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Alex Frisch

Class of: 2027

Major/Minor: Law and Society Major with Minors in Political Science and Criminal Justice Studies

Resident/Commuter: Resident

Favorite Class: Even though I am only a freshman, my courses in Law and Society and Sociology have broadened my understanding of the legal profession. The faculty advises and connects with students one-on-one. My professor, Professor Ellsworth, was a fascinating, motivating, and incredibly kind professor in my law and society course during the fall semester. I approached him for advice when I had to write four papers, a midterm, and a final exam during the semester. Regarding his guidance for me, it concerned pre-law and law school. His enthusiasm for the law encouraged me.

Favorite Place on Campus: The library because it is my favorite place to study.

Future Plans: Law school internship at a law firm study a broad in Florence Italy in spring semester 2026

Clubs/Organizations: The many extracurriculars I’ve participated in have reinforced my love for studying law. I was given the incredible opportunity to take part in the CCEC’s LIS (Leaders In Service) Program in the fall of 2023. I also ran for senator in SGA, which inspired me to work hard in everything I do, and I joined the Law School Prep Club to get support before I start the law school process. In addition, I was just admitted to the Phi Alpha Delta Society of Scholars and the National Honor Society Alpha Lambda Delta. This membership signified my acceptance as a beginner scholar in law and my continuing respect for law enforcement and its system.

Favorite Inspirational Quote & Advice for First-Year Students: “If you can’t fly then run, if you can’t run then walk, if you can’t walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward.” –  Martin Luther King, Jr.