Fellowships and Scholarships: Databases, Contacts and Related Information
Most fellowship programs have deadlines between October and January, but each one varies. Applying takes a minimum of several weeks (to request letters of recommendation, write personal statements, etc) and some take months. Plan accordingly and reach out to my office as early as possible in the application cycle so we can begin discussion and preparation on early drafts of your application. Please note that while each award has its own specific deadline/due date for their application submission, Ramapo has its own institutional deadline for each and should be at least a month in advance of the national deadline. This allows my office to have sufficient time to thoroughly review all the materials and documents for each applicant and provide any meaningful and substantive suggestions on making necessary revisions/edits.
For excellent searchable databases of fellowship, go here:
UNDERGRADUATE—University of Arkansas
Graduate—University of Illinois
Selected List of Fellowships and Scholarships (updated for Spring 2023 and new cycles for 2023-24 TBA)
Alpha Lamda Delta
- Any initiated member of Alpha Lamda Delta is eligible. Must have maintained a cumulative 3.5 GPA or higher. There are 26 fellowships available ranging from $3,000 to $7,500 (subject to change; check with its official website) to help qualified members obtain graduate or professional degrees.
- Deadline: February 2024 (TBA)
- Website: http://www.nationalald.org/fellowships/
Campus representatives: Meghan Gregory, Ext. 7517; E-mail: mgregory@ramapo.edu
American Academy in Rome
- The Rome Prize Fellow is invited to Rome for 6-11 months to expand their own professional, artistic, or scholarly pursuits. Applicants should be graduate students in architecture, design, visual arts, and various ancient and medieval studies.
- Deadline: November 2023 (TBA)
- Website: https://www.aarome.org/apply/rome-prize
Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship
- The U.S. Department of State’s Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship Program enables students of limited financial means to study or intern abroad, providing them with skills critical to our national security and economic prosperity. The Institute of International Education (IIE) has administered the program since its inception in 2001. The program aims to encourage students to study and intern in a diverse array of countries or areas and world regions. The program also encourages students to study languages, especially critical need languages (those deemed important to national security).
- Students can study and intern abroad during the spring, summer, fall, winter, or academic year term. Refer to each term for specific dates on the deadlines and timelines for the application cycle. It is important that students apply for the correct scholarship term according to their program dates in order to be considered for the Gilman Scholarship.
- Deadlines vary: October 2022 or March 2023; October 2023 or March 2024, depending on the academic terms you plan on your study and internships.
- Website: https://www.gilmanscholarship.org/applicants/application-overview/
Boren Awards (The National Security Education Program)
- As the National Security Education Program (NSEP) initiatives, the Boren Awards focus on countries, languages, and fields critical to U.S. national security, recognizing a broad definition that includes traditional concerns of protecting American well-being, as well as challenges of global society, such as sustainable development, environmental issues, disease, migration, and economic competitiveness.
- Deadlines vary: January 24, 2024 for the Boren Fellowships for Graduate Students; January 31, 2024 for the Boren Scholarships for Undergraduate Students.
- Website: https://www.borenawards.org/apply-now
Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
- Each year, 10-12 one-year fellowships are offered to graduating seniors to work as research assistants to the Endowment’s senior associates. Anyone who has started graduate studies cannot be considered. The award includes $38,000 (subject to change; check with its official website) as well as full benefits.
- Deadline: January 2024 (TBA)
- Website: http://carnegieendowment.org/about/jr-fellows
Critical Language Scholarship (CLS)
- The Critical Language Scholarship (CLS) Program is an intensive overseas language and cultural immersion program for American students enrolled at U.S. colleges and universities. Students spend eight to ten weeks abroad studying one of 15 critical languages (including Arabic, Russian, Chinese, Korean, Japanese, Urdu, Turkish, Portuguese, Indonesia, Persian, Hindi, Punjabi, etc.). The program includes intensive language instruction and structured cultural enrichment experiences designed to promote rapid language gains.
