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Section: | 600 |
Section Title: | Administrative |
Policy Number: | 632 |
Policy Name: | Workplace Violence |
Approval Authority: | President’s Cabinet |
College Policy Executive: | Chief Planning Officer |
Responsible Executive: | Vice President for Administration and Finance |
Responsible Unit: | Human Resources |
Date Adopted: | April 30, 2003 |
Ramapo College of New Jersey adopts the State of New Jersey’s Policy Against Violence pursuant to Executive Order #49 (1996) related to disruptive behavior exhibited by any faculty or staff or contract employees or any violence in the workplace. This policy is intended to foster positive, supportive human relations, create a productive work environment for our academic programs and administrative services and allow a campus environment conducive to the mission of learning.
To create a safe, respectful work environment free from intimidation, threats, and acts of violence.
All employees “and contract employees” of the College
Procedure 632: Workplace Violence
Human Resources
(201) 684 – 7506
Workplace violence includes the threat or actual infliction of physical violence as well as the threat or actual occurrence of psychological violence, which sometimes leads to subsequent physical violence. Moreover, violence or threats of violence against College property shall not be tolerated.
Administrators, managers and supervisors are expected to promote positive behavior and to lead by example by treating employees with the respect and dignity which each person deserves. Emphasis is placed on creating a workplace where established standards of conduct are clear, communicated, and consistently enforced, and where corrective action is used fairly and appropriately to deal with instances of unacceptable behavior.
Prohibited Conduct
Ramapo College does not tolerate any type of workplace violence committed by or against employees or contract employees. Employees or contract employees are prohibited from making threats or engaging in violent activities. This list of behaviors, while not inclusive, provides examples of conduct that is prohibited.
1. Causing physical injury to another person;
2. Making threatening remarks;
3. Aggressive, hostile or menacing behavior that creates a reasonable fear of injury to another person or subjects another individual to emotional distress;
4. Intentionally damaging employer property or property of another employee;
5. Possession of a dangerous weapon (examples of dangerous weapons include but are not limited to any firearm, stun gun, knife with 3’ blade or longer, explosive device, bow and arrow, brass knuckles) while on College property or while on College business;
6. Committing acts motivated by, or related to, sexual harassment or domestic violence.
Consequences of Violations of the Policy
Violators are subject to criminal prosecution, suspension, and/or termination of employment. Other action taken against violators may include mediation, referral to the College’s employee assistance program, Employee Consulting Associates, or counseling. Depending on the circumstances, College management may request law enforcement personnel to remove from the premises any employee or contract employee who makes threats, exhibits threatening behavior, harasses others, attempts to intimidate employees, or intentionally damages property.
Action to be Taken
Reporting Procedures
Any potentially dangerous situations witnessed must be reported to a supervisor or to the Department of Human Resources. Supervisors must consult with the Department of Human Resources whenever there is a complaint or report of workplace violence. Situations representing imminent danger should be reported to Security immediately. All reported incidents will be investigated. Reports or incidents warranting confidentiality will be handled appropriately and information will be disclosed to others only on a need-to-know basis.
Supervisor Responsibilities
All complaints or reports of workplace violence must be reported to the Department of Human Resources. Attempts should be made to diffuse a potentially volatile situation, ensure safety of employees, and/or seek medical attention if necessary. Situations representing imminent danger should be reported to Security immediately.
Management Responsibilities
The College will actively intervene at any indication of a possibly hostile or violent situation. The College will take prompt and appropriate action subject to established College policies and procedures and contractual agreements. This action may include criminal prosecution of the person or persons involved, suspension, and/or termination of employment. Action may also include mediation, referral to the College’s employee assistance program, Employee Consulting Associates, or counseling.
Employee Responsibilities
All employees are expected to report incidents of workplace violence to a supervisor or to the Department of Human Resources. All employees are expected to cooperate with any investigation of workplace violence. Employees may be asked to provide statements regarding an incident of workplace violence to which they were a witness.
Policy Implementation
Copies of the policy will be distributed to all faculty and staff, included in the Employee Handbook, and made available on the web. Managers and supervisors will be responsible for informing employees of this policy and for enforcing compliance. Managers and supervisors will continue to have primary responsibility for ensuring a safe workplace, for monitoring and resolution of employee conflicts or disputes, for taking appropriate corrective action when potential violent situation develop, and for working cooperatively with the Department of Human Resources and other College offices when threats or acts of violence occur.
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