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The President of the College or his/her designee has the authority to close the College and/or adjust hours of operation as determined to be practicable. This includes closings due to inclement weather, adjustment of work schedules for energy savings purposes, or any other change to normal work hours. Four-day workweek flexible schedules during summer, winter or spring are reviewed annually.
If the College is closed because of inclement weather and an individual was scheduled to be on vacation, a vacation day needs to be charged even though the College was closed. If the person is out due to illness, a sick day needs to be charged.
In cases of delayed opening or early closing, employees who are not at work must charge the whole day.
If an individual cannot report to work because of the inclement weather and the College is open, the individual must charge available leave balances, either vacation, personal or compensatory time if applicable. Sick time is not to be charged for such a purpose.
Unit Heads should consult with People Operations and Employee Resources Department (POERD) before making any decisions regarding office closings which may be different from College closings. Only the President or his/her designee has the authority to close the campus in the event of inclement weather. Unit Heads do not have the authority to release their staff without express instruction from the President’s Office.
Personal time must be taken in half or whole days. Vacation, sick, or compensatory time (if available) may be charged in quarter hour increments. Sick time may be used only for illness.
A recorded message regarding College closings will be available by calling 201-236-2902. Closing information will also appear on the College’s web page, will be distributed via the emergency communication system, and will be announced on various radio and TV stations.
The summer four-day workweek program typically is in effect from the third week in May through and including the third week in August. The daily schedule for all employees normally working 35 hours a week is 8:00 a.m. to 5:15 p.m. Monday through Thursday, with one-half hour for lunch (and two fifteen-minute breaks for classified staff). Employees with 40-hour workweeks, in most cases, are not affected by the changes. Those who are affected will have schedules set individually by their supervisors.
Time and attendance reporting (except for 40-hour workweek employees) should reflect a day off as 8.75 hours deducted from leave balances.
The regular work schedule is resumed during the holiday weeks of Memorial Day and July 4, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. for the four work days.
Unit Heads are responsible for ensuring the integrity and continuity of this beneficial program, and for ensuring the continuous delivery of services. Any deviation from the four-day workweek schedule requires formal approval through the College’s Flexible Work Arrangements procedure.
The Friday after Thanksgiving is not a paid holiday. The College is officially open with limited services. Offices are not required to be staffed. Those staff required to maintain essential campus services, including maintenance and security services, should be guided by instructions from their unit heads. Available leave balances must be charged by those not in attendance.
The College may go to a four-day work week for a week in January and during spring break for the purpose of energy savings. The same provisions apply as for summer four-day work schedule above.
Most College offices are closed during the December holiday closing. The actual number of days the College is closed is determined each year based on the days on which the holidays fall. If anyone besides essential personnel in Public Safety, ITS, Facilities, Registrar, HR or Business Services needs to be at the College during this closing, arrangements must be made in advance with the supervisor and consultation with the People Operations and Employee Resources Department. Lights are expected to be out and thermostats set low in all but a few essential areas of the College in order to conserve energy.
For the days the College is closed that are not holidays, the time may be charged to vacation leave, administrative leave (for those eligible), compensatory time (if earned and properly recorded), Voluntary Furlough (with prior approval), or the employee may elect not to be paid. Sick leave may be charged in instances of approved medical leave (with documentation). Information regarding available leave balances is displayed on the Recap Time Sheet maintained in the units, as well as on pay stubs available online at the My Ramapo Employee Resource website.
Employees must be in pay status the day before a holiday in order to be paid for the holiday. For those who will not be in attendance on the day before a holiday and have no leave balances to charge, Voluntary Furlough may be requested. This requires prior approval by the supervisor and the Division Head.
Questions regarding attendance reporting during College closings should be referred to the People Operations and Employee Resources Department at extension 7506.
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