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Faculty Scholarship Symposium Series

Faculty Scholarship Symposium Series

The Provost’s Office and Faculty Assembly invite our community to participate in and attend a symposium series highlighting faculty scholarship, in all its forms—research, policy, creative activity, etc.  The purpose of this series is to highlight our community’s value of and commitment to faculty scholarship. The symposium series will provide a platform for faculty members to present their current research projects, creative works, findings, methodologies, and impact to their peers and others across the college.

2024-2025 Events

All presentations will be held on Wednesdays from 10:30 am to 12:00 pm.

If you are interested in presenting, please email your request to the Provost at and Professor McMurdy, FA President at

October 30, 2024 - Undergraduate Research: Success Stories and Lessons Learned

Location:  Trustees Pavilion


Undergraduate research is a high impact practice that is central to Ramapo’s academic mission. Many faculty are intrigued by the idea but unsure of how to get started, due to issues such as how to develop good projects, identify candidates and build teams, and break students out of the more predictable classroom learning mindset.

For this session, we invite faculty members who have had success in working with undergraduates to present their research and to share a little bit about their experiences and approach to involving undergraduates in their project. The goals of this session include: learning about each other’s research, celebrating successes, and sharing practical lessons learned and helpful recommendations for others who may be interested in engaging undergraduates in their own research projects.

Schedule of Talks:

Faculty Student Research on Intervention Modalities, Preferences and Access Patterns of Support Services by Generation Z Survivors of Intimate Partner Violence

Dr. Satarupa Dasgupta (CA) – Slides

My students – many of whom are first generation College students and often face intersectional barriers to academic success – are generally delighted to discover the importance of research in academics, career development and daily life. An ongoing faculty-student research project, that I have been conducting with multiple students, explores preferences and patterns of access of support services by Generation Z survivors of intimate partner violence (IPV). The project investigates intervention modalities based on digitally mediated communication strategies to understand optimal IPV response and mitigation strategies for providing support to young adults over time. It is explored how technology-based IPV intervention tools including safety apps can offer risk and danger assessment and referral to trusted care, and can be tailored to mitigate user burden and maximize safety among Generation Z survivors. The project also looks at the gaps in support for LGBTQ+ survivors of IPV in traditional violence mitigation services. Offering accessible and appropriate services, and incorporating an understanding of barriers to help-seeking among different demographics of Generation Z survivors, are shown to be essential for improving support services among this population.

Investigating the Aroma-Producing Genetics of Brewing Yeast: A Productive Collaboration Between Beer and Undergraduates

Dr. Joost Monen (TAS) – Slides

Undergraduate research experiences are transformative, empowering students in their respective journeys as they are tasked to problem-solve, think critically, collaborate, communicate, and become independent learners. There is no substitute for the learning gains and growth that take place in the research lab, and I have come to recognize the research space as my most effective teaching grounds.

A current research project, and the undergraduate collaboration that will be the focus of the scholarly piece of my talk, looks into the role that yeast genetics play in the production of aromatic compounds during fermentation, giving nuanced flavor to beer. Specifically, we are looking into the production of isoamyl acetate, a desirable banana-like note and a staple of a good hefeweizen. To investigate the genetic underpinnings for isoamyl acetate production, we examined twelve commercial brewing strains ranging in their ability to produce this aromatic ester, and tested the expression of three genes involved in its production (ATF1, ATF2, and IAH1), using quantitative PCR. The results of our study indicate that isoamyl acetate production is not determined by the expression of one single gene alone, but rather the ratio of ATF1+ATF2:IAH1 expression, which strongly correlates with higher levels of isoamyl acetate. These findings have laid the foundation for ongoing studies as we aim to increase isoamyl acetate production using CRISPR-Cas9 genome-editing to alter gene expression.

Sustainable Threads Research Collective

Dr. Rick Nunez, Dr. Fariba Nosrati, and Dr. Desi Budeva (ASB) – Slides

The Sustainable Threads Research Collective brings together faculty experts from Marketing, Management, and Information Technology Management to investigate sustainability and its integration into experiential learning for future managers. Our inaugural project employed a mixed-methods approach to examine college students’ perspectives on government interventions aimed at enhancing sustainability in the fashion industry.

