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Ramapo’s Strategic Plan, Boldly Ascending 2023-2029, provides us with direction and priorities. We strive for Academic Excellence and Student Success; Inclusive Community; and Agile Stewardship. We aspire to graduate empathetic problem solvers, ethical change agents, and responsible leaders who make a positive impact on the human condition and thrive in changing world.
Ramapo’s Comprehensive Academic Plan (CAP) is a holistic plan to advance teaching, learning, research, scholarship and creative activity, and meet the promise of Boldly Ascending. The College supports faculty in realizing the goals of Boldly Ascending and the CAP through providing various funding opportunities for professional development, scholarship, and programming for students.
The information on this page serves as an informational guide for faculty. It is not intended to be all-encompassing, nor does it replace the information found in the Faculty Handbook or AFT contract. A chart of all of the information listed below can be found here.
To facilitate the production of Scholarship, as defined in Section 10 of the Faculty Handbook.
Any member of the College’s full-time faculty, appointed at Assistant, Associate, or Full, may apply for grants; however, only teaching faculty may apply for stipends.
Calendar will be posted on the Employee Relations web page by September 1.
In September (see calendar for specific dates), applicants submit the Common Application Form and include all appropriate supporting documentation to their Unit/Dean. More specific information on the procedure can be found here.
Eligibility/Application: Employee Relations, er@ramapo.edu
Administration of funds once award is granted: Jennifer Weinkauff, jweinkau@ramapo.edu
To support professional growth and career development for the improvement of instruction.
Every five (5) years post tenure, all faculty are required to do a self-assessment which may identify areas for improvement or professional development which may result in the awarding of funds. (See Guidelines & Process for more details.)
Applies to tenured members of the faculty (includes librarians).
Employee Relations holds an information session in September; applicants apply in October; final decisions are released in March. Please consult this calendar for specific dates.
Applicants submit the Common Application Form, with required documentation via Google Drive to the Unit Career Development Committee Chairperson.
More specific information on the program and procedure can be found here. Please also reference the Faculty Handbook
Eligibility/Application: Employee Relations, er@ramapo.edu.
Utilization/access of funds once award is granted: Jennifer Weinkauff, jweinkau@ramapo.edu
To support co-curricular activities which have a direct link to measurable student learning outcomes. Platinum funding should be used to fund guest speakers or student trips that support the curriculum.
Full-time, part-time/adjunct, and lecturer faculty members are eligible to apply.
Faculty members consult their Academic Deans who make funding decisions.
Deans for approval and Unit Secretaries for accessing the funds.
To provide students with the opportunity to learn from visiting scholars from diverse backgrounds with expertise related to intercultural/ multicultural education.
Full-time, part-time/adjunct, lecturer faculty members, as well as staff.
Applicants apply here. Applications are reviewed by the Schomburg Committee who approves the scholar and the Provost approves the funding amount. Awardees must adhere to the procedures set forth here.
Eligibility/Application: Schomburg Committee Schomburg@ramapo.edu
Executing the contract and paying the honorarium: Jennifer Weinkauff, jweinkau@ramapo.edu
To motivate and enable the College community to improve teaching and learning with technology, while helping them manage continual change.
Faculty, librarians, and professional staff who teach. Adjunct professors or temporary staff members may jointly apply with a tenured-track faculty, librarian, or professional staff member.
Fall applications are due by the third Friday in November. Spring applications are due by the first Friday in March.
Applicants complete the TLTR Application and submit it to the TLTR Committee by emailing provost@ramapo.edu prior to the posted deadline.
TLTR Committee via the Office of the Provost, provost@ramapo.edu.
To provide resources in Ramapo’s quest for educational excellence by supporting projects related to the Strategic Plan and/or the Value Statements. More information can be found here.
All faculty and staff.
The deadline for academic year 2024-2025 is September 13, 2024. Grants must be spent by the end of the FY after which they were awarded (i.e., grants awarded in 2024 must be spent by June 30, 2025).
Applicants discuss the project with the Dean or unit head in advance of completing the Foundation Grant Application.
Bernadette Connors, bconnors@ramapo.edu
To support faculty scholarship.
Full-time faculty; adjunct faculty may be eligible and should consult their Dean.
Individuals submit a Travel Authorization Request and a Request for Approval for Attendance at Events to the Unit Secretary of their School in advance of travel. Deans make funding decisions. Please consult the College Travel Policies & Procedures.
Unit Secretaries and Deans.
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