Universal Access
Library staff will assist patrons with disabilities in retrieving materials, arranging special loans, making photocopies and more. Ask for assistance at the Circulation Desk or Elizabeth Siecke, Serials and Electronic Resources Librarian. x7318, LC319, esiecke@ramapo.edu
Facilities & Equipment
The library and collections are wheelchair accessible. Other accommodations include:
- Entrance ramps
- Elevators
- Accessible rest rooms
- Photocopiers with enlarging capabilities
- Off-campus access to databases
- CCTV print enlarger
Assistive Technology
The Office of Specialized Services offer free, web-based programs such as non-visual Web readers, voice-recognition software, and more. Please check their Assistive Technology page for more information.
Office of Specialized Service
oss@ramapo.edu (email) or:
201.684.7514 (voice)
201.684.7092 (TTY only)
Fax 201-684-7004
201.585.2071 voice:2072 TDD/TTY.