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Sarah Luckenbach

FYS Class:

Class of: 2026

Major/Minor: Environmental science major, biology minor

Resident/Commuter: Resident

Favorite Class: Although it was a challenge in the moment, I look back on my geology lecture and lab classes fondly, because it made for such memorable experiences. Those classes also came with lots of jokes from both my professor and my peers, which made the 5-hour lab part more bearable.

Favorite Place on Campus: The Grove! I love when it is nice weather outside and I’m able to take a break to sit outside between classes. That and the lake are definitely two of the prettiest spots on campus, which I always admire when I walk past.

Clubs/organizations: Volunteering at the campus greenhouse (taking care of the plants there), Tutoring students in science through OSS, A member of Future Teachers at Ramapo (FTAR)

Future Plans: Other than doing well in the classes I’m taking and getting more involved on campus, I want to start an internship next year and begin substitute teaching at my local schools.

Advice for First-Year Students: Start by getting involved in just one thing on campus, and see how many others it leads you to!