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Webtime Entry is to be used for attendance reporting of all faculty and staff, part-time budgeted, and hourly employees.
Faculty, librarians, managers (non-aligned professionals), unclassified (aligned professionals), and classified 35 and 40 hour, NE and NL staff report by exception only. Part-time budgeted and hourly employees report actual hours worked each day.
Appropriate supporting documents should be submitted to the People Operations and Employee Resources Department – Attention Manager of Employee Services and Records (e.g. notice of jury duty, approved union activity confirmation, approved voluntary furlough). Required medical documentation must be submitted directly to the Benefits Office by the employee, not to the supervisor. This is considered a confidential medical record. Supervisors and managers will be informed about receipt of medical documentation by the Benefits Office.
Current leave balances information is available on Ramapo Self Service for each employee by accessing the Leave Balance link on Employee Self-Service as well as employees’ check stubs.Please be sure there is leave time available when charging time. If no leave balance is available in a leave category charged, paychecks may be docked automatically. It is hoped follow-up phone calls regarding unavailable leave balances will not be required.
Correction to individual records for prior pay periods must be made by completion of a Webtime Time and Attendance Adjustment Form noting reason, dates, changes, and signed by appropriate supervisor.
College-directed early dismissals, delayed openings and/or College closings should be noted on the Recap Time Sheet with actual time employee arrived or departed.
Unit heads are responsible for the accuracy of the information in Webtime Time and Attendance. The Unit head’s approval is required for each employee which certifies that hours were worked as recorded, changed, ect. We rely on unit heads to maintain the integrity of our attendance records.
Questions regarding attendance reporting procedures should be directed to the People Operations and Employee Resources Department at extension 7065. Questions regarding the attendance reporting policy should be directed to the Benefits Office at extension 7502.
Regular Full-Time Fixed Work Week Staff Procedures
Each employee should Submit for Approval his/her Webtime Time and Attendance record. Any corrections can be made prior to approval by the Unit Head or Proxy.
Overtime worked by eligible staff should not be entered via Webtime Time Attendance record but on an overtime sheet. All overtime worked must be approved (IN ADVANCE) by the supervisor, unit head, and Vice President for Administration and Finance.
Overtime sheets must be submitted to the Payroll Office (not the People Operations and Employee Resources Department), with the exception of Facilities & Public Safety which are submitted to the individual units. Overtime sheets should be placed in a sealed, confidential envelope marked for the Payroll Office and placed in the basket on the reception desk or in the locked mail box on the wall.
Time Reporting Categories applicable to all regular full-time and part-time staff appear on the individuals Webtime Time and Attendance
No entry is needed for State Holidays
All sick, vacation, compensatory time taken, and paid leave bank may be taken in quarter hour increments. (Hours entered in this column will be deducted automatically from the employee’s leave balance.)
Hours charged to personal leave should be entered each day personal leave was taken. Personal leave can be taken only in half or whole days. Total Personal time taken should be entered in the Total Hours column indicating Code PRS in the Time Category column. Hours entered in this column will be deducted automatically from the employee’s personal time balance.
Hours taken as furlough should be entered on each day such hours are taken. A copy of the approved furlough form should be forwarded to the People Operations and Employee Resources Department. No voluntary furlough should be taken without prior approval.
After presentation of an approved notice of absence for union activity to the supervisor, the excused hours should be entered on each day of union activity. A copy of the notice must be submitted to the People Operations and Employee Resources Department.
After presentation of a notice of attendance for jury duty to the supervisor, the excused hours should be entered on each day of jury duty. A copy of the notice must be submitted to the People Operations and Employee Resources Department.
Hours earned by Managers and NL employees working on Saturday, Sunday, or State holidays are eligible for hour for hour compensatory time and should be entered on the Webtime Time and Attendance record. Helpful to also enter into the comments portion the event worked. Managers Range 33 and higher are only eligible for compensatory time earned, hour for hour, for holidays.
35 and 40 hour NE employees should submit an overtime form for all approved overtime.
Time may be taken in quarter hour increments for previously approved and worked overtime assignments or time accrued as compensatory time earned.
Current leave balance information is displayed on the Leave Balance link on Employee Self-Service as well as paycheck stubs. Please be sure there is leave time available when charging time. If no leave balance is available in a leave category charged, paychecks may be docked.
During the summer, the College normally operates on a four-day work week schedule. During the four-day work week, when the employee is absent a full day, the employee must charge 8.75 hours to available leave balances.
All time may be taken in quarter hour increments. Whole days charged must be charged as 8.75 hours.
Personal leave may be taken only in half and whole days. When charging time to this category for a full day, time must be charged from another available balance, such as Vacation or Compensatory time. In other words, when an employee is absent a full day, 7.0 hours must be charged to personal time and 1.75 hours to either vacation or compensatory time balances.
The above applies to thirty-five hour employees. For forty hour employees on the four-day work week schedule, whole days must be charged as 10.0 days.
35-hour staff charging partial days:
8.75 (Hours for a full day)
less 3.00 (Actual hours worked)
5.75 (Number of hours to be charged)
Note: All time may be charged in quarter hour increments
40-hour staff charging partial days:
10.0 (Hours for a full day)
less 2.0 (Actual hours worked)
8.0 (Number of hours to be charged)
Note: All time may be charged in quarter hour increments
Reminder: Do not include lunch in calculation of time worked.
Please use the Recap Adjustment/Correction Memo to make adjustments to information previously submitted on a Recap Time Sheet. The Recap Adjustment/Correction Memo should be submitted to the People Operations and Employee Resources Department along with the regular biweekly Recap Time Sheet(s).
Units should keep one copy and submit and submit two copies to the People Operations and Employee Resources Department along with any supporting documentation.
Webtime Time and Attendance Adjustment / Correction Form (DOC)
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