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Elle Pascal

Elle Pascal

Elle Pascal of Passaic, N.J. is a senior Global Communications and Media major with a minor in Digital Filmmaking. They have a 3.8 GPA and are an Educational Opportunity Fund Scholar. They have been on the Dean’s list every semester. Elle is also a recipient of the 2019 Outstanding Leadership Award and a Peer Facilitator Scholarship recipient.

At Ramapo, Elle has been active in several organizations and activities including the Association of Latinos Moving Ahead and The Women’s Center and LGBTQ+ Services.

Elle also holds on-campus positions working with the Center for Student Success.

Awarded Scholarships


Milton M., Ph.D. & Granville C. Gittens EOF Scholarship

“Milt Gittens was a kind and supportive colleague and a tremendous role model to minority students and all who knew him,” says Professor Constance Crawford. Milton Gittens, Ph.D joined the Ramapo College faculty in 1973 and served as convener of the Management concentration of the Business Administration major for a number of years.

In 2004 Dr. Gittens received the Friends of the Educational Opportunity Fund Award. The year before, he was inducted into the Ramapo College Chapter of Delta Mu Delta National Honor Society for Business Administration.

Dr. Gittens created two endowed scholarships at Ramapo College through bequests left in his will. Both awards are intended to recognize students who are “descendants of slavery in the United States or Barbados in the West Indies.” This award is specifically for students registered with the Educational Opportunity Fund who “are from low-income communities.” The award is named for Dr. Gittens and his father, Granville Caldecott Gittens.

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Michael Simon Class of 1973 LGBTQ+ Scholarship


Michael Simon ’73 (first graduating class) was involved in many campus activities during his undergraduate years. He and two classmates built and operated the first campus radio station WRPR in 1972. Michael and a fellow student designed the first Ramapo College class ring using the Arch and the words of JFK “Peace through Understanding ” as the base design. He was also a member of the housing committee, worked the switchboard in the evenings, and occasionally drove the shuttle bus to and from residence halls located on Route 17.

Michael created this scholarship to help involved students who excel in their contribution to the LGBTQ community at Ramapo College. Members of the LGBTQ community and their allies are eligible to apply.

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R & N Family Scholarship

The intent of the R and N Family Scholarship is to benefit Ramapo College students who are involved in their communities and who have financial need. The R and N Scholarship is an endowed award that was started in 2008 by Robert and Nancy Kossowsky, whose son Jacob graduated in 2010 with a degree in law and society. Their impetus for this award was to honor their son’s positive experience at Ramapo, while recognizing involved students.

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