Our findings revealed that Gen-Z consumers favor a multifaceted strategy to drive sustainable changes in the fashion industry. Importantly, our research highlighted the need to consider diverse priorities when implementing sustainability measures in the fashion sector.

December 4, 2024 - Enhancing Research Through Community-Engaged Scholarship

Location: Alumni Lounges (SC-158)


Community-engaged scholarship involves partnering with groups or communities – who are the focus of study or affected by the study – in a research project or creative activity. Meaningful partnering with community members can lead to the formation of more impactful research questions, incorporating innovative methodologies, and leading to outcomes that hold more meaning for communities and may yield immediate real-world impact. Engaged external partnerships may also provide access to data, resources, expertise, and equipment that would not otherwise be available to scholars. It is important to note that there may be many ways to engage community members in scholarship and creative activity.

For this symposium, we invite faculty who have had success in forming external partnerships in their own scholarly and creative work to discuss both the projects they have worked on as well as the approach that they took to forming and capitalizing on those partnerships. Talks will be followed by a panel discussion with the speakers.

Schedule of Talks:

Action Research: Going from Pilot to Scale with Community-Based Organizations

Dr. Michael Bitz (SSHS)

The foundation of educational reform and progress is based upon action research: testing, adjusting, and retesting new concepts and methods in the field. As with any other method of research, action research requires a rigorous methodology to determine whether the actions led to the intended impact. This presentation explores the methodology of action research in the context of the Comic Book Project (CBP), where youths design and publish original comic books as a pathway to academic growth, social understanding, and community development. By partnering with community-based organizations around the world, CBP went from a small local pilot to a large-scale international project with multiple independent assessments, demonstrating the efficacy of not only the model but also the methodology. The presentation highlights the process of going from pilot to scale with action research, using CBP as a model, with a focus on lessons learned to help others interested in pursuing action research.

Undergraduate Research in Applied Math Using Industry-Supplied Problems

Dr. Debbie Yuster (TAS)

Many students would love to apply the math they learn to problems in the real world. The PIC Math program (Preparation for Industrial Careers in Mathematical Sciences) aims to educate and prepare STEM majors for industrial careers using their quantitative skills. With funding and faculty training from PIC Math, I ran an upper-division math elective course in 2017.  Students were divided into groups, each of which researched a problem of interest to a partner company, using math and computer programming.

The projects came from:

  • A shipping company, who asked students to create a model that estimates their ships’ toxic emissions
  • A financial company that must check account holder names against a terrorist watch list, who asked students to evaluate the performance of their name-matching algorithm
  • A digital forensics company, who asked students to analyze a method used to avoid computer network congestion

In this talk, I will discuss the projects in more detail, as well as the logistics of finding partner companies and projects, and running the course.

Animating Public Acts of Care: FOOD STORE(Y)

Professor Ann LePore (CA)

What is an artist’s responsibility when trouble surfaces? How can a visual practitioner use their skills and partner with organizations to address fear, isolation and division?

This talk provides an intimate look into the planning, execution and results of a multi-year project called FOOD STORE(Y). FOOD STORE(Y) is a series of performance actions that generate animated gestures and an archive of stories, each resulting from a meal with a stranger. In this project, I document feeding a stranger at my table in exchange for recording their story, which I then condense into an animation of just a few, intimate gestures, to be exhibited publicly.

I spent over a year working with Artist Residency In Motherhood and the NYC Parks Department to perform public acts of care for anyone who wanted something to eat and someone to listen to them. The stories shared with me were beautiful, sad, funny and exciting. The people who told them used their bodies and expressions to communicate the intensity, actions and emotions of their experiences in a way which was truly mutually intelligible.

February 19, 2025 - Sabbatical Scholarship and Creative Activity Projects

Location:  Padovano Commons


A core value of Ramapo is the pursuit of knowledge through research, scholarship, and creative endeavors. Faculty sabbaticals provide essential time for deep intellectual engagement, allowing scholars and creative artists to advance their fields, develop new pedagogical approaches, and contribute meaningfully to their disciplines. Our faculty symposium for February will focus on faculty sabbatical scholarly projects. The symposium celebrates and showcases this work by providing a platform for faculty to share their research, creative projects, and innovations with colleagues and the broader campus community.

