Simon was a professor of Literature at Ramapo from 1973 until his retirement in 1998. A group of his former students established this fund a number of years ago to honor their teacher and benefit Ramapo seniors in the Literature major. Dr. Simon appreciated the gesture and he and his wife Christiana contributed to the fund. Mrs. Simon further enhanced the fund after Dr. Simon’s death in 2003.

“One of the things I most enjoyed about Ernie Simon was that he never tired of sharing what he knew,” says his friend and colleague, Professor Ira Spar. “He approached our discussions, his teaching, and his students with the same energy that he gave to all that he did, and I count him among the best teachers Ramapo has ever had.”

This faculty-nominated award recognizes an outstanding Literature major who shows a “commitment to reading and research.”

Bonnie Driskill Franklin Memorial Scholarship

This scholarship was established by John Franklin to honor his late wife Bonnie, who served as assistant vice president for Marketing and Communications at Ramapo College. In creating this scholarship, Mr. Franklin sought to honor Bonnie’s passion for reading, and how she instilled that passion in her children and grandchildren. He also sought to memorialize Bonnie’s devotion to family, children, education, art, literature and democratic values.

In writing down his thoughts on the impetus for the Bonnie Franklin Memorial Scholarship, John Franklin wrote, “Bonnie Driskill Franklin was an early reader … who never stopped reading all her life.” He described how Bonnie passed this gift to her children, a tradition they continue with their children. “And so her children and grandchildren have learned much about art, literature and the interconnectedness of all humanity,” he wrote.

John describes how Bonnie translated this gift into her work life and as a volunteer. “In her career Bonnie was engaged in research, writing and public relations at the Cincinnati Public Library, County College of Morris and Ramapo College where she was assistant vice president for Marketing and Communications. She was part of many reading groups, the League of Women Voters, Women in Communication in New Jersey, The Unitarian Universalist Church and other organizations.”

“This scholarship is dedicated with the hope that others, especially men, will be inspired to take an interest in children’s literature and its use in helping children and parents enjoy life fully,” John continues. “It is hoped that through children’s literature we will find ways to promote tolerance and understanding of ourselves and others.”

Specifically, John’s purposes in establishing the Bonnie Franklin Memorial Scholarship are to encourage and support students who are interested in children’s literature as a means of helping children develop intellectually and emotionally; the development of social and emotional intelligence as a part of our education system; advocating for children’s literature as a means of helping parents do a better job of reading to their children; advocating for children’s literature as a means of helping men find their role in child development; developing knowledge and understanding of literature that helps children appreciate diversity of culture, ethnicity, race, gender, gender preference, and physical ability.

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