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Ramapo College offers many helpful campus supports and resources for all students. Included are some additional off-campus supports you may find helpful.
Center for Reading and Writing
The Center for Reading and Writing offers one-on-one, face-to-face consulting sessions in writing, reading, and study skills. We encourage ALL Ramapo students to visit the Center. Whether you want to improve your reading, learn strategies for strengthening your writing, or brush up on study skills, we have the people and the resources to help you.
You may now make an appointment with a writing tutor on Connect. For Graduate students who cannot access Connect, please e-mail Priscilla Tovi at ptovey@ramapo.edu to schedule an appointment.
Hours: Mon.-Thurs: 10:00 a.m.– 8:00 p.m., Fri. 10:00am – 2:00pm
Location: Linden Hall, 2nd floor, Room 211
E-mail: crw@ramapo.edu
Website: https://www.ramapo.edu/crw/
Mathematics and Science Tutoring
Courses tutored: all mathematics courses from MATH 021 to MATH 237, Fundamentals of Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Fundamentals of Biology, Genetics. Schedule of tutors and courses tutored: posted in the hallway, in a large display glass case to the right of the G Wing, Room 131 entry door.
Location: G Wing, Room 131
Charge: free.
Appointment: not needed.
Supervisor: Prof. Sara Kuplinsky (skuplins@ramapo.edu), office G131A.
Website: https://www.ramapo.edu/tas/math/tutoring/
Please use this helpful search engine to find tutoring resources.
Website: https://tutoring.ramapo.edu/
The college experience is a time of personal growth and change; this can be both exhilarating and challenging. Sometimes, these challenges can be stressful and interfere with your academic, social, or emotional adjustment to college. If this seems to be happening to you, come and see them at the Center for Health and Counseling Services. They can help you get back on track in a safe, caring, and confidential setting.
For Parents or Faculty and Staff with a concern about their student, please check out their website for more resources, or contact them.
Location: Building D, Room D-216 (entrance behind stairwell on left)
Phone: (201) 684-7522
Website: https://www.ramapo.edu/sud/
Counseling Services are available to all students, both residential and commuter. All our counselors are professionally trained, and your sessions are confidential and free.
For individual and group counseling, contact them by phone at 201-684-7522 or stop by their office in room D-216. At the time of your appointment, you will be asked to fill out contact information (name, residence, telephone number) and a brief questionnaire describing what brought you to counseling. Please come 15 minutes before your first session time to complete this information.
For Parents or Faculty and Staff with a concern about their student, please check out their website for more resources, or contact them.
Drop-In Hours: Monday 1-3PM and 4:30-6:30PM and Tuesday- Friday, 1-3PM
Location: Building D, Room D-216 (entrance behind stairwell on left)
Phone: (201) 684-7522
Website: https://www.ramapo.edu/counseling/
(Off-Campus) Counseling Support: Care Plus
Care Plus, which provides outpatient mental health care, is now a stop on the Ramapo Shuttle! Located in Paramus, Care Plus accepts new clients for walk-in intakes (no appointments needed) on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays between 9am and 1pm. Be sure to bring your insurance information with you.
For more detailed information about the location of Care Plus, including a map, click here.
For more detailed information about the Ramapo shuttle, including weekday and weekend schedules (which can be found through links on the left side of the page), click here.
Hours (new client walk-in intake/no appointment needed): Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays, 9am – 1pm.
Location: 610 Valley Health Plaza, Paramus, NJ 07652
Phone: (201) 265-8200
Website: https://www.careplusnj.org/about/locations/paramus-headquarters-directions/
The College’s Information Hotline is (201) 236-2902. Should there be a change in College Status, the information will be posted on their website. Please visit the website for more information, and make sure you have signed up for Alert Me Now messages if you are faculty, staff or a student.
Website: https://www.ramapo.edu/emergency/
The ENHANCE program is a therapeutic support program that takes a holistic approach and focuses on social, emotional, and organizational growth to assist those students with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) in adapting and flourishing in college and beyond. ENHANCE offers additional services and resources to support our students over and above what is required under current disability law.
Ramapo College has long been at the forefront of supporting students with learning differences and the ENHANCE program is an exciting opportunity intended to help new students transition from high school to college and keep current students academically and socially engaged in order to maximize their college experience.
For more information contact Suzanne Calgi, LCSW, Program Coordinator
Phone: (201) 684-7522
E-mail: enhance@ramapo.edu
Website: https://www.ramapo.edu/enhance/
Ramapo College of New Jersey defines the term human diversity as the full range of human differences and experiences. Further, diversity refers to the many ways in which people differ, such as age, ethnicity, race, sex, gender identity, religion, physical and mental abilities, and disabilities, socioeconomic status, sexual orientation, and national origin. In promoting and celebrating diversity, Ramapo College pledges to respect and value personal uniqueness and differences, to seek to attract diverse faculty, staff and students that reflect the changing demographics in the region and beyond, to seek and acknowledge common ground, to challenge stereotyping, and to promote sensitivity and inclusion.