The symposium will feature faculty who have recently completed sabbatical projects presenting their work and reflections, including:

  • Research findings in disciplinary and interdisciplinary fields
  • Creative projects, performances, or artistic works
  • Pedagogical innovations informed by sabbatical scholarship
  • Community-engaged research or applied scholarship
  • Strategies for planning sabbatical and using the time well

By showcasing the diverse and impactful work of our faculty, we hope this symposium will reaffirm our commitment to inquiry and the essential role of sabbaticals in fostering scholarly and creative excellence.

Schedule of Talks: 

My Sabbatical Journey in Pictures

Dr. Elvira Katić (SSHS)

During my sabbatical, I analyzed data from a 15-year case study on teacher images drawn by students. I designed this semiotic study to better understand how my students viewed the teaching profession, as well as their “teacher” and/or “teaching profession” ideologies. I hoped that this study could be an important part of understanding my students’ beliefs and values about the teaching profession, professional identity development, and career choices. My primary data was comprised of images, since text, both spoken and written, is regularly manipulated to achieve particular ends. Image data (especially hand-drawn by non-artists) is less “processed” and yields surprising, visceral messages. I used a mixed methods approach (quantitative and qualitative) to triangulate and validate my analyses of 852 visual images and just as many reflective textual responses, textual collaborative group responses, and stimulated-recall interview data.

Doing Well by Being Well: Leader Development as the Pursuit of Well-being

Dr. Sridevi Shivarajan (ASB)

The primary focus of my recent sabbatical was on building the theoretical foundation for a well-being-based leader development model, which I now use to teach my MBA leadership class. Although leader development is personal and sensitive to individual differences, it is usually taught in business schools using a cookie-cutter, one-size-fits-all model. The well-being-based model, on the other hand, is personal yet universal. It views leader development as the pursuit of happiness. Happiness is defined as the maximization of one’s potential, using the concept of psychological well-being (PWB), which in turn is based on Aristotle’s views of a good life. The well-being-based leader development model illustrates how pursuing the six dimensions of PWB is also associated with leader development. This leader development model adopts justice as its guiding virtue, thus giving it a sound moral foundation.

“Here We Stand,” a Musical Piece for 2 Rappers/Vocalists and Orchestra

Dr. Gilad Cohen (CA)

My Spring 2023 sabbatical allowed me to start working on a large-scale musical piece for rappers and orchestra, which became “Here We Stand,” a 25-minute composition inspired by Paul Robeson. The first phase included finding a collaborator (lyricist/rapper), identifying a lyrical and musical concept for the piece, and applying to grants and ensembles in order to secure additional funding and a future premiere for the piece. Once my collaborator, New York-based lyricist/rapper/composer Ronve O’Daniel came on board and suggested a concept, we developed initial ideas and started creating lyrical and musical sketches while learning about each other and our creative process. The one-term sabbatical served as a seed for further work that has continued since, and the piece is now coming into fruition in a World Premiere in New York in June 2025 as well as a Schomburg Fellowship residency at Ramapo.

April 2, 2025 - Theme TBA

The theme/prompt for the April Symposium is TBA.

Past Presentations - formerly known as Provost's Bite Size Research Presentations

Monday, October 3, 2022

Professor Malavika Sundararajan (ASB), “Discerning the Nature of Uncertainties to Lead Sustainably”

Abstract: Disparate definitions and categorizations of uncertainties faced by leaders have led to less than optimum solutions for companies, making it unsustainable to lead effectively. Based on the key variables, definitions, and categorizations of uncertainties across the management literature, a causal model that integrates all the uncertainties is designed. The integrated model provides a clear layout of types, sources, levels, and obstacles related to uncertainties faced by leaders and four possible outcomes that leaders must anticipate. The more precise the leader’s understanding of the uncertainties, the greater their ability to address the gaps in their knowledge and alleviate the uncertainties present in the firm’s innovation processes. Consequently, the integrated model allows leaders to design strategic solutions of more outstanding quality and impact. The paper puts forth three brief sample scenarios and shows how to categorize them based on the nature of uncertainties.

