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Strategic Technology Advisory Board (STAB)

Strategic Technology Advisory Board (STAB) Charter

Date Endorsed by MET: 3/13/2024

The purpose of the STAB is to provide advice on the development and advancement of academic and administrative computing resources. The STAB serves as the advisory board for the ongoing systematic development and advancement of computing resources in the context of the overall institutional planning process. The primary goal for the STAB is to provide advice to the Information Technology Services (ITS) department with respect to the overall role of technology in executing the strategy of the College including, but not limited to, major technology investments, technology strategy, operational performance, and technology trends that may affect the operations of the College. The secondary goal for the STAB is to provide advice to ITS with respect to the timing of implementation of changes to computing and technology-related resources, systems, and processes and with respect to communicating the when, how, and why of changes. The STAB serves an important advisory function by providing perspectives and guidance to those technology integration professionals who have decision- making authority.


Members of the STAB should be broadly representative of the campus community. Members should be leaders from their respective cores who have an understanding of the College’s strategic goals, have the authority to coordinate unit resources to achieve those goals, and are accountable within their respective cores for the success of resource allocation decisions. Members of the STAB should have awareness of the various technologies used across the Core that they represent.

Membership includes the following:

  • VP, Operational and Administrative Integration (serves as Chair of the Board)
  • CIO (serves as Executive Secretary of the Board)
  • Designated representatives from the following Cores (as appointed by the Core VPs):
    • Executive Core
    • Fiscal Health Core
    • Outreach & Engagement Core
    • Student Well-Being Core
    • Teaching, Learning, and Growth Core

Given the critical connection between technology and the academic mission of the College, the Teaching, Learning, and Growth Core should have multiple representatives in order to capture the diverse perspectives from the various schools and entities that make up the core. As such, the Provost may appoint up to five representatives to serve on the STAB. Initially, representatives from the Teaching, Learning, and Growth Core will include:

  • Vice Provost
  • One (1) Dean
  • Two (2) Faculty Members

The committee may invite additional representatives from the Faculty Assembly (FA), the Ramapo Staff Association (RSA), or the Student Government Association (SGA) to participate in specific meetings to gather input on selected topics. The Provost may consider adding the Digital Technology Specialist Librarian (potential future position) as a representative.

The Executive Secretary of the Board will manage a website for the STAB which will provide a forum for information sharing, including agendas, summaries, and key take-aways from each meeting. The Chair of the Board will ensure that key take-aways from each meeting of the STAB are shared with the Mission Element Team (MET), the Cabinet of Agents (COA), and the presidents of the FA, RSA, and SGA.

Meeting Dates
The STAB will meet quarterly.
May 20, 2024 – Meeting Summary
August 15, 2024 –
Areas of Guidance/Oversight

The STAB may provide advice on the following areas:

  • Development of a campus-wide vision for technology use, including alignment of IT Initiatives with academic and administrative priorities;
  • Policy relating to the use of technology, data governance strategy, technology/accessibility, and information security;
  • Development of computing resource budgets and spending priorities;
  • Compliance issues;
  • Cyber security posture;
  • Proposed changes to technology-related resources, systems, and processes;
  • Communication of proposed changes to the campus community;
  • Scheduling of outages and system maintenance; and
  • Major technology initiatives.

The STAB will provide guidance to ITS as ITS leads the development of a framework for Data Governance. A framework for Data Governance will include the provision of policy or procedural guidance on data management, quality, stewardship, protection, compliance, and sharing. The STAB may be asked provide advice to the MET and COA on the use of data to inform decision-making, though a separate committee may be required to serve this function, if required. Such a committee would provide advice on the coordination of data collection, analysis, reporting, and sharing in alignment with academic, student support, and student success priorities.