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Ramapo College of New Jersey (RCNJ), located in the Township of Mahwah, is part of the State of New Jersey Higher Education network. Purchasing practices follow the requirements established under the State College Contract Law, N.J.S.A. 18A:64, et seq.
The Ramapo College of New Jersey Terms and Conditions shall apply to all contracts or purchase agreements made with RCNJ and shall prevail and take precedence over any conflicting terms and conditions contained in the vendor’s proposal or quote.
The Ramapo College Tax Exempt Letter from the New Jersey Division of Taxation advises of RCNJ’s Tax-Exempt Status and must be accepted.
In order to establish a business relationship with RCNJ, the following Registration Forms are required as noted*
*Please note that Ramapo College will not register any vendors prior to the College’s intent to utilize the vendor for a good or service however vendors may provide the Vendor Questionnaire with supplemental information to be held on file and for potential reference as needs arise.
If you need further assistance, please contact the Purchasing Department at purchase@ramapo.edu or 201-684-7496.
Outside of purchases made by means of a College Purchasing Card and a signed contract executed by an authorized signatory at the College, a Purchase Order by the College is what authorizes a Vendor/Contractor to proceed with providing goods/services. Individual faculty and staff members are not authorized to procure any goods or services on behalf of the College.
Supplementary Vendor Information is as follows:
A bidder and its named subcontractors are required to be registered with the Division of Revenue with the Department of the Treasury within the State of New Jersey in accordance with New Jersey statute N.J.S.A. 52:32-44(b) prior to the award of a contract.
Requests for Proposals (RFPs) advertised by RCNJ are open to all vendors without prejudice and are advertised in the Legal Notice section of The Star-Ledger newspaper. In addition, RCNJ’s current public bids are available by clicking the “Bidding Opportunities” tab.
Contracts resulting from RFP for goods and services are awarded in conjunction with N.J.S.A. 18A:64-70 to the responsible bidder whose bis is most advantageous to the College, price and other factors Considers. Bid appeals must follow these procedures set forth by the College.
Refer to the “Contracts” tab a for a current list of active contracts.
This solution is designed to streamline the procurement process and make it more efficient for companies looking to do business with the State. This is especially helpful as it allows for RCNJ to easily see what certifications your company may or may not have which in turn can greatly speed up the purchasing process. This will apply for any New Jersey State Agency so signing up with NJSTART is highly encouraged. If you haven’t registered yet, ENROLL NOW. Registration is easy and takes only a few minutes. If you have any questions, please visit the NJSTART Vendor Support Page, which contains Reference Guides, frequently asked questions, how-to videos, and help desk support contact information.
Vendors can find the Business Ethics Guide on the Department of Treasury website: https://www.nj.gov/treasury/purchase/pdf/BusinessEthicsGuide.pdf.
The New Jersey Prevailing Wage Act (N.J.S.A. 34:11-56.25 et seq.) establishes a prevailing wage level for workers engaged in public works in order to safeguard the workers efficiency and general well-being, and to protect them as well as their employers from the effects of serious and unfair competition resulting from wage levels that are detrimental to the efficiency and well-being of all concerned. The Act requires the payment of minimum rates of pay to laborers, craftsmen and apprentices employed on public works projects. Covered workers must receive the appropriate craft prevailing wage rate as determined by the Commissioner of Labor and Workforce Development. Prevailing wage rates are wage rates based on the collective bargaining agreements established for a particular craft or trade in the locality in which the public work is performed.
Vendors doing “public work” of $2,000 or more for the College are required to comply with the New Jersey Prevailing Wage Act or if applicable the New Jersey State Building Services Act. For information pertaining to the State of New Jersey Prevailing Wage Rate please use the link:
https://www.nj.gov/labor/wagehour/wagehour_index.html. To verify if a vendor is registered with the New Jersey Department of Labor, please use the following link: https://lwd.state.nj.us/lsseapp/LSSERedirect.html?newPage=forms/RegisteredContractors.
RCNJ, as a State College, is required to comply with The New Jersey Prompt Payment Act N.J.S.A. 52: 32-32 et seq. The New Jersey Prompt Payment Act specifies interest must be paid to any business concern that does not receive payment within sixty (60) days from the date the State (1) received good and services or (2) received a properly executed invoice, whichever is later. It should be noted that, RCNJ’s internal policy is that we pay all invoices received within thirty (30) days of receipt of the good/service or the invoice whenever possible.
Ramapo College of New Jersey recognizes the importance of supplier diversity in its procurement practices and it is the mission of the College’s Purchasing Department to provide fair and equal treatment to all suppliers involved in the procurement process. In conjunction with the College’s overall commitment to diversity and inclusion, the College is committed to contracting with qualified suppliers from all parts of the business community and all contracts for the purchase of goods and services are awarded through competitive bidding processes established by the College. The College’s Purchasing Department encourages the participation of Small, Minority, Women, Veteran, and Disabled Veteran-Owned Businesses, also known as an SBE, MBE WBE, VOB, DVOB respectively in procurement activities at the College. The College’s Purchasing Department attends conferences and trade shows supported where possible in order to help explain the College’s bidding process. Ordering departments are also encourages to be aware of this commitment by the College and are encouraged to utilize these supplies when available.
This link contains useful information regarding contracting with the State and this link contains information regarding as well as the links on where to register as one of these set-asides within the State of New Jersey. Acceptable forms of supplier documentation, any of which can be provided to the Purchasing Department include:
Any company or individual having an interest is doing business with Ramapo College is encouraged to e-mail an introductory letter to The Ramapo College Purchasing Department at purchase@ramapo.edu.
Construction Projects
Daniel Roche
Contracting Agent
(201) 684-7855
Sonia Rosko
Asst. Supervisor
(201) 684-7595
Information Technology
Lisa Eisenhauer
ITS Coordinator
(201) 684-6813
Media Services
Michael Cunningham
Deputy CIO/Dir. Critical Infrastructure
(201) 684-7666
Printing & Marketing
Mark Gregorio
Marketing & Communications
(201) 684-7081
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