Professors Liat Shklarski & Kathleen Ray (SSHS), “Back to the Future: How Master of Social Work Students Adjusted to Returning to In- Person Instruction during the COVID-19 Pandemic”

Abstract: The global COVID-19 pandemic impacted everyone’s life. As such, social work students who have traditionally studied the profession predominantly in an in-person learning method had to adjust to remote learning. During the Fall of 2021 and Spring of 2022, many institutions required social work students to return to in-person classes after utilizing remote platforms. Research on the transition of social work students to remote learning has been developed. However, little research examines the impact back to in-person learning during the global pandemic. The current study used a convenience sample of 135 Master Social Work students in the tri-state area in the United States. The study’s goal was to explore the emotional and cognitive impact of transitioning back to in-person classes after they have spent a minimum of one semester studying remotely. Results from the current study reveal the following elements: (1) Students want to be able to choose the way they study (in-person vs. remote); (2) emotional preparation is required for students to better adjust back to in-person learning; (3) students have multiple psycho-social concerns that impact their ability to engage in their social work education. We recommend that institutions be flexible in their delivery of academic content and provide additional support to their students with an emphasis on emotional support to allow them to process the effect of the global pandemic on their social work education.

Thursday, November 3, 2022

Professor Sam Mustafa (HGS), “Look Who’s Back: Germany’s Cautious Return as a Military Power”

Abstract: In 1990, when the two Germanies reunited, their combined military strength was nearly a million soldiers, by far the strongest army in Europe.

Over the next three decades this strength ebbed away as the federal government kept cutting the budget and the force structure until it rested at about 170,000 – one-sixth its former size. Surrounded by friends and allies for the first time in their history, and with Russia apparently a friendly trade partner, German leaders had no political will for defense. Defects and scandals plagued the institution. Experienced personnel left in droves. By 2020 the Bundeswehr was in such a miserable condition that it couldn’t even equip a parade force for the annual NATO parade in Paris. French President Macron snorted that NATO had become “a joke.”

The Russian invasion of Ukraine changed everything. Within two weeks the parliament had voted a massive budget increase and pledged to sustain it over a decade until Germany was once again a significant military power in Europe. Orders for new equipment have gone out. A new recruiting effort has begun.

In years past, Germany’s neighbors would have looked at this with alarm. Today, they seem grateful that Germany is rearming at last. How will a united, democratic Germany get its head around this major taboo against militarism that has dominated its politics for more than a generation?

This topic is part of my larger project on Germany’s 21st century re-thinking of its image, its past and future, and its role in the world.

Professor Fariba Nosrati (ASB), “The power of stories for impression management: evidence from a city cultural digital storytelling initiative”

Abstract: This research responds to a growing interest among cultural organizations regarding how to use emerging digital technologies in the communication of cultural content. The need to investigate various aspects of digital transformation for cultural organizations has been heightened during the COVID-19 pandemic. This presentation explores how city cultural organizations can utilize digital stories for impression management to enhance public perceptions of a city. The aim is to understand how end-users are affected by a city cultural digital storytelling information system and the benefits of using such a system.

An interpretive case study was conducted on a digital storytelling initiative carried out by three cultural organizations in a medium-sized city in Canada. Data collection included 95 interviews with the general public, questionnaires, and the gathering of documents.

Findings suggest that digital storytelling can be a viable tool to share city cultural heritage information and positively affect end-user perceptions of a city. The overall outcome of creating/maintaining a positive favorable impression is shaped through a layered experience of benefits by users. Through digital stories, users are first personally engaged and informed about a city’s cultural heritage, and then they are influenced and inspired positively towards the city. Further, factors, such as leisure learning, cultural heritage information, and cultural organizations situate this context of use.

