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Danielle Ahearn

Class of: 2027

Major/Minor: Major in Social Work

Resident/Commuter: Resident

Favorite Class: I really enjoy my Introduction to Social Work class because of the diverse aspects of the social work field we get to learn about. My professor is incredibly helpful and understanding and does his best to encourage his students in various projects.

Favorite Place on Campus: I really like the Berrie Center because I am a big fan of the arts! I love ushering shows for Arch Performances and enjoy seeing the performances that they have to offer. I’ve also taken some really fun classes in the building, including my First Year Seminar “Exploring Issues Through Performance.”

Future Plans: I plan on working towards my Masters in Social Work and hope to work in medical social work/patient advocacy in some capacity.

Clubs/Organizations: I am one of the co-presidents for Knit and Crochet Club!

Favorite Inspirational Quote: “If you put your mind to it, you can accomplish anything!” -Back to the Future

Advice for First-Year Students: Put yourself out there for as many opportunities as possible, and never doubt yourself! So many exciting opportunities will open themselves up to you in college, but it is important to be confident enough to take these them.