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Alternative Testing/Exam Requests for Students

Alternative Testing/Exam Requests for Students

The OSSOnline exam reservation system is taking exam reservations for in-person proctoring Monday to Friday 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM.  Exam reservations must be made no later than 7 days (excluding holidays) prior to the scheduled exam and 14 days prior to the scheduled final exam. Email with any alternative testing needs or problems. Screenshots with any difficulties with the OSSOnline – exam reservation are helpful to submit when emailing OSSTests.

For online/virtual courses: OSS students must follow up with their instructor directly and no later than 7 days (excluding holidays) prior to the scheduled exam – and 14 days prior to final exams to address alternative testing needs for any virtual class. If you need help, please email the Alternative Testing staff at

Faculty: You will receive an electronic copy of your student’s accommodations, which will include the link for the Faculty Alternative Testing Agreement. Faculty may consult the student’s OSS counselor or Alternative Testing staff to discuss how they might accommodate their students’ alternative testing arrangements. For in-person courses, proctoring assistance will be available through the Alternative Testing staff at OSS, Monday to Thursday. OSS students will submit an exam reservation through OSSOnline no later than 7 days prior to the scheduled on campus exam and 14 days prior to the on campus final exam.

Alternative Testing for Students: the Process 

To-Do #1: Request Exam Accommodations
  • Log into OSSOnline to review your courses and select your accommodations for the semester.
  • It’s a good idea to be in touch with your OSS Counselor, and definitely contact them if you have any questions!
  • After you select the accommodations you choose in OSSOnline, your OSS Counselor is notified to review and approve your accommodations. It’s best to request your accommodations the week prior to the start of classes. Your Counselor will e-mail you and your Instructors copies of your Accommodation Notice (FYI: after the initial notice is sent, you can log into OSSOnline and print out extra copies of the Accommodation Notice yourself!)
To-Do #2: Connect with your Instructor to Review Accommodations
  • Connect with your instructors to discuss your accommodation plans and how will proctoring be handled if you are planning on using testing accommodations.
  • If the instructor will be proctoring your exams, you are set.
  • If you need OSS to proctor your exam, you will need to submit Exam Requests (also known as setting testing appointments).
To-Do #3: Submit Exam Requests
  • Check your syllabi early, so you can submit Exam Requests in a timely manner. 
  • During the semester, requests must be submitted at least 7 days in advance (excluding holidays) for a scheduled exam and 14 days in advance of final exams.
To-Do #4: Two to Three Days Before Your Exam
  • Check your e-mail or touch base with your Instructor to make sure your exam accommodations are all set up.
  • Make sure you have the materials you need to bring to the exam.
  • Lastly, get a good night’s sleep!
To-Do #5: Day of Exam
  • Be on time! Depending on the setup of the exam, your proctor may not be able to proctor longer than your scheduled, accommodated, extended time.
  • Bring all approved exam tools and materials.

Alternative Testing for Students: a Shared Responsibility

Student Responsibilities
  • Discuss exam details with Instructor.
  • Speak with your Instructor and OSS Counselor if you need help.
  • Submit exam requests to your Instructor no later than 7 days (excluding holidays) prior to each exam.
  • On the day of your exam, show up on time and complete exam in an ethical manner.
Faculty Responsibilities
  • Meet with students to review testing accommodations, as initiated by students.
  • Check your e-mail, communicate with students how exams will be proctored in the remote environment
  • Communicate any questions, concerns, updates or issues with the student’s OSS Counselor and/or Alternative Testing Staff.
OSS Responsibilities
  • Provide information about alternative testing.
  • Answer any questions and/or concerns students or instructors may have regarding alternative testing (
  • Regularly evaluate alternative testing services.


We are here to help you!

For support or answers to your Alternative Testing questions, please contact us at We respond during business hours, and will get back to you right away!


E-mail is the best way to reach us –