Monday, January 23, 2023

Professor Erin Augis (SSHS), “Reverend John Bennington Mahan’s anti-slavery sermons and letters: The influence of the Second Great Awakening on early human rights activism in the American Midwest”

Abstract: I will present an analysis of the southern Ohio Reverend John Bennington Mahan’s calls for social justice for enslaved people in the 1830s and 40s, using newly discovered sermons and letters he wrote from a Kentucky prison as primary sources. Reverend Mahan, who was unlawfully imprisoned in Kentucky for hiding an escaped enslaved person in his home in Ohio, used evangelical discourses and imagery characteristic of the Second Great Awakening’s definitions of righteousness to 1) rally support for his release, 2) spur public outrage about his impending trial in Kentucky, and 3) build abolitionist sentiment in states of the Northwest Territory. The pro-slavery judge in his case had become gravely concerned about increasing civil unrest around the trial, and he wrote of the necessity for an unbiased decision. Mahan’s acquittal and release from prison in Kentucky set a legal precedent that law enforcement officials from slave states could not arrest or prosecute anti-slavery activists who lived in and carried out their activism in free states, helping to catalyze the Civil War. Therefore, the intersection of religious ideology, popular activism, and legal interpretation became integral to abolition, and Mahan’s engagement of scripture for this purpose served as a precursor to similar activist strategies during the Civil Rights era.

My hope is that my talk will be of interest to History, Africana Studies, Sociology, Law and Society, Social Work, and Literature faculty at the College, in terms of their research. I also find Reverend Mahan’s bravery and passion quite inspiring, and I hope faculty in all disciplines would enjoy this aspect. My talk features some of my prized collection of archival photographs of documents, artwork, and early American portrait photography.

Professor Chris Reali (CA), “Music and Mystique in Muscle Shoals”

Abstract: The forceful music that rolled out of Muscle Shoals in the 1960s and 1970s shaped hits by everyone from Wilson Pickett and Aretha Franklin to the Rolling Stones and Paul Simon. This research provides an in-depth look at the fabled musical hotbed and examines the events and factors that gave the Muscle Shoals sound such a potent cultural power. The theoretical foundation of my work is the Muscle Shoals mystique: a nexus of musical and cultural events that facilitated the dissemination of music cultivated by Northern-based record executives and sought by many to satiate their musical needs for an “authentic” (Black) South. Many artists trekked to FAME Studios and Muscle Shoals Sound in search of the sound of authentic southern Black music – and at times expressed shock at the mostly white studio musicians waiting to play it for them. Others hoped to draw on the hitmaking production process that defined the scene. This work also chronicles the overlooked history of Muscle Shoals’s impact on country music and describes the region’s recent transformation into a tourism destination. Ultimately, this project interprets the long-lasting cultural effects of tracks produced in the region and situates the Shoals scene within the larger context of popular music studies.

A good portion of my research for this project was supported by grants and awards from the RCNJ Faculty Development Funds. My book, Music and Mystique in Muscle Shoals, was published in July 2022 by the University of Illinois Press.

Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Professor Satarupa Dasgupta (CA), “Transgender commercial sex workers in India: Health disparities, structural challenges and the road ahead”

Abstract: Transgender commercial sex workers across the globe suffer significant health disparities due to complex barriers in multiple areas. In India, transgender sex workers have limited access to healthcare and suffer from poorer quality of wellbeing and health. Deep-seated stigma, discrimination, socioeconomic inequalities and institutional inequities act as barriers in healthcare seeking. Transgender sex workers comprise approximately 15% of Indian sex workers’ population, yet they remain an understudied and underserved group in the commercial sex work sector. There is also a significant lack of health communication research in India that focuses on population-specific interventions. The current study which aims to fill the gap in research on transgender sex workers in India examines the sexual identity negotiation, risk perception and condom compliance, sexual health screening and testing behavior, contextual barriers to healthcare seeking, and barriers to community mobilization among this population. The study was conducted in the red-light districts of Kolkata and rural subdivisions of West Bengal in Eastern India. The project utilized interviewer-led semi-structured interviewing of 38 transgender commercial sex workers. A significant section of the interviewees did not belong to a specific brothel in the red-light districts but shifted their location of operation frequently. Unlike female sex workers from the same region – who were unionized, and displayed consistently high condom usage, and engaged in community support of peers – the transgender sex workers had poorer access to and uptake of health resources, engaged frequently in high-risk sexual behavior, and showed overall poorer healthcare-seeking behavior. It is anticipated that the findings from the study will help to formulate future programmatic interventions that can cater more effectively to the health needs of the Indian transgender commercial sex workers, contribute to HIV/STI risk reduction among this group and reduce barriers to achieving health. Utilization of community-based behavior change strategies, incorporating cultural contextualization in health communication, facilitating change in social norms, and finally collaboration with the local transgender groups themselves for program development and implementation, represent a vital next step to ensure the health and wellness of the transgender sex workers in India.

