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Vegetable Garden Behind Sharp Sustainability Education Center

An array of plants and vegetables can be found flourishing in the garden behind the Sharp Sustainability Education Center (SSEC) in the spring and summer months, and winter crops such as garlic through late fall and winter. This initiative to promote sustainability on campus is made possible by the involvement of student volunteers who dedicate their time to maintain and upkeep the garden. Planting begins each spring in mid-April. Garden maintenance continues throughout the summer. Volunteers get to see the growth of the garden over time as a result of their work and are able to harvest the vegetables they yield for their own consumption.

Crops such as squash, tomatoes, peppers, and swish chard share the garden space with a cluster of sunflowers. In result of having the beautiful sunflowers presence it helps attract insects and birds, which successfully keeps them away from the vegetables.

Food scraps are used to feed the composter located in the garden; the resulting compost is in turn used to enrich the garden’s soil. A collection for food scraps will soon be implemented in The Village as a means of reducing food waste and encouraging student involvement in composting. Students are also encouraged to get involved in the maintenance of the various plants grown in the garden. This is just the beginning towards moving Ramapo to becoming a more sustainable college.

Written by Gianna Lineri ’18

Categories: composting, gardening

Rocket Composter Now Operational On Campus


Ramapo College has installed a Rocket Composter, behind the Pavilion Dining Hall.  We ran it on a trial basis this past Fall, to get a feel for operations and output, and will begin composting in earnest after the Winter Break.


We have assembled a team of volunteers, who have taken responsibility for feeding and maintaining the Composter on a regular basis.  This involves feeding the vessel twice a day, with a varying mix of food waste and wood chips, cleaning the filter once a week, and cleaning the outside of the vessel periodically.


If you have an interest in becoming part of this team of Rocketeers, let me know and we will integrate you into the team.

Ashwani Vasishth
Chair, President’s Committee on Campus Sustainability

Categories: composting, food waste