- CLS, a program of the U.S. Department of State, is part of a wider government initiative to expand the number of Americans studying and mastering foreign languages that are critical to national security and economic prosperity. CLS plays an important role in preparing students for the 21st century’s globalized workforce and increasing national competitiveness.
- Most languages offered by the CLS Program do not require applicants to have any experience studying critical languages. The CLS Program seeks participants with diverse interests, and from a wide range of fields of study and career paths, with the purpose of representing the full diversity of the United States. Participants are selected based on their commitment to language learning and plans to apply their language skills to their future academic or professional pursuits. Please note that CLS is an intensive group-based language program.
- Deadline: November 2023 (TBA)
- Website: https://clscholarship.org/
Critical Language Scholarship Spark (CLS Spark)
- The Critical Language Scholarship (CLS) Program is happy to introduce CLS Spark, a new initiative of the U.S. Department of State providing American students the access and opportunity to start their language learning journeys even when these critical languages may not be offered on their campuses or when they may have responsibilities that limit their ability to go overseas.
- Participants will spend an academic year learning either Arabic, Chinese or Russian through online classes and activities facilitated by native speakers at a host institution abroad.
- Deadline: May 2023 (TBA: may not be available for this year)
- Website: https://clscholarship.org/spark
Graduate Fellowships for STEM Diversity (formerly known as the National Physical Science Consortium)
- Eligible to any U.S. citizen who is a graduating senior with a 3.0 GPA and interested in pursuing graduate studies in STEM research.
- Deadline: December 2023 (TBA).
- Website: https://stemfellowships.org/
DAAD – German Academic Exchange Service
- Seniors and recent graduates in all fields are welcome to apply for study scholarships for Master’s level study at a participating German educational institution. Awards include monthly stipends as well as health insurance and subsidy for travel costs.
- Deadline: Varies (see the website for more information)
- Website: https://www.daad.de/en/study-and-research-in-germany/scholarships/
Department of Energy Science Fellowship
- Recipients must be studying sciences, math, computer science, or engineering at the graduate level to be eligible. Computational Science Graduate Fellowship and DOE NNSA Stewardship Science Graduate Fellowships entail tuition and a generous stipend for 4 years (check with its official website).
- Website: https://www.energy.gov/eere/education/graduate-postdoctoral-opportunities
The East-West Center Asia-Pacific Leadership Program
- The Asia Pacific Leadership Program brings together diverse individuals who want to co-create a future that is peaceful, prosperous, and just. Through place-based learning that is experiential and transformational, APLP fellows practice leadership strategies that enhance personal, team, and community effectiveness. Fellows reflect on what kind of leadership today’s world needs, and build the capacities needed for such leadership.
- The APLP Approach:
- Place-Based: Focuses on leadership in context and builds on communities’ diversity and abundance
- Experiential: Supports Fellows as they practice leadership together, reflect on results, and refines their strategies for greater impact
- Transformational: Fosters individual and collective growth for emerging and established leaders
Emerson National Hunger Fellows Program
- A social justice program that trains, inspires, and sustains leaders. Fellows gain field experience fighting hunger and poverty through placements in community based organizations across the country, and policy experience through placements in Washington, D.C. The program bridges community-based efforts and national public policy, and fellows develop as effective leaders in the movement to end hunger and poverty.
- Deadline: January 9, 2023.
- Website: http://www.hungercenter.org/fellowships/emerson/
Ertegun (Mica and Ahmet) Graduate Scholarship Programme in the Humanities
- Scholarships for one-year and two-year full-time Master’s degrees and for three-year doctoral degrees in the humanities at Oxford University.
- Deadline: January 6, 2023.
- Website: https://www.ertegun.ox.ac.uk/scholarships
Ford Foundation Diversity Fellowships
- All U.S. citizens committed to a career in teaching and researching at the college and university level are eligible. Award consists of annual stipend of $20000 (subject to change; check with its official website). Membership in an underrepresented group enhances likelihood of receiving a fellowship.