The current project, like my other research, is characterized by its interdisciplinary nature and hopes to emphasize the practical application of health communication research in program development and support service provision. The current study holds interest for faculty in the departments of social work and nursing, and in the public health minor. Interdisciplinary collaboration with faculty from these fields can help to formulate sustainable interventions among historically marginalized and vulnerable populations. My study will also benefit Ramapo College as an institution. Engaging in research that fosters intercultural learning and deepens the understanding of social justice, establishes the mission and core values of Ramapo College.

Professor Colleen Martinez (SSHS), “What do organizations need to do to become anti-racist? Lessons from the grey literature”

Abstract: Concerns about white supremacy’s influence on social work have been documented for decades. While most of the literature focuses on racist concerns in social work education and research, there is an emerging body of knowledge addressing racism in direct practice. A historical focus on micro-level interventions related to diversity may minimize the importance of equity based mezzo and macro-level practice and maintain the current system of institutional racism. An important avenue to correct this injustice is the implementation of anti-racist organizational change, to ensure that social work agencies are practicing from a racial justice approach that comprehensively addresses all levels of organizational performance. There is a dearth of academic literature about anti-racist organizational change in social work agencies. A number of scholars have called for increased use of grey literature to inform social work. Grey literature enables us to learn from leaders in the work, and their lived experience and wisdom, which may not always make it into academic sources. This presentation serves an important purpose in amplifying this previously marginalized body of work. Based on a review of the grey literature, an integrated framework was produced for social service leaders to use as a guide for re-designing their organizations to move away from historically white supremacist practices toward racially just institutions.

The framework is not meant to be a set of instructions for how to make change; organizations are unique and will all have different challenges, resources, priorities, and goals. How to make change will be determined by those individuals and groups who will lead the change efforts, and throughout that process we encourage them to use the source documents that we reviewed. Based upon our synthesis of the source documents, we identified 12 themes that may begin to answer the question “What do social work organizations need to do to become anti-racist?”. Themes will be shared, as well as source documents, which may be helpful to anyone working with social service and nonprofit organizations that strive to break down structures that maintain and reinforce white supremacy, and who seek to reimagine the future of these organizations.

Thursday, March 9, 2023

Professor Tufan Ekici (ASB), “Determinants of A Job’s Meaningfulness”

Abstract: In this paper we analyze the subjective determinants of meaningfulness at workplace. According to self-determination theory (SDT), a meaningful work depends on perceptions on three psychological aspects, namely competence, autonomy, and relatedness. These traits all depend on each individual’s innate needs and these variables could be complementary to or substitute for other extrinsic factors in order to achieve overall job satisfaction. Also, the definition of these factors is likely to be different between a worker and an employer. Thus, we rely on self-reported subjective measures of these traits by the workers themselves. We use a nationally representative data set from 2008 to analyze the relative impact of these three measures on work meaningfulness in the United States. Multivariate regression analysis results show that all three measures are important for subjective meaningfulness at workplace, but the relative magnitudes of those are not the same. Furthermore, there are some differences in relative magnitudes among different demographic subgroups. These results are important for human resource researchers as they emphasize the importance of intrinsic factors in a workplace. It is not realistic to expect employers to provide working conditions for everyone to have a meaningful workplace (as these are rather subjective among employees), but it is recommended that employers attempt to understand workers’ well-being in the workplace (which is affected by these traits) as that will impact productivity, effort and turnover intentions. This paper is interdisciplinary and thus should be of interest to a wide range of audiences interested in human resource research.

