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Janat Pervaiz

Class of: 2027

Major/Minor: Biology (Pre-Med)

Resident/Commuter: Resident

Favorite Class: Biology because it is a topic that I love learning more about and enjoy discussing

Favorite Place on Campus: Library because it is a place where I can study effectively while also catching up with some friends who I might not be able to meet up with otherwise.

Clubs/Organizations: I am a part of the Biology Club, Pre-Med Club, and the South Asian Club.

Future Plans: I plan on studying abroad at some point throughout my time at Ramapo and after that, I plan on going to Medical School.

Favorite Inspirational Quote: ” You’ll find that life is still worthwhile, if you just smile” – Charlie Chaplin

Advice for First-Year Students: “If you can’t say somethin’ nice, don’t say nothing at all.” – Bambi