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Joseph Whitmore

FYS Class:

Class of: 2026

Major/Minor: Music Production

Resident/Commuter: Commuter

Favorite Class: Recording Arts 1 – I get to record multiple instruments, ranging from piano, drums, guitar, bass, etc. I get to mix what I record in the Les Paul Studio, located in the H-wing building. Also, I get to play the drums with my fellow classmates and it’s always a blast every recording session.

Favorite Place on Campus: H-Wing Lounge – My favorite part about the H-wing lounge is the vibrant orange seats in the middle of the first floor. I can sit there for hours doing work for classes, and I can look outside the window towards the lake.

Clubs/organizations: I am in the Brazilian Percussion Ensemble, and every Monday night we get to play drums and music from Brazil. Amarildo Costa, who leads us in playing the rhythms, is a bright ball of energy and always encourages us to feel the rhythm, adding in our own personality to the songs.

Future Plans: I plan to study abroad in Japan, as I’ve been interested in the music that comes from Japan. I also would love to experience the sights and culture that Japan has to offer.

Favorite Inspirational Quote: “I make a mean peanut butter and jelly sandwich.” – Jack Black

Advice for First-Year Students: Be yourself. Be the best you that you can be, and your time here at Ramapo will be exciting and awesome.