Professor Lawrence Mascia (CA), “Gamification for Education and Business”

Gamification has become a constant in high-level business and day to day operations to keep employees motivated. It is just beginning to take roots in higher education. Tedious and under-stimulating tasks can seriously compromise a student or employees long term retention, engagement, and attention. Retaining attention while keeping consistency means keeping your message and goals fresh and to the front of a person’s mind. Gamification can make these tasks easy, fun, and collaborative while building long term skills and group cohesion which makes for better productivity and diversity in thinking. In this talk I will show how Gamification is used in Fortune 500 companies, education, and design to broaden user experience and allow open collaboration and creative thinking. We will go over ways to shape empowerment and meaning through gamification in everyday tasks from both the managerial and student perspective while giving easy ways to incorporate it into a project or classroom.

Friday, April 14

Professor Anne Marie Flatekval, “Implementation of a mindfulness bundle and its impact on perceived stress levels for junior students in their first semester in the nursing sequence”

Abstract: Mindfulness is a practice that is beneficial for reducing anxiety and stress (McVeigh, et al., 2021). It is very valuable to use with students. Nursing students undergo anxiety and stress in the nursing program. The reasons include the rigorous academic workload and the expectation to perform in the classroom as well as the clinical setting (Manocchi, 2018). It is crucial for nursing students to be able to manage their stress and anxiety, which will enable them to be successful in the nursing program. Several years ago, junior nursing students revealed that they were undergoing stress and anxiety and this had a negative impact on their academic performance. Short mindfulness sessions were introduced to begin class each day. Students are polled each semester and student feedback has been very positive for using a mindfulness application. This shows that there is a positive impact on the reduction of stress and anxiety which is beneficial in the classroom, clinical setting, and everyday practice.

IRB approval (#657) was obtained to conduct a research study called “Implementation of a mindfulness bundle and its impact on perceived stress levels for junior students in their first semester in the nursing sequence” for the fall semester 2022. The Perceived Stress Scale (PSS -14) 5-point Likert Scale was administered in week 2 of class for voluntary participation in the courses NURS 330-02, 330-03, 330-04. The Qualtrics survey will collect data for the students prior to the intervention of a mindfulness bundle to help them to manage anxiety and stress. A second PSS-14 tool will be distributed at the end of the semester on the last day of class. A paired t-test will be utilized to compare the data on the surveys pre and post mindfulness bundle intervention to determine if the mindfulness bundle had an impact on the student’s perceived stress. A Foundations Grant was received to fund the cost of supplies, a statistician (MS of Data Science student at the College), and to present an abstract with a possible poster presentation at the Nurse Tim Nursing Conference in February 2023.

Professor Stephanie Sarabia, “Complicating and Contextualizing Substance Use in Social Work Education”

Abstract: Academic approaches to substance use courses are often focused on acquiring clinical, content knowledge that reflects our culture’s weight on a more simplistic, personal responsibility view of substance use. This contrasts a more complex and contextualized person in the environment framework with a structural lens which also encompasses a society’s responsibility to its citizens.

Curricular Objective:
The objective of this study is to understand the impact of a redesigned substance use course with the intent of contextualizing substance use content knowledge by modeling a structured critical lens in a recovery ecosystem framework including such models as Metzl and Hansen’s (2014) Structural Competency approach. Students are taught to challenge the dominant narrative and oversimplified views of substance use fleshing out the complexity of risk factors and a recovery ecosystem. The study also aims to understand how this shift impacts their approach to working with people who use substances.

Methods: A qualitative survey was conducted of MSW students enrolled in multiple sections (both virtually and in-person) of a substance use course. Participants completed an anonymous survey via Qualtrics and their narrative responses were coded to determine themes.

Results: Data analysis reveals that participants reported an understanding of the complexity of structural factors and society’s overemphasis on personal responsibility rather than society’s responsibility to its citizens. Participants stated that they thought more critically about substance use which helped them see structural injustice that was in plain sight that they failed to notice before. Participants reported that their learning altered their practice in two significant ways: a deeper commitment to a compassionate, nonjudgmental, person-centered stance and a contextualized, complex view of substance use that fostered a nuanced person in environment view that encouraged advocacy along with clinical interventions.

Conclusions: Findings underscore the importance of contextualizing substance use using a complex, person in environment framework to recalibrate the balance between personal responsibility and society’ s responsibility to its citizens. Using this model, students demonstrated a commitment to integrated practice that embraced advocacy and macro practice alongside micro practice.