- Deadline: December 2023 (TBA).
- Website: http://sites.nationalacademies.org/pga/fordfellowships/
Frederick Douglass Global Fellowship
- The program explores the impact that effective leaders have had on social justice movements and critical peace and conflict resolution efforts around the world.
- Frederick Douglass Global Fellows will explore conflict and injustice from various perspectives and the leaders who sought to affect positive change for their communities and their countries. Fellows will return to America with new perspectives on how effective leaders influence positive social change and inspired to be the catalyst for positive change in their communities and in our world.
- The Fellowship honors the legacy of the abolitionist and statesman who himself traveled abroad in 1845 and experienced first-hand efforts to overcome religious injustice, gender injustice and racial injustice. He returned to America in 1847 transformed and inspired to agitate for positive social change.
- This Fellowship is a fully funded summer study abroad program designed for students of color as part of CIEE’s commitment to open doors for all students from all backgrounds.
- Selection is in the spirit of Douglass himself, with special emphasis on leadership, effective communication, experience in agitating for positive change, and a commitment to cross-cultural respect and understanding.
- Deadline: February 14, 2023.
- Website: https://www.ciee.org/go-abroad/college-study-abroad/scholarships/frederick-douglass-global-fellowship#section-1
Fulbright U.S. Student Program
- Sponsored by the U.S. Department of State, the Fulbright Program is the largest international exchange program and supports graduate study and research in over 140 countries. Open to graduating senior or graduate student in U.S. in the fields of arts/humanities, business, education, engineering, natural/social sciences, and public service. The Fulbright U.S. Student Program provides grants for individually designed study/research projects or for English Teaching Assistant Programs. A candidate will submit a Statement of Grant Purpose defining activities to take place during one academic year in a participating country outside the U.S. During their grants, Fulbrighters will meet, work, live with and learn from the people of the host country, sharing daily experiences. The program facilitates cultural exchange through direct interaction on an individual basis in the classroom, field, home, and in routine tasks, allowing the grantee to gain an appreciation of others’ viewpoints and beliefs, the way they do things, and the way they think. Through engagement in the community, the individual will interact with their hosts on a one-to-one basis in an atmosphere of openness, academic integrity, and intellectual freedom, thereby promoting mutual understanding.
- Applicants must meet the language requirements of the award to which they are applying and demonstrate sufficient competency to complete their project and adjust to life in the host country.
- Grants include book allowances, tuition, transportation, and moderate dependence allowance.
- Ramapo has its own institutional deadline: September 15, 2023.
- National Deadline: October 10, 2023.
- Website: http://www.fulbrightonline.org/
Garden Club of America Scholarships
- A variety of undergraduate and graduate scholarships, of varied amounts, in the following fields:
- Botany
- Coastal Wetlands Studies
- Conservation & Ecological Restoration
- Desert Studies
- Garden History & Design
- Horticulture & Related Fields
- International Work & Study
- Landscape Architecture
- Native Bird Habitat
- Pollinator Research
- Summer Environmental Study
- Urban Forestry
- Deadline: Varied, mostly in January.
- Website: https://www.gcamerica.org/scholarships
The Gates Cambridge Scholarships
- Available to citizens of any country outside of the United Kingdom. Must apply to a subject of study available at the University of Cambridge. Must do research leading to Ph.D., MBA, MPhil, LLM, or second bachelor degree. Awards vary in size but tuition, housing, travel, and a stipend are standard. The ideal candidate will be driven by the values of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, which include a commitment to reducing inequities and improving lives around the world. The Foundation’s mission is to increase opportunity and equity for those most in need, particularly in the areas of health and education, often through the use of science and technology.
- Deadline: Varied on October 12, 2022, December 1, 2022, and January 4, 2023, depending on the courses/disciplines you are applying. See the website for details.
