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Fitness for Duty

Section Title:Administrative
Policy Number:630
Policy Name:Fitness for Duty
Approval Authority:President’s Cabinet
College Policy Executive:Chief Planning Officer
Responsible Executive:Vice President for Administration and Finance
Responsible Unit:Human Resources
Date Adopted:April 30, 2003
Date Revised:February 1, 2010; September 2013; January 2014



The College may require employees to submit to “fitness for duty” evaluation if there is reason to believe the employee may not be able to perform the duties of the position.

Reason for Policy

To provide a safe and productive environment conducive to academic and administrative pursuits

To Whom Does the Policy Apply

Employees who exhibit signs of impairment on the job, or lack the ability to perform duties, or have been out on a medical leave and require medical clearance to return to work.

Related Documents



Director Human Resources
(201) 684-7506


Please click link for procedure: Fitness for Duty Procedure Human Resources