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Angie Sagbay Hernandez

Class of: 2025

Major/Minor: Major: I am majoring in Biology with a minor in Public Health.

Resident/Commuter: Commuter

Favorite Class: My favorite class is Organic Chemistry because I enjoy the challenge of solving complex problems and understanding the underlying principles of chemical reactions.

Favorite Place on Campus: My favorite place on campus is the Atrium because it provides a sense of energy and background noise that helps me concentrate better on my assignments.

Future Plans: After graduation, I will be attending veterinary school to pursue my passion for animal care and medicine.

Clubs/Organizations: I am thrilled to be part of the newly established Pre-Vet Club, which we are launching in Fall 2024, as I am eager to pursue veterinary school after graduation.

Favorite Inspirational Quote: “The best way to predict the future is to create it.” – Abraham Lincoln

Advice for First-Year Students: Stay focused on your goals and remember to take care of yourself!