- Website: http://www.gatesscholar.org/
Global Health Corps Fellow
- During a yearlong paid fellowship, GHC fellows work in a range of critical roles within partner organizations on the front lines of health equity in Malawi, Rwanda, Uganda, the US, and Zambia, developing as leaders and making an impact every day.
- Deadline: January 2023
- Website: http://ghcorps.org/fellows/apply-to-be-a-fellow/
Golden Key
- Applicants who are members of and/or have significant involvement in local Golden Key chapter are eligible for numerous scholarships. Students may apply up to 5 years after graduation for graduate and professional studies. The Graduate Scholar Award provides $10,000 (subject to change; check with its official website).
- Deadline: Various deadlines depending on scholarship. December 15 for Graduate Scholar Award.
- Website: https://www.goldenkey.org/scholarships-awards/overview/
Barry M. Goldwater Undergraduate Scholarship
- Intended for students who plan on pursuing graduate studies in math, engineering, or sciences. Recipient must be a full-time junior when applying for senior award. Grants include $7500 (subject to change; check with its official website) to be used for room, tuition, etc.
- Deadline: Last Friday in January of each year.
- Website: https://goldwater.scholarsapply.org/
Hertz Foundation
- College seniors wishing to pursue their Ph.D. in applied physical, biological, and engineering sciences, and willing to morally commit to make their skills available to the U.S. in time of national emergency, are eligible. There are multiple fellowship awards ranging from $3500 per year to $36000 per year (subject to change; check with its official website).
- Deadline: October 2023.
- Website: http://www.hertzfoundation.org/
Huntington (Samuel) Public Service Award
- Offers a $20,000 stipend (subject to change; check with its official website) for graduating seniors to pursue one year of meaningful public service anywhere in the world, before student proceeds onto graduate school or a career of public service.
- Deadline: January 13, 2023.
- Website: https://www.samuelhuntingtonaward.org/
Humanity in Action Fellowship
- Humanity in Action is a transatlantic non-profit organization that supports democracy, pluralism and human rights through unique educational programs for college students, recent graduates and emerging leaders.
- Together with over 2,500 Fellows and Senior Fellows, who are committed to social justice all around the globe, Humanity in Action’s objective is to facilitate and promote a dialogue to understand and respond to the challenges that democratic societies face as they become increasingly diverse. Deeply engaged in human rights, pluralism and democracy, its uniqueness lies in their multitude of perspectives that are brought together in a vibrant international community.
- The Humanity in Action journey begins with a year-long Fellowship – an intense period in the summer and an ongoing training program throughout the fall and winter.
- Deadline: February 2024.
- Website: https://www.humanityinaction.org/fellowship/become-a-fellow/
Josephine de Karman Fellowship Trust
- Established to recognize and assist students whose scholastic achievements reflect high standards. Open to students of all disciplines. Award consists of $25000 (subject to change; check with its official website) for Ph.D. students only at this point.
- Deadline: January 2023
- Website: http://www.dekarman.org/
James Madison Graduate Fellowships
- Open to teachers or those who plan to become teachers of American History, American Government, or social studies (grades 7-12). Award is $24000 (subject to change; check with its official website) and prorated over period of graduate study. Students may apply as juniors or seniors and agree to fulfill the graduate study in a prescribed period of time. Fellowship includes the 4-week Summer Institute on the Constitution held in July at Georgetown University.
- Deadline: March 1, 2024.
- Website: http://jamesmadison.com/
Marshall Scholarships
- Open to U.S. citizens who hold an undergraduate degree with a minimum GPA of 3.7. The traditional scholarship is for 2 years but may be extended to 3 years. Up to 40 scholarships are awarded annually for students to study at affiliated universities in the United Kingdom. Awards include university fees, cost of living expenses, annual book grant, airfare to and from U.S., and where applicable, contribution towards the support of a dependent spouse.
