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Spring 2024 Program Highlights

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impact. the power of conversation.

“We will learn a great deal together and, as a result, continue to strengthen as a community and further our vision of graduating empathetic problem solvers, ethical change agents, and responsible leaders, all of whom our society craves and needs. I am excited about the programs highlighted below along with the many other opportunities we have as Roadrunners, whether that be classes, club events, athletic competitions, guest speakers, proclamations, or music, art, and theater events.”

– President Cindy Jebb


A series of programs designed to educate and foster meaningful campus discussion on difficult topics. 

Fall 2024

Election Reflection| Panel Discussion: Date TBA

    • Election Reflection: An Interdisciplinary Panel Discussion 
      • Date & Time: TBA
      • Featuring RCNJ faculty, students, and members of the Civic and Community Engagement Center

Election Night: Watch and Discuss | Nov. 5

    • Election Night Watch Party
      • November 5
      • Featuring RCNJ faculty, students, and members of the Civic and Community Engagement Center

Debate Night: Watch and Discuss | Sept. 16, 25; Oct. 1, 9

    • Debate Night Watch Parties (including Debate Bingo)
      • September 16 & 25, October 1 & 9, 9pm, Location: TBA
      • Featuring RCNJ faculty, students, and members of the Civic and Community Engagement Center

Spring 2024

Super Tuesday Reflection | March 6

    • Super Tuesday Reflection: Q&A and Panel Discussion
      • March 6, 1pm, York Room
      • Featuring Ramapo College students and Professors Jeremy Teigen, Dean Chen, Kaitlin Sidorsky, and Michael Unger

Public Art Installation | Be Heard. Listen. | February - April

    • Be Heard. Listen.: A Public Art Installation of Student Voices at the Learning Commons
      • Mid-February 2024: Student submissions open; March 8: Installation Opens; April 8: Installation Closes
      • Featuring the voices, experiences, and perspectives of RCNJ students.
      • Description: The purpose of this Ramapo College-curated installation, Be Heard. Listen., is simple: to engage the campus through an opportunity to be heard, and to amplify the other on-campus programming by calling attention to student perspectives and experiences which are often unshared. This is an artistic response to a community experience and not intended to be journalistic. This interactive installation will be housed in the Learning Commons and will call attention to the authentic experiences and perspectives of students.


Three Talk Series | On the Ground in Israel & Gaza | February 19 & 29, March 12

This three-part series of talks will help prepare the Ramapo community to hold meaningful conversations about the latest Israel-Hamas war. We start off with reports on current conditions for civilians in Israel and Gaza, founded on the conviction that productive study and discussion must begin with the humanization of every person and community involved. We acknowledge that the violence of the past months is rooted in a long history which remains the subject of scholarship and acrimonious public debate—a history that we cannot responsibly recount in just a handful of lectures. Thus, for our third and final talk in this series, we meet with two scholars, each with personal connections to the affected regions and communities, who will model for us how to discuss and learn about history and current events productively and meaningfully. They come not to tell us what to think—that is your decision—but how to share and test our convictions, how to learn from others, and how to process the information we receive from various media, scholarly sources, and even college courses. These are vital skills for anyone seeking to make lasting political change or who simply wants to be better informed.

      • Talk 1: Documenting Trauma- Recording Testimonies of Survivors and Witnesses of the October 7 Attacks
        • February 19, 2024, 1pm, Alumni Lounges & Virtual
        • Featuring Dr. Roni Mikel-Arieli, Open University of Israel, Ben-Gurion University, Israel.
        • Description: Oral history serves as both a field of study and a method for gathering, preserving, and interpreting the voices and memories of individuals, communities, and participants in historical events. This talk delves into the ethical, emotional, and social dimensions involved in preserving firsthand accounts of a traumatic event, focusing on various documentation initiatives collecting testimonies related to the October 7 brutal attack by Hamas on southern Israel.
      • Talk 2: Life and Need in Gaza Today
        • February 29, 2024, 1pm, Alumni Lounges
        • Featuring: Rasha Abousaelem, Independent Aid Worker, St. Louis, MO
        • Description: Rasha Abousalem left for Egypt in early 2024 to help facilitate the collection and delivery of food and medical supplies vital to survival in Gaza. While sharing her experiences, Rasha will provide an insider’s account of conditions on the ground and the humanitarian crisis facing millions of Palestinians in Gaza. Rasha is also part of the Palestinian diaspora in St. Louis and can also speak to the effects of the current war and the proceeding history on her community.
      • Talk 3: Meaningfully Discussing Palestine/Israel after October 7
        • March 12, 2024, 3pm, Alumni Lounges
        • Featuring Dr. Mira Sucharov, Professor of Political Science, Carleton University, Ottawa, and Dr. Sa’ed Atshan, Associate Professor of Peace and Conflict Studies and Anthropology Swarthmore, PA
        • Description:  This program will bring together two experts who have been working across national, ethnic, and religious divides to explore the most challenging dimensions of the situation in Israel-Palestine and to help others find ways to have productive discussions about it. Their focus extends beyond conditions in the Middle East to cover the perspectives and needs of multiple diasporas as well.

