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Patricia Lim Ching Chang

Patricia Lim Ching Chang Patricia Lim Ching Chang was born the youngest of 13 in 1925 in Hong Kong. She lived a challenging and impressive life — she had to flee to live in Macau to continue her education, went to nursing school in London, worked as a nurse at John’s Hopkins Hospital in Maryland, moved to Canada, married and had her only child (Patrick Chang) and then moved to Queens, NY (working at Elmhurst Hospital) and later Florida. For 55 years of her adult life, she lived in a physically and psychologically abusive marriage, sometimes suffering broken bones and other serious injuries. For many decades we pleaded with her to leave Pat’s dad to move up with us, and even were able to assist in his prosecution and conviction on two instances of battery, and (temporary) restraining orders. By the time she finally decided to take us up on that offer at age 89, she was down to 85 pounds from my dad’s controlling her food and ended up, once again, in the hospital.

For the last almost five years of her life she lived happily and healthily in an assisted living residence in Bergen County, about 8 minutes away from us. We made sure the facility had Pat’s dad’s photograph at the front desk to prevent any potential kidnapping attempts and the whole staff knew about her situation. They even did not put her last name outside her door. While up here in New Jersey she got divorced at age 90, got manicures for the first time in her life, ate at all kinds of restaurants, wore so much costume jewelry you wondered how she could move her arms, and charmed everyone she met. She died peacefully in 2019 at age 94 with us by her side.

Not only was Patricia a registered nurse (which is why we wanted her room located near the nursing collections), but she was so surprising as a person. Even through her various traumas, she loved socializing and hot pink and sparkly things. We are forever grateful to her for finally allowing us to help her live a better life and we are grateful for the inheritance she gave us.

Education was very important to Patricia and she often reminded us that we had promised to give part of our inheritance to help those who need it. Because Ramapo had been such a big part of our adult lives, and even though we were no longer working there, we decided the first gift from Patricia’s trust would be to the Peter Mercer Learning Commons.

Now that you are at Ramapo College, a world of choices you may not have imagined is open to you. Remember, it’s never too late to live your best life.

If you or anyone you know is in an abusive relationship, there are resources available to you on this campus to help.


Patrick and Anne Chang


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