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Managers and Staff Teaching Courses

Section Title:Administrative
Policy Number:646
Policy Name:Managers and Staff Teaching Courses
Approval Authority:President's Cabinet
Responsible Executive:Assistant Vice President of Human Resources
Responsible Unit:Human Resources
Date Adopted:February 9, 2022


Policy Statement

This policy applies only to managers and staff who do not teach as part of their primary job responsibilities. These managers and staff may teach up to one (1) course per semester/term or up to 4 credits in areas in which they are academically qualified. Teaching a course in any delivery mode and all work associated with teaching, must be done outside of a manager or staff member’s normal working hours.

Reason for Policy

To promulgate requirements for the teaching of courses by managers and staff that are not part of their primary job responsibilities.

To Whom Does the Policy Apply

All managers and staff whose job descriptions do not include teaching responsibilities.

Related Documents/Supplemental Materials

Procedure #646: Managers and Staff Teaching Courses
Policy 300BB: Minimum Degree Requirements for Adjuncts, Unclassified Staff and Managers Who Teach
Form 13B RCNJ – Professional Staff Teaching Assignment


Human Resources



Managers and staff whose job descriptions do not include teaching responsibilities may teach courses in areas in which they are academically qualified (as defined in Policy 300BB: Minimum Degree Requirements for Adjuncts, Unclassified Staff and Managers Who Teach) to teach as adjunct faculty.


Managers and staff whose job descriptions do not include teaching responsibilities may teach one (1) course per semester/term or up to 4 credits.


Managers and staff whose job descriptions do not include teaching responsibilities must be approved to teach in advance of each semester/term by using Form 13B RCNJ – Professional Staff Teaching Assignment.

Approvals must be secured in the following order:
1) Supervisor
2) Academic Dean
3) Divisional Vice President
4) Provost
5) Assistant Vice President of Human Resources

For managers and staff whose job descriptions do not include teaching responsibilities, teaching a course is only permitted outside of the employee’s normal working hours. If extenuating operational circumstances arise where there is no other alternative for the College, the teaching assignment during the employee’s normal working hours may be approved on a very limited basis by the Provost with concurrence by the Division Vice President and Human Resources.