Diversity Convocation | An Afternoon with NJ's Lieutenant Governor Tahesha Way, Esq. | February 21

    • Annual Diversity Convocation
      • February 21st, 3:00 p.m., Sharp Theater
      • Featuring: Tahesha Way, Esq., Lieutenant Governor of NJ.
      • Description: A lifelong public servant, Lieutenant Governor Tahesha Way, Esq. has devoted her entire career to improving the lives of her fellow New Jerseyans. Over the past two decades, she has served at numerous levels of local and state government. As Lieutenant Governor, Ms. Way brings her extensive experience to bear on addressing the greatest challenges facing New Jerseyans — from making life more affordable, to protecting fundamental freedoms—like access to reproductive health care and equality under the law — to maintaining New Jersey’s reputation as the best and safest state to raise a family. Read more about Lieutenant Governor Way.

Student Forum | I Think, I Feel | March 14

    • I Think, I Feel: A Student-Centered Forum
        • Thursday, March 14, 1:15pm-2:15pm, Trustees Pavilion
        • Featuring the thoughts and viewpoints of RCNJ students through faculty/staff facilitation.
        • Description: I Think, I Feel is a student-centered forum that will provide students with a space to share thoughts related to current issues and the national and international responses. The forum endeavors to be a place where you can talk about issues embedded in domestic and international communities, understand social issues, listen to and respect viewpoints different from your own, and stay in touch with self-care as being vital to your well-being.

Fall 2023

Interdisciplinary Panel | Beginning Our Discussion: Israel, Gaza, and the West Bank | October 17

    • Beginning Our Discussion: Israel, Gaza, and the West Bank | What do you know? What do you think you know? What do you want to know?
      • October 17, 2024, 5 p.m., Alumni Lounges
      • Featuring an interdisciplinary panel of scholars and opportunity for Q&A:
        • Ruth Beitler, Panelist, Professor of Comparative Politics in the Department of Social Sciences, United States Military Academy at West Point
        • Mia Serban, Panelist, Professor of Law and Society, Ramapo College of New Jersey
        • Behzad Yaghmaian, Panelist, Professor of Political Economy, Ramapo College of New Jersey
        • Jacob Labendz, Moderator, Director of the Center for Holocaust & Genocide Studies
      • Description: This academic program is intended to begin campus discussion. We gather with the intention of interdisciplinary learning and gaining a deeper understanding of Israel, Gaza, and the West Bank through a moderated discussion with scholars of comparative politics, history, human rights, political economy, and law and justice.  

Student Leaders Summit | Working Together | November 6

    • Student Leadership Summit: Working Together
      • November 6, 2023, 3:30 p.m., York Room
      • Featuring the collaborative energies of student leaders from across Ramapo College’s clubs and organizations.
      • Description: Ramapo student leaders are hosting a summit with the primary purpose of working together across faith-based, cultural, academic, and special interest student groups to identify resources and develop programming that can further our understanding of the latest Israel-Hamas war as well as our empathy for one another.

Panel Discussion | Media Management and Well-being | November 16

    • Media Management and Well-being: How can we stay informed without compromising our well-being?
      • November 16, 2023, 1 p.m., A 221
      • Featuring Ramapo College scholars and practitioners and opportunity for Q&A
        • Regina Clark, Panelist, Associate Professor of Journalism
        • Katie Cohen, Panelist, Reference and Instruction Librarian
        • Megan Johnson, Panelist, Health Educator
      • Description: With real-time updates, graphic images, and a range of opinions flooding our screens, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. Continuous exposure to emotionally charged news and current events can take a toll on one’s mental health, raising the crucial question addressed in this panel discussion. Panelists will discuss the impact of media, strategies for media literacy and for well-being during times of stress and crisis.