- Deadline: September 26, 2023
- Website: http://www.marshallscholarship.org/
George Mitchell Scholarships
- Open to graduating seniors or graduates enrolled in first year of graduate school at a participating Ireland educational institution. Award includes tuition, fees, travel, and $11000 stipend for living expenses (subject to change; check with its official website).
- Deadline: September 28, 2023.
- Website: https://www.us-irelandalliance.org/scholarships
Montgomery Summer Research Diversity Fellowships in Law and Social Science for Undergraduate Students
National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship
- Open to U.S. citizens and nationals. Fellowships are intended for students at or near the beginning of their doctoral studies in science or engineering. NDSEG Fellowships will be awarded on the basis of academic and overall ability in the areas of interest to the Department of Defense. Award consists of tuition, fees, and a stipend of up to $38400 per year (subject to change; check with its official website).
- Deadline: November 2023 (TBA).
- Website: https://ndseg.sysplus.com/
National Institutes of Health
- The Post-baccalaureate Intramural Research Training Award (IRTA) program and the National Cancer Institute’s Cancer Research Training Award (CRTA) provide opportunities for recent college graduates to spend a year engaged in biomedical research at the National Institutes of Health (NIH). Trainees work side-by-side with some of the leading scientists in the world in an environment devoted exclusively to biomedical research. Fellowships are available in the more than 1250 intramural laboratories of the National Institutes of Health. Stipends are adjusted yearly. Deadline: accepted continuously.
- Website: https://www.training.nih.gov/programs/postbac_irta
National Science Foundation
- The National Science Foundation (NSF) Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP) recognizes and supports outstanding graduate students who are pursuing research-based master’s and doctoral degrees in fields within NSF’s mission. The GRFP provides up to three years of support for the graduate education of individuals who have demonstrated their potential for significant achievements in science and engineering research. The GRFP supports over 100 subfields. (For the 2020 competition, NSF received over 13,000 applications and made approximately 2,000 fellowships offers).The GRFP encourages applications from underrepresented groups, including women, minorities, persons with disabilities, and veterans, in order to broaden and diversify those participating in science and engineering. Fellowship benefits (subject to change; check with its official website):
- Five year fellowship period with three years of financial support
- Annual stipend of $34,000
- Cost-of-education allowance of $12,000 to the institution
- No post-graduate study service requirement
- Access to supplemental funding to sustain research while on medical deferral (e.g. family leave)
- Deadline: ranges from mid to late October 2023.
- Website: https://www.nsfgrfp.org/
NCAA Postgraduate Scholarship Program
- The NCAA awards up to 174 postgraduate scholarships annually, 87 for men and 87 for women. The scholarships are awarded to student-athletes who excel academically and athletically and who are in their final year of intercollegiate athletics competition. The one-time grants of $7,500 each (subject to change; check with its official website) are awarded for fall sports, winter sports and spring sports. Each sports season (fall, winter and spring), there are 29 scholarships available for men and 29 scholarships available for women. The scholarships are one-time, non-renewable grants.
- Deadline: January, April, June 2023 (TBA) – depending on the sport.
- Website: https://www.ncaa.org/ncaa-postgraduate-scholarship-program
NCAA Postgraduate Walter Byers Scholarship
- The Walter Byers Postgraduate Scholarship Program is separate and distinct from the NCAA Postgraduate Scholarship Program, which provides numerous annual awards with smaller stipends. The stipend for each Byers Scholarship is $24000 (subject to change; check with its official website) for an academic year and is renewable. Must be a graduating senior with 3.5 GPA enrolled in a graduate program and competed in intercollegiate athletics as a member of a varsity team.
- Deadline: January 20, 2023.
- Website: https://www.ncaa.org/walter-byers-graduate-scholarship
Payne (Donald M.) International Development Fellowship Program
- Offers funding for graduate school, internships, and professional development activities for students interested in careers in the Foreign Service of the U.S. Agency for International Development.
- Deadline: Fall 2023.
