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Dylan Solis

Class of: 2025

Major/Minor: Major in Communications with a Concentration in Global Communication and Media

Resident/Commuter: Resident

Favorite Class: Introduction to Digital Filmmaking – Got to connect and work with a lot of talented people, made some great projects, and it fulfills a Gen-Ed requirement!

Favorite Place on Campus: Top of the Laurel Parking Lot – Love the amazing view, and feeling the breeze on a nice day

Clubs/Organizations: RCNJ Smash Club, Esports, Concert Band, Trading Card Game Club, Rhythm Game Club

Future Plans: Hope to do anything where I can write, make a difference, and make a living after I graduate

Favorite Quote: “The people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do” – Steve Jobs

Advice for First-Year Students: Start networking and exploring your opportunities early – it can be intimidating to go to events and poke your heads in offices, but it never hurts, and you’ll thank yourself later.
