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People Operations and Employee Resources Department (POERD)


5 Steps to Retirement Readiness for State Employees ONLY

**State Employees are employed by a N.J. State Department, State Agency, State Institution, or a N.J. State College or University.*** ***This session is NOT designed for Local Education or Local Government Employees.*** Sessions are presented by an Empower retirement counselor for the New Jersey State Employees Deferred Compensation Plan. Prepare for your better tomorrow…TODAY You […]


DCRP Account Overview for Employees

This seminar is exclusively about the Defined Contribution Retirement Program (DCRP). The session provides information about DCRP eligibility, contributions rates, investment funds that are available within the DCRP, the Goalmaker investment allocation tool, withdrawals, and the overall rules of the plan. We also take a look at Empower’s DCRP website and how to process all […]