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Section Title:Administration and Finance
Policy Number:408
Policy Name:Disbursement
Approval Authority:Board of Trustees
Responsible Executive:Vice President with Oversight of Office of the Controller
Responsible Unit:Office of the Controller
Date Adopted:June 3, 1987
Date Revised:June 7, 1995, September 2013, January 2014, November 2024*


*Non-substantive Amendments


The disbursement of College funds is designated by the Ramapo College Board of Trustees.

Reason for Policy

The purpose of this policy is to strengthen financial practices of the College in accordance with accounting and internal control standards, and to establish standardized procedures for all users in the area of disbursement.

To Whom Does the Policy Apply

All employees of the College.

Supplemental Resources

Procedure 408: Disbursement


Office of the Controller
(201) 684-7117


All disbursements of College funds will be directed through the Accounts Payable Department, in accordance with relevant policies, with the exception of Payroll, which will be disbursed by the Payroll Office. Reimbursement of Petty Cash Fund will be processed through the Accounts payable Department. The payment authorizations used by Accounts Payable are the Purchase Order, Accounts Payable Voucher or Travel Expense Report. Documents, forms and approval requirements are specifically identified in the Purchasing and Travel policies.

Purchase Orders

A Purchase Order form is prepared in the Purchasing Department from a purchase requisition processed by a college unit in accordance with established procedures in the Purchasing Manual.

Accounts Payable Voucher

Accounts Payable Vouchers are used to process disbursements that normally do not require a purchase order. Such items would include petty cash disbursements, student refunds, state or federal tax payments and other items at the discretion of the Vice President for Administration and Finance. All Accounts Payable Vouchers require the same approval levels and documentation as purchase orders.

Travel Expense Report

Upon completion of travel, employees are to provide a Travel Expenses Report along with necessary receipts in accordance with the Ramapo College Travel Policy Manual.

Travel Advances

Travel advance requests will be processed in accordance with the guidelines detailed in the Ramapo College Travel Policy Manual.

Payroll Disbursements

All payroll disbursements will be made through the Payroll Office in accordance with all federal, state and college guidelines and regulations.

Salary Advances

Ramapo College does not provide salary advances except in the situation where regular paychecks have been delayed. All such advances will be deducted from the employee’s next regular payroll check.

Petty Cash

Ramapo maintains a petty cash fund to reimburse staff for cash spent from their personal funds on behalf of the College. Cash reimbursements are limited to $25.00 each due to the limited amount of funds available. Purchases which exceed $25.00 are to be reimbursed through the purchasing system. Original receipts must be attached to each Petty Cash request.