- Website: http://www.paynefellows.org/?areaid=2&contentid=941
Francis M. Peacock Scholarship for Native Bird Habitat
Phi Kappa Phi
- Every year, the Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi awards fifty-seven Fellowships of $5000 each and three at $15000 each (subject to change; check with its official website) to members entering the first year of graduate or professional study. Each Phi Kappa Phi chapter may select one candidate from among its local applicants to compete for the Society-wide awards.
- Deadline: TBA
- Website: http://www.phikappaphi.org/web/
Thomas R. Pickering Graduate Foreign Affairs Fellowship
- Interested in a career serving U.S. interests abroad? If so, the Thomas R. Pickering Graduate Fellowship offers a unique opportunity to promote positive change in the world. Upon successful completion of a two-year master’s degree program and fulfillment of fellowship and Foreign Service entry requirements, fellows have the opportunity to work as Foreign Service Officers with the U.S. Department of State, in accordance with applicable law and State Department policy, serving in Washington, DC or at a U.S. embassy, consulate, or diplomatic mission around the globe.The Thomas R. Pickering Graduate Fellowship is a U.S. Department of State program administered by Howard University that seeks to attract and prepare outstanding young people, who represent ethnic, gender, social, and geographic diversity and have an interest in pursuing a Foreign Service career in the U.S. Department of State. The Program encourages the application of members of minority groups historically underrepresented in the Foreign Service, women, and those with financial need.
- Deadline: September 20, 2023.
- Website: https://pickeringfellowship.org/
Rhodes Scholarship
- The Rhodes Scholarships, the oldest international fellowships, were initiated after the death of Cecil Rhodes in 1902, and bring outstanding students from many countries around the world to the University of Oxford. Criteria include 1) literary and scholastic attainments; 2) energy to use one’s talents to the full, as exemplified by fondness for and success in sports; 3) truth, courage, devotion to duty, sympathy for and protection of the weak, kindliness, unselfishness and fellowship; 4) moral force of character and instincts to lead, and to take an interest in one’s fellow beings. Award consists of $16000 per year for 2 years plus tuition, travel, and living expenses (subject to change; check with its official website).
- Deadline: October 4, 2023.
- Website: http://www.rhodesscholar.org/
Rotary International Ambassadorial Scholarships
- U.S. citizen/permanent resident or other visa status, host country language proficiency; recipient must have completed at least 2 years of university coursework and must enroll for academic study in another country with a Rotary club (academic-year/multiyear scholarships) or pursue intensive language study and participate in a host country project for 3-6 months (cultural ambassadorial scholarship). Tuition, travel, living expenses up to $25000 for 1 year (academic-year scholarship); $12500/year grant for 2 years (multiyear scholarship); $12000 for 3 months or $19000 for 6 months (cultural ambassadorial scholarship). (These may be subjected to change; check with its official website)
- Deadline: October 2023 (TBA).
- Website: https://www.rotary.org/en/our-programs/scholarships
Schwarzman Scholars
- Inspired by the Rhodes Scholarship, Schwarzman Scholars is a highly selective international scholarship program designed to prepare future leaders for success in a world where China plays a key global role. The program will give the best and brightest young leaders from around the world the opportunity to develop their leadership skills through a fully-funded one-year Master’s Degree at Tsinghua University in Beijing – one of China’s most prestigious universities. Applications this cycle will open in April of 2016.
- Deadline: September 2023 (TBA).
- Website: http://schwarzmanscholars.org
Williams E. Simon Fellowship for Noble Purpose
- In order to qualify for graduate fellowships, applicants must engage in graduate studies for the purpose of teaching at the college level. Those attending pre-professional (medical, law) schools are ineligible. Applicants must be U.S. citizens and college seniors or graduate students. Applicants may apply for more than one fellowship, but an applicant may receive only one fellowship during their academic career. The ISI Richard M. Weaver Fellowship pays tuition at the school attended by the recipient, a stipend of $5000, and awards $1000 in ISI Books. The ISI Western Civilization Fellowship awards each recipient $20000 for graduate work related to Western Civilization studies. Two of these graduate fellowships are awarded annually. The ISI Salvatori Fellowship provides $10000 to each awardee for graduate work related to the American Founding. Two of these graduate fellowships are awarded annually. The ISI Bache Renshaw Fellowship awards each recipient $12000 toward doctoral study in education that will influence the discipline with the ideas, values, and institutions that are fundamental to America’s Western tradition. (These amount may be subjected to change; check with its official website).
