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Erin Brady

Class of: 2027

Major/Minor:Major: Social Work; Minor: Law and Society

Resident/Commuter: Resident

Favorite Class: My favorite class is history matters because I love learning about history.

Favorite Place on Campus: My favorite place on campus is the outside seating at the library because the view is so pretty when I’m studying.

Clubs/Organizations: I am a member of the Women in Business club here at Ramapo and I am also a member of Alpha Sigma Alpha.

Future Plans: My future plans involve getting an internship in the near future and a job in the summer. After graduation I hope to continue studying and get a job in the field of my major.

Favorite Inspirational Quote: “Believe you can and you’re halfway there”

Advice for First-Year Students: My piece of advice is to take everything in and make the most out of your college experience because it goes by fast.