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Tamara Baghal

FYS Class:

Class of: 2026

Major/Minor: I am a biology major on the pre-med track.

Resident/Commuter: Commuter

Favorite Class: My facaorite class is probably Organic Chemistry Lab. Even though it can be difficult, it provides me with new challenges and helps me become a better student.

Favorite Place on Campus: My favorite place on campus is the little deck right on the lake near the spirtual center. It’s such a calm and nice place to study when the weather is right!

Clubs/Organizations: I am apart of Muslim Student Association and the Biology Club!

Future Plans: I plan on going to medical school and becoming a doctor!

Favorite Inspirational Quote: “Try again. Fail again. Fail better.” – Samuel Beckett

Advice for First-Year Students: Don’t overwhelm yourself (especially your first semester)! Never be afraid to ask for help, and be proud of yourself!