We also define inclusion as the active, intentional, and ongoing engagement with diversity—in the curriculum, in the co-curriculum, and in communities (intellectual, social, cultural, geographical) with which individuals might connect—in ways that increase awareness, content knowledge, cognitive sophistication, and empathic understanding of the complex ways individuals interact within systems and institutions. Inclusion exists when all individuals and groups feel accepted and are empowered to participate as full and valued members of a community.
The mission of Equity and Diversity Programs at Ramapo College of New Jersey is to ensure the community celebrates diversity and create a favorable campus climate for all through programs, and peer education. As an office, we believe that diversity is necessary for the success of the institution.
The College’s vision for diversity encourages the examination of perspectives and values, enriches the learning experience, and prepares people to be more effective members of their community. The College thus seeks to create an inclusive and supportive environment characterized by high rates of retention and continuation of a diverse student population; providing curricula and programming that encompass diversity in all its forms; and attracting, developing and retaining faculty and staff who reflect and are committed to diversity and inclusiveness.
Website: https://www.ramapo.edu/oed/
All currently enrolled students are eligible to use Health Services free of charge. If you need assistance getting to Health Services for your appointment, please contact Campus Security at x6666.
Appointments: Please call (201) 684-7536 (off campus) or X 7536 (on campus) to schedule your appointment. All patients are seen on an appointment basis. Emergencies are seen immediately. Due to the limited number of appointments available, patients are asked to call and cancel an appointment if you are unable to keep it. Also, you must be checked in 15 minutes prior to your medical or Well Women’s appointment or your appointment will be canceled. You will be rescheduled for the next day appointment.
Emergencies: In the event of a medical emergency, please call 9-911(on-campus) or 911 (off campus). You can also contact Ramapo College Security at X 6666 (on-campus) or (201) 684-6666 (off campus). This will activate the Ramapo College Emergency Response System. Health Services is NOT an Emergency Department and cannot provide the level of care that Emergency Department does.
Location: Health Services is a part of the Division of Student Affairs. It is located near the campus South Gate entrance at the corner of Route 202 and Hornbeam Road.
Phone: (201) 684-7536
Website: https://www.ramapo.edu/health/
(Off-Campus) Medical Support: Valley Medical Group
Valley Medical Group in Waldwick provides both Urgent Care and primary physician services. The shuttle stops in this location on weekday evenings and on weekends when on-campus health services are not available.
At this location, the pick-up and drop-off is by Valley Medical Group.
Website: https://www.valleyhealth.com/locations/vmg-primary-walk-care-waldwick
Ramapo College offers mindfulness programming for learning, retreat, community and practice in meditation, yoga, mindfulness and mindful living. They offer training in building skills for stress reduction, resilience and compassion.
Location: Anisfield School of Business (ASB), Room 411 / Weekly Meditation room 420
Phone: (201) 684-6855
E-mail: mindfulness@ramapo.edu
Website: https://www.ramapo.edu/mindfulness/
The Public Safety Department is staffed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. Its 32 employees utilize foot and vehicle patrols to observe and report situations or activities which may pose a danger to persons or property.
Public safety officers are unarmed and do not have police powers. Public Safety Officers respond to all complaints as promptly as possible and, if the Officer or complainant requires local police assistance, Public Safety notifies the Mahwah Police Department. (There is a direct hotline to the Mahwah Police Department in the Public Safety Office.)
Public Safety Officers have received First Aid and CPR training in addition to instruction in campus public safety procedures. The College enjoys an excellent working relationship with the Mahwah Police Department. Response to requests for assistance is very prompt.
Location: Ground Floor, C-Wing, C-102
Phone: Campus Public Safety Emergency: (201) 684-6666 / Non-Emergency Calls: (201) 684-7432/33 / TDD: (201) 684-7011
Other Phone Numbers: School Closing: (201) 236-2902 / Police/Fire: 9-911
Website: https://www.ramapo.edu/publicsafety/
Ramapo College offers many scholarships for its students, including students with disabilities. For more information about scholarships for students with disabilities, please contact ossscholars@ramapo.edu.
Website: https://www.ramapo.edu/scholarships/
Sexual assault harms individual victims and represents the possibility of ongoing harm to others. Ramapo College does not tolerate sex or gender discrimination, including sexual misconduct such as sexual harassment and sexual assault, stalking, and intimate partner violence. These behaviors are harmful to the well-being of our community members, the learning/working environment, and collegial relationships among our students, faculty, and staff.
Please visit their website for more information.
Website: https://www.ramapo.edu/publicsafety/sexual-assault/
The Office of Student Conduct seeks to support the mission of the College by fostering student responsibility, respect for self and others, and development of the whole student by enforcing the Code of Conduct in a timely, fair, and consistent manner. The office administers a process that promotes behaviors which strengthen the academic environment both inside and outside of the classroom and prepares students for responsible citizenship through their choices and decision making. The office serves as a resource to the community by collaborating with campus partners to support student success.
