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The OSSOnline Instructor Portal is an online platform for faculty to use in providing disability-related accommodations for students. The Instructor Portal provides a means for course instructors to view copies of the Academic Accommodations Notice for the students in their courses. Original copies are emailed to you after a student’s accommodations are approved by OSS for your course.
The platform aims to streamline disability access for students by supporting faculty in their role as instructors. The platform will also enhance communications among students, OSS, and faculty. By handily keeping all the information in one place, the portal will permit faculty to:
How to Access and Use the Instructor Portal
Log into the Instructor Portal through the OSSOnline Login Instructors Button
Use your Ramapo User ID and password to log in. You will only be able to use this system if you are a Ramapo faculty member with an active Ramapo User ID.
Once logged into the Instructor Portal, you will be able to view your students’ approved disability accommodations or services in your courses (by clicking “View” next to the student’s name). This is the same information that is contained in the Academic Accommodations Notices that were emailed to you.
Note: If a student has not requested an Academic Accommodations Notice from our office, or if it has not yet been approved, that student’s information will not be accessible through this portal. You will only have access to student information that the student has requested be released in the form of a letter to you and it has been approved by OSS. Once the Academic Accommodations Notice is shared with you, students are still expected to have a conversation about their needed accommodations and services in your course.
If a student in your course gets approved for additional accommodations or services, those would also appear in the portal.
If you do not see any student information after logging in, it means that you do not currently have any students with disabilities who have requested their approved academic accommodations or you may not have students with disabilities in your course(s).
Once logged into the Instructor Portal, Click Alternative Testing to enter the portal’s alt testing page. You will be able to complete, review and/or update the Faculty Alternative Testing Agreement(s) for each of your course. If you have more than 1 course section, you may copy the content of a completed agreement to the other course section.
Within the Alternative Testing section, you will also be able to view any approved exam reservations, completed exams and have the ability to upload your exam securely through the portal.
Please review the step-by-step guide to learn how to access many of the features within the Instructor Portal.
If you have questions about this portal, please contact David Nast, OSS Director at dnast@ramapo.edu
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