Course Reserves Form

Course Reserves Form

Please review Reserve Guidelines prior to filling out a request

  • Faculty is responsible for copyright compliance
  • Photocopies over 25 pages will be processed as print reserves due to copyright restrictions.
  • The Library cannot be held responsible for lost or missing items.

IMPORTANT NOTE: You must use your Ramapo email address for this request to be processed!

Instructor Information:

Course Information:

(ex: Pre-Calculus)
(ex: MATH 115 - 01)
(All items will be removed after 1 year
unless we are otherwise notified.)

Bibliographic Information:

Item Information (Title, Author, Call Number and URL (can be copied and pasted from the Library Catalog))


* Bring faculty owned items labeled with professor's name and course number to the circulation desk.

Use the title in your syllabus. Use chapter titles, rather than chapter numbers.

Maximum file size: 102.4MB

* Required Field