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Alexis Bruno

Class of: 2027

Major/Minor: Law and Society

Resident/Commuter: Commuter

Favorite Class: My favorite class is LAWS-201 by Professor Serban because it is a very opinion oriented course and is always interesting to see how other people think of certain subjects

Favorite Place on Campus: My favorite place on Campus is the Learning Commons because the building itself is beautiful and I enjoy going in to sit down or sometimes getting a drink from the Starbucks located inside.

Future Plans: I plan on obtaining internships in the near future as well as getting a job involving my field of study while I’m nearing the end of graduation. After graduation I am still debating whether to pursue law school or another field of law.

Favorite Inspirational Quote: “You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take”

Advice for First-Year Students: Do not be too overwhelmed, we are all people just like you.

