About Information Literacy Instruction

About Information Literacy Instruction

Information Literacy Program and Assessment Coordinator: Christina Connor (Contact: cconnor@ramapo.edu, ext. 7581)

Goals and Outcomes of the IL Program at Ramapo

Goal 1. Determines the information needed
Outcome: Determines a manageable idea/paper topic

Goal 2. Finds and obtains the information needed
Outcome: Constructs and implements a search strategy and uses various information resources to obtain information in the library and beyond

Goal 3. Evaluates and incorporates the appropriate information
Outcome: Understands the difference between types of sources


Most sessions run approximately 90 minutes.

Sessions are typically faculty-requested. Librarians request that professors attend their requested library session.

Information literacy is taught developmentally at the Potter Library. Classes are divided among three different tiers – Beginner Level Researcher, College Level Researcher, and Future Scholar. The Beginner Researcher Level focuses on the fundamental skills of information literacy, while the College and Future Scholar Levels transition to discipline-specific and non-traditional resources and methods.

Beginner Level Research: 100 – 200 level classes

  • Classes focus on library basics
    • Using the catalog – finding books and other library owned materials
    • Using the databases – finding articles
    • Primary database used for First Year Seminar and Critical Reading and Writing classes is Academic Search Premier. Other databases may be demonstrated and recommended depending on the class subject matter and research project.
    • Difference between scholarly and popular sources
    • Basic search strategies
  • Additional information may be covered at request of professor and/or discretion of the librarian

College Level Researcher: 300 level classes

  • Classes focus on discipline-specific sources, review of basics when necessary
    • Subject-specific databases are introduced as well as other subject-specific resources (as needed)
    • Review of basic search strategies as well as an introduction to advanced search strategies is provided
  • Additional information may be covered at request of professor and/or discretion of the librarian

Future Scholar: 400 level classes

  • Classes focus on discipline-specific sources, review of basics when necessary
    • Heavy focus is given to research assignment and important disciplinary resources
    • Review basic and/or advanced search strategies when necessary
  • Additional information may be covered at request of professor and/or discretion of the librarian


All sessions are assessed with appropriate level assessment quiz. The assessment quiz generally takes between 5-10 minutes.

Librarians recommend the assessment quiz be taken during the session. If for whatever reason the quiz cannot be administered during the time of the session, please administer the test to your class using the paper version (provided by the librarian), and return the completed tests back to the librarians as soon as possible.

In addition to student assessment quizzes, librarians will send a satisfaction survey to faculty to gauge faculty satisfaction with sessions and student work. Not all faculty will be surveyed every semester. Faculty will be chosen at random and contacted by either Christina Connor or Leigh Keller. Participation in the faculty survey is greatly appreciated.

For past assessment data, please see below.