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Matthew Zegla

FYS Class:

Class of: 2027

Major/Minor: Major: Communication Arts; Concentration: Visual Communication Design

Resident/Commuter: Commuter

Favorite Class: Critical Reading and Writing 2 with Diana Wilkins because the professor was very kind and the books we read were both insightful and intriguing. She also put on numerous documentaries, shows, etc to help us better understand the context of the books that we were reading

Favorite Place on Campus: The SGA office as its a great place to get work done, talk with fellow SGA members, and to interact with the general public (the office is open for anyone to walk in and ask questions!)

Clubs/Organizations: My number 1 student organization is the SGA. I’ve met many wonderful people who also share the same goal of striving to make Ramapo a better place to live/learn. Throughout my time in office, I’ve grown both as a person and as a student leader. Being able to work with various departments on-campus to improve student life makes me proud to be a Roadrunner and the efforts that I personally strive for to make Ramapo a better place for everyone.

Future Plans: I would like to get a marketing internship and eventually land a job in the marketing/communications department of a company.

Favorite Inspirational Quote: “Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice.” – Steve Jobs

Advice for First-Year Students: Get involved on campus right away! You’ll meet many new friends who will share the same interests as you. Also, don’t be afraid to try new things, you never know what you’ll discover!