Study Rooms: Reservations and Usage

Study Rooms: Reservations and Usage

Potter Library in the Peter Mercer Learning Commons is one of the available study spaces/computer lab spaces on campus. All the study rooms have whiteboards and data/power outlets. Dry erase markers & eraser kits are available for check-out at the circulation desk.

We have a total of 23 study rooms and media rooms available. Please reserve a room that is appropriate for you or the size of your group. Please note that you may be asked to move if you are a single person occupying a room meant for up to 10 people OR if you are a big group occupying a room meant for a maximum of 4 people. See below for a list of study rooms and max occupancy for each room.

Study Room Reservations: Policies

  • The study rooms are intended for current Ramapo students only and are not open to faculty, staff, and the general public.
  • Rooms can be booked 2 weeks in advance.
  • Only one reservation per day is allowed for any person/group.
  • Study Rooms: 2 hours will automatically be selected for each booking.
  • Media Rooms: 4 hours will automatically be selected for each booking.
  • Students are required to check in to confirm their reservations when they arrive in the room. If you do not check in within 15 minutes of the reservation time, ex. 1:15pm, the room will be made available to others.
  • Please check out when ready to leave.

    This policy is in response to student requests for a better study room management system that encourages efficient room usage.

    How to Reserve a Study Room

    1. Go to
    2. Scroll down and Click on Reserve a Study or Media Room button.
    3. Choose a category (ex: Study Rooms (1st Floor)) or Choose All Categories from the dropdown menu.
    4. On the reservation page under the Space column find a Study/Media Room (ex: LC-113 – Study Room).
      • NOTE: To select a future date: Use the left and right arrows to move between dates or use the Go to Date button.
    5. Select the Green Boxes next to the Study/Media Room (ex: LC-113 – Study Room) you would like to reserve.
      • NOTE: To change the reservation use the dropdown at the bottom of the page to Edit the Lenght of Your Reservation (ex: 1 Hour) or click the Trash Can button Delete Event to select a different start time.
    6. Once you have finalized your reservation times Click the Submit Times button.
    7. Next Review the booking details page and Click Continue.
    8. Fill out the Form and Click on the Submit my Booking button.
    9. You will then receive an email confirmation that includes a check in code (ex: 3N8) regarding your booking.

      Room numbers include maximum occupancy. Please select an appropriate room based on the number of students who will be using the room. Please note that you will be asked to move to a smaller room if you are using a room meant for 10 people.

“The Red Boxes” Delete Event are unavailable times.

“The Green Boxes” Delete Event are available for booking.

    Check in Process:

    1. On the day of your reservation you will need to check in to confirm your use of the room.
    2. Log into to your Ramapo College E-mail account.
    3. Open the confirmation e-mail you have received and Click On the click this link. You can also Scan the QR code at the door panel to your Study/Media room or go directly to
    4. Enter the check in code (ex: 3N8).

      Please check out when ready to leave. Please cancel your reservation if you find you no longer need it.

    Check out Process:

    1. Once the check in is complete a Check Out button will appear on the same screen for easy access.
    2. Click on the Check Out button.
    3. You can also check out by going direcly to
    4. Log into to your Ramapo College E-mail account.
    5. Open the confirmation e-mail you have received.
    6. Please enter the check in code (ex: 3N8).

    How to Cancel a Booking

    1. Log into your Ramapo College E-mail account and open the confirmation e-mail you have received.
    2. Click on the specific link right after "to cancel this booking visit:"
    3. The page will open.
    4. Click on the Delete Event Cancel Booking button.

  • In order to provide fair access and use of study rooms to all students, please reserve the rooms only for the time that you need them.
  • Please note that you may be asked to move if you are a single person occupying a room meant for big groups OR you are a big group occupying a room meant for a maximum of 3 people.
  • Please refer below for study room capacity and closing times:

    1st floor (NOTE: ALL rooms on the 1st floor close at 10:00 pm Sun-Thu; 6 pm Fri & Sat)
    • Rm 113 – Group study room – (seats 6 people)
    • Rm 114 – Media recording room – (seats 5 people)
    • Rm 115 – Media recording room – (seats 5 people)
    • Rm 116 – Media editing room – (seats 3 people)
    • Rm 117 – Media editing room – (seats 3 people)
    • Rm 120 – Group study room – (seats 9 people)
    • Rm 124 – Group study room – (seats 10 people)
    • Rm 126 – Group study room – (seats 10 people)

    2nd floor (NOTE: ALL rooms on the 2nd floor close at 10:00 pm Sun-Thu; 6 pm Fri & Sat)
    • Rm 228 – Group study room – (seats 10 people)
    • Rm 229 – Group study room – (seats 10 people)
    • Rm 230 – Group study room – (seats 10 people)
    • Rm 231 – Group study room – (seats 10 people)
    • Rm 232 – Group study room – (seats 10 people)

    3rd floor – MAIN floor (NOTE: ALL rooms on the 3rd floor close at midnight Sun-Thu; 6 pm Fri & Sat)
    • Rm 331 – Group Study – (seats 10 people)
    • Rm 332 – Group Study – (seats 10 people)
    • Rm 333 – Group Study – (seats 10 people)
    • Rm 334 – Group Study – (seats 10 people)
    • Rm 335 – Group Study – (seats 10 people)

    4th floor (NOTE: ALL rooms on the 4th floor close at 10:00 pm Sun-Thu; 6 pm Fri & Sat)
    • Rm 429 – Group Study – (seats 10 people)
    • Rm 430 – Group Study – (seats 10 people)
    • Rm 431 – Group Study – (seats 10 people)
    • Rm 432 – Group Study – (seats 10 people)
    • Rm 433 – Group Study – (seats 10 people)

Study Room Usage: Policies

  • Study rooms are intended as a quiet place for students to work and study. Please keep noise levels to a minimum so as not to disturb other library users.
  • If additional seating is required please return it to the floor when you leave the study room. Any other furniture including tables and moveable whiteboards should not be moved in the study rooms.
  • Per Ramapo College policy, only service animals are allowed in the study rooms.
  • Personal belongings should not be left unattended in the study rooms. The library is not responsible for loss, theft, or damage of personal property.
  • Please note that you may be asked to move if you are a single person occupying a room meant for big groups or you are a big group occupying a room meant for a maximum of 3 people.
  • Study rooms may not be used for regularly scheduled seminars, classes, club meetings, or other extra-curricular activities.
  • Study rooms should be left clean. Please throw away trash in trash cans and clean the whiteboards before leaving.


Please note that you will be asked to leave the building if you do not comply with the Study Room policies. Thank you for your cooperation.