- Target: ≥ 57% (2020 entering cohort)
- Actual: 57%
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1. Graduation Rate (Indicator for Goals 1, 2, 3)
Graduation Rate (GR) (4-Year) is reflective of full-time, first-time, degree-/certificate-seeking students who started and finished at the same institution. Students included in graduation rates do not represent all of the students at an institution (e.g., GR excludes part-time and transfer students). The IPEDS graduation rate is calculated as:
GR = # of students who completed their program within a specific percentage of normal time to completion
# of students in the entering cohort (adjusted)
Targets and Actuals: 4 Year Graduation Rate
2. Retention Rates (Indicator for Goals 1, 2, 3)
Retention Rate is defined by IPEDS as the percentage of first-time, full-time bachelor’s degree-seeking students beginning in a Fall term who are subsequently enrolled for credit in that same institution in future Fall terms.
Targets and Actuals: 1st to 2nd Year Rate
Targets and Actuals: 2nd to 3rd Year Rate
3. Enrollment (Indicator for Goals 1, 2, 3)
Undergraduate headcount is defined as the sum of the institutional counts (non-duplicated) of students taken on a prescribed census date after the end of the drop/add period. A graduate credit hour is defined as an institutionally established equivalency that reasonably approximates some minimum amount of graduate student work reflective of the amount of work expected. A credit hour, graduate or undergraduate, is a unit of measure that gives value to the level of instruction, academic rigor, and time requirements for a course taken at an educational institution. At Ramapo, undergraduate headcount and graduate credit hours are calculated based on fall semester frozen file data.
Targets and Actuals: Undergraduate Headcount
Targets: Graduate Credit Hours
4. Community Diversity (Indicator for Goals 1, 2, 3)
RCNJ Community Diversity in Relation to New Jersey Diversity: At Ramapo, Community Diversity is calculated based on fall semester frozen file data. For this KPI, community diversity is defined by Ramapo College in close accordance with the federal “minority rate” definition as the percent of:
New Jersey Diversity is defined in accordance with the federal American Community Survey (US Census) as the percent of New Jersey residents who self-report as Hispanic or Latino, Black/African American alone, American Indian/Alaska Native alone, Asian alone, Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander alone, and Two or More Races.
Targets and Actuals: Undergraduate and Graduate Students
Targets and Actuals: Faculty
Targets and Actuals: Non-faculty/staff
5. Supportive Campus (Indicator for Goals 1, 2)
Supportive Campus is defined, in part, by the National Survey of Student Engagement (14a-i) as the extent to which (4=very much, 3=quite a bit, 2=some, 1=very little) students report their institution emphasizes: “Providing support for your overall well-being (recreation, health care, counseling, etc.)” and “Helping you manage your non-academic responsibilities (work, family, etc.)”
Targets and Actuals: Providing Support for Overall Well-being
Targets and Actuals: Helping Manage Non-academic Responsibilities
6. Alumni Participation (Indicator for Goals 1, 2, 3)
Alumni Participation Rate is defined by DonorSearch as one of the best indicators of how your alumni giving efforts are performing. Alumni participation rate is calculated by first determining the total alumni donor count, then dividing that number by the number of overall alumni on record. For instance, if a college has 100,000 overall alumni and 10,000 are donors, its alumni participation rate is 10%. This KPI is updated in accordance with the fiscal year (July 1-June 30).
Targets and Actuals: Alumni Participation
7. Employee Satisfaction (Indicator for Goals 1, 2, 3)
Employee satisfaction is defined by using data from the Great Colleges to Work For (GCTWF) survey that evaluates, on a scale of 0-100, the following dimensions of employment on a generally triennial basis: Job Satisfaction & Support, Professional Development, Pride, and Collaboration. Targets are largely based on the average scores of other Carnegie Master’s participating instituions. In addition, employee satisfaction data may be collected on these dimensions by POER during the years in which GCTWF is not administered.
Targets and Actuals: Job Satisfaction & Support
Targets and Actuals: Mission & Pride
Targets and Actuals: Professional Development
Targets and Actuals: Collaboration
8. Peer Assessment (Indicator for Goals 1, 3)
Peer Assessment is a factor used by US News to measure undergraduate academic reputation. Through a seventeen-point qualitative survey, US News asks the president, provost and dean of admissions at each school to rate the quality of the academic programs at schools in the same ranking category, including their own. Peer Assessment Score is weighted as 20% of the overall ranking score and is calculated based on a scale of 1-5. Ramapo treats Peer Assessment Score as an indirect measure of institutional reputation.
Targets and Actuals: Peer Assessment
9. Revenue Diversification (Indicator for Goal 3)
Revenue Diversification is defined by Ramapo College as the percent of revenue that is not generated by net tuition (credit-bearing tuition and related fees); this includes operating revenues from grants, contracts, and other; and it also includes non-operating revenues from state appropriation, transactions with affiliates, investment, and other. This value is captured in the College’s financial statements.
Targets and Actuals: Revenue Diversification
10. Course Structure (Indicator for Goals 1, 2)
Course Structure is defined, in part, by the Faculty Survey of Student Engagement as the extent to which (very much, quite a bit, some, very little) faculty report structuring selected course sections so that students learn and develop in the following areas: Thinking Critically and Analytically (31c), Working Effectively with Others (31f), Understanding People of Other Backgrounds (economic, racial/ethnic, political, religious, nationality, etc.) (31h), Solving Complex Real-world Problems (31i), and Being an Informed and Active Citizen (31j).
Targets and Actuals: Course Structure
11. Site Energy Usage Intensity (Indicator for Goal 3)
Site Energy Use Intensity (EUI) is a measure used to express a building’s energy use as a function of its size or other characteristics. Site EUI is based on dividing the total energy billed by the provider (gas in MCF and electric in KWH, both converted to kBtu) by the total finished indoor space on campus (1,841,795 sqft). A low EUI generally but not always signifies good energy performance. Energy Star reports that the 2022 National Median for Site EUI in the US for Colleges and Universities was 84.3 in 2021.
Targets and Actuals: Site Energy Usage Intensity
12. Strength of WiFi Coverage Across Academic, Administrative, and Residential Interior Spaces (Indicator for Goal 3)
The strength of WiFi coverage at Ramapo is measured by collecting and analyzing qualitative and quantitative data. Qualitative data is collected by tracking the number of WiFi related service calls (aggregated by location) received by the Help Desk per month.
Quantitative data is collected by deploying a survey sampling methodology which deploys a WiFi signal strength meter (dBm) at various campus locations per month [dBM= decibels relative to milliwatt; acceptable range: -30 (high) to -100 (low); -30 amazing, -67 very good, -70 ok, -80 not good, -90 unusable]
Targets and Actuals: Wi-Fi Service Calls
Targets and Actuals: Wi-fi Signal Strength Average
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