The Office of Student Conduct is responsible for coordinating and adjudicating all college policy violations related to students. The Office of Student Conduct staff will assist in the development of responsible student behavior and educate students as to the purpose and importance of abiding by policies. Students are expected to be responsible community members, demonstrate integrity in their decision making, and practice civility throughout and beyond the College. Student misconduct and disruptive behaviors are addressed through a fair and impartial process complimented by sanctions which are designed to ensure continued and future adherence to the standards of conduct. The Office of Student Conduct staff routinely counsels students concerning their rights and responsibilities in the disciplinary process.
Hours: Fall and Spring Semester Hours: Monday – Friday 8:30 AM – 4:30 PM; Summer Hours: Monday-Thursday – 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Location: Academic Wing C-212 (in the Student Affairs Suite)
Phone: (201) 684-7869
E-mail: studentconduct@ramapo.edu
Website: https://www.ramapo.edu/student-conduct/
Center for Student Involvement
As innovative educators guided by the mission of Ramapo College, we provide co-curricular programs, activities and services to promote student learning and success. We support the development of students as globally conscious citizens and active partners in our communities. Through these efforts we foster inclusive environments where students can explore their identities and celebrate diversity. By challenging and supporting individuals, clubs, and organizations, we empower students to live and lead with integrity.
Location: Student Center, Room 202
Phone: (201) 684-7593
E-mail: csi@ramapo.edu
Website: https://www.ramapo.edu/csi/
Ramapo College is excited to offer numerous transportation service options including:
For general shuttle, Coach USA/Shortline, or other transportation questions: Please email the Center for Student Involvement (CSI) at shuttle@ramapo.edu or call 201-684-7593.
CSI Office Hours: Monday-Friday, 8am-12am; Saturday, 4-10pm; Sunday, 3-8pm
For shuttle questions outside CSI Office hours: Please call Public Safety at 201-684-6666.
**Shuttle buses are not lift-equipped. To request disability-related accommodations, please call (201) 684-7593 in advance.**
All times are approximate. Fluctuations in scheduled times may occur due to traffic, weather, train, or other delays. In the event of a weather emergency resulting in College closing, the shuttles may not be in service. Changes to the shuttle schedule (related to weather or other) are announced via Ramapo College’s Shuttle Twitter account @RCNJShuttle and are posted on website.
Click here for more information.
Click here for more information.
Click here for more information.
Click here for more information.
Click here for more information.
Additionally, there are various other transportation providers (listed below) that may be able to offer specialized transportation options for individuals with disabilities.
(Off-Campus) Transportation Support: Bergen County Division of Community Transportation
Location: 178 Essex St., Lodi, NJ 07644
Phone: 201-368-5955
Website: https://www.co.bergen.nj.us/community-transportation
(Off-Campus) Transportation Support: EZ Transportation
Call: 201-939-4242
Fax: 201-939-2630
Email: info@ezride.org
Website: https://ezride.org/
(Off-Campus) Transportation Support: Flex-T Transportation
Location: 144 Park Place East, Wood-Ridge, NJ, 07075
Phone: 201-939-4242
E-mail: info@ezride.org
Website: https://ezride.org/transportation/special-transportation/
(Off-Campus) Transportation Support: Logisticare
For Transportation Reservations, Call: 1-866-527-9933
If Your Ride is Late or Doesn’t Show, Call: ‘Where’s My Ride?’ at 1-866-527-9934
To File a Complaint About Your Transportation Provider with Logisticare, Call: 1-866-333-1735.
Website: http://njmedicaidride.net/
(Off-Campus) Transportation Support: NJ TIP Program
Phone: 848-932-4499
Email: njtip_info@njtip.rutgers.edu
Website: http://vtc.rutgers.edu/njtip/
(Off-Campus) Transportation Support: New Jersey Transit’s Access Link
Phone: 1-800 -955-ADA1 (2321) between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. / (TT) 1- 800-955-6765 for the Deaf & Hearing Impaired
Email: adaservices@njtransit.com
Website: https://www.njtransit.com/tm/tm_servlet.srv?hdnPageAction=AccessLinkTo
The Ramapo College Women’s Center and LGBTQ services utilizes an intersectional feminist perspective to lead, support, and advance efforts for gender equity. The Center maintains a commitment to sustaining and strengthening social justice engagement and education through co-curricular programming, social action, and advocacy. By promoting equity, diversity, inclusion, and acceptance, the Center helps foster a campus free from racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, ableism, classism, and ageism, while also challenging multiple forms of oppression and discrimination.
Faculty/Staff Pride is an organization on campus that promotes the interests of LGBTQ+ and Allied Faculty and Staff at Ramapo College. All Ramapo College Faculty and Staff are welcome to join!
Location: Room C-220 (near the Fishbowl)
Hours of Operation: Monday – Thursday: 10:00am – 7:00pm; Friday: 10:00am – 5:00pm; Location: Room C-220 (near the Fishbowl)
Phone: (201) 684-7468
E-mail: women@ramapo.edu
Website: https://www.ramapo.edu/womenscenter/
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