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MSW Curriculum

Curriculum Overview

Ramapo College of New Jersey offers a Council on Social Work Education Accredited Master of Social Work degree that is affordable and prestigious. It combines a rigorous and innovative classroom education along with a community based practice experience transitioning students to professionals in the field of social work.

The MSW Program is offered as a full-time hybrid program two nights a week and a part-time hybrid program one night a week. Two classes meet 2 hours each night – Monday and Thursday – with 30 minutes of online work weekly. Students enrolled in the full-time program will complete in two years; students enrolled in the part-time program will complete in 3 years. The Advanced standing Program is a one-year program for students who have graduated from a CSWE accredited BSW program. 1,000 hours of practicum are required for the Two Year Program and 500 for the Advanced Standing Program.

Attaining Professional Licensure: Complete all academic requirements necessary to take the ASWB licensing examination for the LSW in NJ and LMSW in NY.


  • To be completed in one year
  • Hybrid course delivery: 2 hours in-person 0.5 hour online / week
  • 500 practicum hours (Approximately 17 hours per week)

TOTAL 30 credits


  • To be completed in 3 years (can be extended to 4 years upon approval)
  • Hybrid course delivery: 2 hours in-person 0.5 hour online / week
  • 1,000 practicum hours (Approximately 17 hours per week)
Spring - Year 3

TOTAL 60 credits

3 Credit Electives:

In addition to our hybrid and online classes, Ramapo college MSW Program also offer study abroad opportunities during spring break and the first week of May.
