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Edy Martinez

Class of: 2027

Major/Minor:Computer Science 4+1

Resident/Commuter: Commuter

Favorite Class: Currently, Assembly Level Programming: This class has given me a new insight into the theory behind programming by breaking it down to every single instruction. Additionally, my professor does really well at ensuring we all get a good grasp on the material.

Favorite Place on Campus: 1st and 2nd Floor of the Library: I love these areas because they’re the calmest on campus and nothing beats a really good study session (especially when in the study rooms). Furthermore, the couches by the windows are so comfortable!!!

Clubs/Organizations: – UAA (joining e-board next semester) : United Asian Association; – Hiking Club (joining e-board next semester); – SGA; – Soccer Club; – FASA (Filipino-American Student Association)

Future Plans: – I’ll be completing my CLS Scholarship to learn Russian this summer; – Spending another summer working at my local summer camp; – Begin serving at a chain restaurant and move up the ranks; – Graduate with my master’s and become a software engineer

Favorite Inspirational Quote: “You may have a fresh start any moment you choose, for this thing that we call “failure” is not the falling down, but the staying down” – Mary Pickford

Advice for First-Year Students: Take the leaps. You never know how much you can accomplish or the amazing people you’ll meet without taking that jump. – Edy