- Deadline: February 2023 (TBA)
- Website: https://isi.org/students/fellowships/
Paul and Daisy Soros Fellowships for New Americans
- The Paul & Daisy Soros Fellowships for New Americans is designed to provide opportunities for continuing generations of able and accomplished New Americans to achieve leadership in their chosen fields. A New American is an individual who (1) is a resident alien, i.e., holds a Green Card; or, (2) has been naturalized as a US citizen, or (3) is the child of two parents who are both naturalized citizens. The Program is open to individuals who retain loyalty and a sense of commitment to their country of origin as well as to the United States, but is intended to support individuals who will continue to regard the United States as their principal residence and focus of national identity. Each year the Fellow receives a maintenance grant of $20000 and a tuition grant of one-half the tuition cost of the United States graduate program attended by the Fellow. (These may be subjected to change; check with its official website).
- Deadline: October 25, 2022.
- Website: http://www.pdsoros.org/
Tillman Scholars Program
- Founded in 2008, the Tillman Scholars program supports our nation’s active-duty service members, veterans and military spouses by investing in their higher education. Since the program’s inception, the Foundation has named over 400 Tillman Scholars at more than 100 institutions nationwide.
- Deadline: Last day of February each year.
- Website: http://pattillmanfoundation.org/apply-to-be-a-scholar/
Harry S. Truman Scholarship
- The goal of the Truman Scholarship is to find and recognize college juniors with exceptional leadership potential who are committed to careers in government, the nonprofit advocacy sectors, education or elsewhere in public service and provide them with financial support for graduate study, leadership training, and fellowship with other students who are committed to making a difference through public service. 60 fellows are selected each year and the award consists of $30000 for graduate study (subject to change; check with its official website).
- Deadline: February 2024 (TBA).
- Website: http://www.truman.gov/
Udall Undergraduate Scholarship
The Udall Foundation awards scholarships to college sophomores and juniors for leadership, public service, and commitment to issues related to Native American nations or to the environment. The Udall scholarship honors the legacies of Morris Udall and Stewart Udall, whose careers had a significant impact on Native American self-governance, health care, and the stewardship of public lands and natural resources.
- Deadline: March 2024 (TBA)
- Website: https://www.udall.gov/OurPrograms/Scholarship/Scholarship.aspx
Voyager Scholarship (The Obama-Chesky Scholarship for Public Service)
- An increasingly globalized world needs young leaders who can bridge divides and help solve our biggest challenges together. The Voyager Scholarship was created by the Obamas and Brian Chesky, Airbnb CEO, to help shape such leaders. Even though they come from different backgrounds, both the President and Brian believe that exposure to new places and experiences generates understanding, empathy, and cooperation which equips the next generation to create meaningful change.
- This scholarship gives college students financial aid to alleviate the burden of college debt, meaningful travel experiences to expand their horizons, and a network of mentors and leaders to support them.
- Deadline: TBA for 2023-24 cycle
- Website: https://www.obama.org/voyager-scholarship/
Elie Wiesel Foundation for Humanity – Prize in Ethics
- Full-time undergraduate juniors and seniors at accredited four-year colleges and universities in the U.S are eligible. Students must write an essay that raises questions, singles our issues, and develops rational arguments for ethical action. Awards consist of $500-$5000 (subject to change; check with its official website).
- Deadline: February 2024 (TBA)
- Website: https://eliewieselfoundation.org/prize-ethics/
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